What redeeming factor does the FFVII remake have?

What redeeming factor does the FFVII remake have?

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Jessie and trap Cloud


Where is Tifa?

Updated porn models.

It has no real flaws, so why does it need redeeming factors?

Good combat, character writing, music and the midgar part is superior to the originals midgar section.

The combat is unironically fun, especially on Hard.

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They're gonna increase Tifa's chest size, I hope.

>It has no real flaws

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Whose leg is that?

the fact that its missing 90% of the game is a pretty noticeably flaw mate im surprised you missed it on your first time through

None. It shouldn't exist. Don't support officially licensed fan fiction.

except aerial combat




resurgence of porn. specifically for my girl Tifa

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ruh roh

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Who's cocc is that?

fucking kek

I'm okay with this.
I want it to be a vid.

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even better than i imagined

Post Tifa now please, I need to forget what I just saw

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RIP dumb phoneposter

It's one of the best AAA games I have played this generation.

>You can discuss porn here, just don't actually post any pictures, even spoilered
Just delete the whole thread.

i actually think these remake changes are really good in the aspect of the future. we could have gotten a story we already know with advent child graphics, but after a while i noticed how nice this could be for ffxiii

what was it


Music is the only top tier thing this game has going for it.

Remake =/= Remaster

So when do these ghosts make the story bad? I'm on ch.13 and so far they haven't done anything noticeable. Almost a straight 1:1 with a shit ton more added to make the story more meaty like ch.4 and making wall market longer with new characters. Some decent some meh

That is Cloud's leg. There's another man below his ass and they are rubbing their cocks together.


Ch.18 is so bad it puts a lasting sour taste in your mouth. Enjoy Nomura's baloney!


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What was it?

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