What went right?

What went right?

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arcade quality ports

My game.

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Not its marketing.

Nearly everything on a hardware level but SEGA was being so retarded there was no hope for the dreamcast.


The shell.

It's one of the most aeshetic consoles of all time, right next to the original GBA. Just screams late 90's/early 2000's consumer electronics.

Not true actually. The Dreamcast had a great marketing campaign and it was initially a huge success. Unfortunately the PS2 came along just a year later and kind of killed its momentum.



The Capcom games in its library.

What a sexy console.

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Forgot pic.

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I never owned one.
Is that controller comfortable to hold? It looks very bulky and there's a lot of empty space

Fucking everything exept marketing and release date, for which the marketing higher ups need to be fucking burned alive.

My game.

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>press your penis against the tv

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It fits in your hands very comfortably. There's plenty to grip on both sides.
The analog stick is one of the most precise and accurate I ever used, but the surface is hard and rough. It irritates your thumb after a while. The dpad is also mushy garbage.
Triggers are excellent too.

The DC controller design is truly baffling. Sega had a world renowned d-pad that they just ditched for no reason. And yeah, the hard plastic analog stick is kind of inexcusable considering the DualShock was already on the market.

The Saturn 3D controller looks comfortable and looks like a direct improvement over the Dreamcast's, but I never got an opportunity to use one.

Out of the three, which were better?
Gamecube, Dreamcast, or Playstation 2?

I will forever defend the Dreamcast. Imagine a timeline where it had gotten the support it deserved.

Attached: dreamcast.jpg (767x692, 42.78K)

Gamecube had some gems, but PS2 by a mile.

Most people will say PS2 but I played my Dreamcast and GameCube way more.

Space Channel 5

Which would you recommend for a retro game console?

Definitely Dreamcast for all the arcade accurate ports.

When I can oversee dem final fantasys I say dc

Capcom really put their weight behind the Dreamcast, just so many great games.
And they didn't give up until the very end, Cannon Spike came out in Europe in 2002. I know the game came out earlier in other territories but European release could have easily been cancelled, but they went through with it.

The DC launched at a weird time - it was a monster next to the PSX and N64 but was vastly outclassed by the PS2 and (obviously) GC.

>be 6 years old
>come from poor family
>inherit Dreamcast from older brother when he bought an Xbox
>go to the vidya store every Wednesday to see if any new games came out
>sods at the vidya store would always say 'no new games this week, try again next week'
>the new releases never came

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It’s definitely has the worst dpad of all the Sega controllers. The SMS’s is my personal favourite

It came at the end of the Early-3D Era, right?
I was the same way when I asked in 2009 when the new Mechwarrior game was coming out.
>Its coming out in June!
>It was never June.

Underrated post. The dreamcast still looks great today. Also really tiny for what it was packing at the time.

That's a bit of an oversimplification. The Dreamcast had advantages in certain areas that made ports to PS2 and Gamecube inferior, like its large VRAM (DoA 2), audio DSP (Skies of Arcadia) and its high precision Z-Buffer and order-independent transparency (Sonic Adventure).
Those consoles weren't direct improvements, you had to do a lot of work in the port to get superior results.

VGA output was fantastic, really forward thinking as well. It took until the 360 to get another console that could natively output VGA (and a fuck ton of other video standards as well).

God I miss colorful Japanese games.

Why did Capcom like the Dreamcast so much anyway? They even wanted to release RE3 there first, but were forced by contracts to rename it to RE CV.