Are you buying any JRPG from the eShop/PS store sales? Tales of Vesperia and World of Final Fantasy are on sale and they're fantastic games

Any recs? Any hidden gems? Favorite JRPG OST?

I'm enjoying VII REMAKE a lot, just defeated Leviathan, way more fun battle than the one from XV

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The best JRPG is on sale for $0.

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Wasn't this game supposed to get DLC? It has a season pass. It's been like half a year now.

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Mobile kusoge?

Maybe something to do with Corona-chan?

Absolute kino game

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Battle of Gods dlc is coming, i saw an ad for it somewhere

no more ffvii in the op please. we get retarded remake shitposters in the thread because of it. I mean they're coming regardless, let's flatten the curve

Play the original

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Xenoblade and FF7 coomers are literally the worst kind of posters and they keep shitting threads like these. Crazy to think the FFXII OP threads are the one that ends up being the best

This these threads are civil until these shits show up.

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That was pretty tough.

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That Tifa looks very unethical. Just saying, you might want to censor that one with a lot of black.

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Vita version of Disgaea 4, got Priere awhile ago and holy fuck she's busted.
>Can get a 2nd turn from defeating enemies with normal attacks
>another ability to force enemies to counter against her
>she can miss and still get enemies to counter back
>she can counter back so much that most enemies die trying to counter against her counters
>she ends up getting a 2nd turn from this
Just another reason why she's my waifu.

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Its not even the BoG story. You just end up on Beerus's planet and fight Whis/Beerus a bunch until you can unlock god form and fight lvl250 Beerus. Typical low effort Scamco content.

Labyrinth of Touhou 2 (Plus)

San kyuu

I got to the start of phase 2 of Ar Tonelico 2 after staying with Cloche at the route split. I'm a bit conflicted right now. The gameplay is pretty engaging and most of the characters are more fleshed out compared to 1's, but I don't really feel invested in the story or what's going on in general. Maybe it's due to how unstable everything feels when party members leave and rejoin every hour or two and they aren't as antagonistic as I'd expect from two opposing factions. Or it's because I don't see any clear end goal when it comes to the story.
Lyner had the job of going to the Lower World, getting the plot trinket, and going back to Platina to save his people. He had personal reasons driving him because it's his own hometown getting wrecked by viruses. You witness his journey and how he gets to know more about the entire world through his inexperienced eyes. Meanwhile Croix has grown up in Metafalss and he's just some dude doing his job. It's a very different perspective. It feels like he's mainly reacting to events and getting swept up in the flow. His outburst against Luca in the dungeons made no sense, considering every time someone shipped them up to that point he denied them being a couple, but suddenly he starts talking about how she played with his feelings as if he cared.
I'll have to read up on the lore in the glossary later since I'm actually interested in the setting and how it differs from the first game's, but nobody is really doing any exposition dumps since Croix is already familiar with how the world works. I should also stop comparing the game to it's predecessor so much, but it's a tough mentality to break out of.

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>that feel when the perfect JRPG doesn't exist

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Just bought FFXII, will finish 7 and then play XII with the SFF mod, then Ao no Kiseki.

I'm currently emulating the JAP version of the International version of Final Fantasy X, and playing Troubleshooter: Abandoned Child
Playing FFX in English still, but apparently the JAP version runs at 60fps whereas the EUR version runs at 50 lmao fuckin eurocucks

JPRG newfag so no idea what's truly good and shit so starting with FF games 4 through 15 while I wait for 7R on PC. I'm sure I'll learn the true kinos to play over time.

You have quite the journey ahead of you. Have fun

>played through the first 6-7 hours of Trails in the Sky like half a year ago
>notice that 80% of the side quests have expired

My autism tells me to restart.

I just received an oled PSVitamwith persona 4 golden. What else should I look out for bros?

this is nopt spammerino i swer
let me post you fuck

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Mod your vita and ditch those awful sony memory cards

dafuq is up with her chin

Cloud's balls aren't resting on them

The story this time around is much more focused on Luca and Cloche, Croix is much more of a supporting protagionist. It's a different style of storytelling that I feel works better with the grander story in the end.
Phase 3 is atrocious but stick through it user.