what went wrong with the island? there's obviously a lot of effort put into it, but something is off
Resident evil 4
the island was my favorite part
my shit taste continues to amaze me
also, is red9 truly the best handgun or is it overrated?
How? What about it do you like so much?
The enemies felt like generic solders the atmosphere wasn't there like the other levels besides the Regenerator section.
>page 9 in under 10 mins
my bad for trying to make a thread after a major leak
I think it might be because the island is a bit more claustrophobic compared to castle and village. and since it is at the end of the game you are super powered with equipment making scavenging for equiptment and treasure unneccesary unlike how it is in the earlier parts.
i want to say that there aren't any best guns, however there are guns that are easier to use. the automatic rifle, the striker and red9 are all incredibly newbie friendly. I personally don't agree with the sentiment that everytime you play the game that you should just use your standard reliable loadout. its boring to use all the best guns at the same time since the game is already easy once you get the hang of it. Its a lot more rewarding to challenge yourself with experimentation with the weaponry. Personally I really enjoy the matilda and minelayer, they are super strong and Im surprised more people don't talk about them.
pic is right after fighting it
desu I enjoyed it more than most of the castle. It's quick and the action is great
while nothing beats the village, I absolutely love the castle. it's so unique and has a ton of fun scenarios
theres nothing wrong with the island, its really short compared to the rest of the segments tho. RE4's endgame is way way way better than RE5's endgame. RE4s experience remains steady and consistently fun all throughout the game. RE5 however turns to instantly unfun the instant the enemies get guns, the last segment (which I barely remember even though I played it not too long ago) is a completely different game compared to the beginning. It was fun shooting niggers in village slums, but having firefights with zomboid negro soldiers in factory A was boring and lame.
RE4s island is pretty much the same as before except more actionpacked and more fast paced. At least all the enemies didnt get fucking AK-47s and turn into an RE animated movie.
I feel like the castle will benefit the most from new graphics/engine. So much can be done in the remake. HD Project already looks amazing, imagine what it could look like in the RE engine.
6-3 was a great chapter though, the soundtrack helped a lot too.
tons will be cut probably
Bad pacing. Just becomes gun battle after battle with ranged plagas
>what went wrong with the island?
Nothing. It's just that the castle was so good that it made the island look bad in comparison
Gun battles with ranged plagas? I have played the island several times and I don't understand what you're refering to
If capcom or konami (whoever it is who makes re) ever remake RE4 they're gonna remix the shit out of the whole game. While Im open to new interpretations and additions, Im afraid they're just gonna remove shit like the lava room, the maze, the prison with the regenarator etc etc. Meanwhile they forget about adding potentially new guns, costumes, mini campaigns like Ada's, better Mercenaries and such. They're gonna fuck it up.
Most of the environments are half-assed. Just compare them with the island and castle. Most of the island and castle environments look complete, there isn't a bunch of random garbage blocking the way. And it's not just the graphical assets, the scenarios also got pretty lazy. The only island areas that feel like they weren't cobbled together at the last minute are the regenerator sequences.
And then you have the story. Thematically, the island has very little going for it. The game introduces Krauser, who apparently has a history with Leon that the player had no acknowledge of up until that point. The "OH NO WE'RE INFECTED!" subplot which was one of the only elements of the story the game actually good seriously was conveniently resolved right before the final boss by a random machine, which Saddler didn't bother to disable or even guard in any way. Then Saddler still tries to possess them in the end and looks like an absolute retard. Did he not know about the machine? It's clear there was originally something more there but they had to sweep it under the rug to get the game finished on time.
I don't think the island is irredeemable because it's still RE4, the core gameplay props up the weak content.
The Island is padded to hell, it never ends.
>good seriously
*took seriously
I liked the island during the lab and waste section. Also the castles favorite parts for me are when youre underground fighting Verdugo or doing the mine kart shooting part. I think I just like weird underground portions of games.
I always just freeze Verdugo and one-shot him with the rocket, it feels too good
what will this guy look like in the re engine
Because the village is the best part, the castle is has its moments but besides the regenerator the island dosn't have anything other then generic soldiers on some bootleg metal gear island.
+ A cool jacket
Probably the most intimidating RE enemy there's ever been
I hope so
also looking forward to novistadors
As good of a game as re4 is with gameplay mechanics, it's tone is all over the fucking place. You have a problem with it because you just came from a spooky european lava castle with giant toy monsters and millions of human roaches witha more comedic tone, to a more grounded horror section with horror monsters and a more serious tone.
RE4's big problem is that it's all over the place with it's plot, characters, and visual themes.
yep, missed this, but this is exactly my point. It's still a great game though.
I really loved the armaduras boss fight, but that will definitely be cut
When I first played through the village section, I thought re4 was going to be the creepiest survival horror game of all time. By the end of it you're firing off semi auto shotguns and rifles like it's a CoD ripoff. It lost the entire creepy atmosphere after the village.
>CoD ripoff
do you even think before you type? how is that CoD in any way, shape or form?
Yeah, kinda what me and the other user said, tonally/thematically the horror stops after the eastern European town. Then it becomes weird JRPG semi comedy in the church, then slight horror in the courtyard, then action movie, then horror again with the labs/regenerators, then action again.
It's a great game that has fun with itself, but it forgets it's survival horror 1/4th of the way in.
That's because it's literally an amalgamation of four different scrapped projects. The previous director wasn't getting it done so Mikami had to step in and finish the game. It's a miracle that the game turned out as good as it did.
sorry for nitpicking but it's actually southern europe, which I appreciate a lot because it's underutilized in video games
same, the way their helmets pop off is really satisfying
>best gun
The Silver Ghost is the best gun by far
>tfw popping all the helmets then flash, instantly destroying them all
feels so right