What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


C-could it be the guy with tons of ties to the AAA industry is ultimately a huge supporter of flagship products designed to sell consoles and raise shareholder prices?

>leaving your whole game
rat doesn't even know it was just some fucking cutscenes and non-gameplay

>So many better ways to channel that rage

Is there though? It was from a disgruntled employee who wasn't given pay during the time he was promised. What can a grunt level dev actually do against higher-ups other than leak the fucking game as a giant fuck you? He hit them were it hurts.

He probably wanted another disgruntled empployee to talk to him about ND working conditions and not bomb his precious Sony game, since this would only hurt ND and not Sony, the game leaking exposes both

>he shills for better dev working conditions around the clock
>when a dev actually rises up and does something about it he complains

so this could've been easily avoidable by... paying your workers?


Satanic kike is pissed a fine product of Jewish propaganda will no longer have its full subversive effect.

kike corporate bootlicker. what has this faggot even done to have any sort of presence in the industry

>You get what you fucking deserve!

Talk with disgruntled. which makes him complaining about a disgruntled employee hilarious

What if companies treated their employees like people?

>also if you are willing to send me the links first its fine
>I still don't understand why kotaku is blacklisted from zenimax

Holy shit what a stupid hypocrite

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>hurts workers
haven't they already been paid?

hmm maybe we should go back to making video GAMES that are fun to PLAY and aren't sold on the merits of their cliched hollywood wannabe stories

bro, go be a jew somewhere else, twitter has enough nonsense going on for you to add more to it

Who cares, shit game from a shit dev with a typical blogger dick sucking them

Schreier is a huge piece of shit.

so...the whole game?

>stop leaking my game
Why do they care? Maybe add some actual gameplay so that it doesnt matter

False, as a rule of thumb the decision that causes the largest amount of butthurt is the correct one

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This Jew protecting his Jewish friend Druckmann

what he said "so many better ways to channel that rage" ---> talk to me goyim, WE will expose them

>a tester gives af

>So many better ways to channel that rage
Such as...?

How many of the devs are going to make less money because of the leaks? Am I supposed to believe they work on commission or something? Fuck that lying faggot.

I thought it was some Spanish translating team that leaked the shit, hence why so much of the subtitles in the cutscenes are in Spanish.

>______ culture

I don't know why but this phrasing pisses me off

When your game gambles so much on it being a story driven narrative you better assume that this kind of a risk will destroy your game. Imagine if this leak would happen to a game like Doom. People would be like "So what?" and continue shooting demons. As an ending statement the only thing i can say is "Cheers Duckman!" and "Up yours!"

Same here.

he is angry the leaker didn't go to him

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He could shoot up the place like other Americans do.

I don't see how this hurts the workers. So the story got leaked, big deal. If you are just an animator or programmer how much does that bother you really? Leaking and spoiling a game does not make the game shit or unsuccessful on it's own.

imagine working 16 hour days so your project director can release his jerkoff oscarbait movirgame

What a fucking cuck.

Lmao imagine Naughty Dog saying this after they were just fucked by their own inability to give people their contracted pay. Commission or bonuses are even less assured than a salary.

They can't use that card.


>shills for muh dev unions and shit all the time
>takes company side when chips are down

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>Doesn't hurt management
>only hurts workers
That's only true if you work at a shit company. To subscribe to this belief, he would also have to believe that Naughty Dog is a shit company.

Seriously i always thought it was a joke but this is crazy. Every fucking time there's a slimy rich media cunt it's always a jew.

Jews help each other. They don't care about anyone else.

Shouldn't journalists be in favor of leaks?

Isn't this the same fucker who leaks a ton of shit himself?

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imagine being cucked by your workplace lmao


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Getting interviewed by a known industry shill.

he's a corporate stoolpigeon that would take the opposite side of the argument if the leaker came to him instead of just dumping the footage
he's saying that they should have unionized, an act that would have surely gotten everyone fired, instead of leaking gameplay and only gave the company itself a fiscal knock

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Mr. Bloomberg speaks

Exactly. Your game shouldn't be 100% reliant on a (shitty) gimmick plot. A fucking movie or book should be well-written enough that spoilers don't ruin it, let alone a video game. In fact, I've had plenty of games spoiled for me and they didn't invalidate the entire experience like it does for TLOU.

I never would have imagined the crash bandicoot company would eventually he talen over by a kike that just wants to make HBO shows

the employees people got paid anyway, this will only hurts sales, that is, the company and investors.

that insufferable faggot needs to lose his job with zero financial security and khs.

Like writing an opinion piece on kotaku dot com of course.

What he wants people to think he means:
>Your actions have hurt everyone working on the game
What actually happened:
>Employees in a throw-away culture workplace decreased the value of the company's product, lowering the sale potential for shareholders
What he actually means:

Yeh, he sounds like a emotional wreck. The emoji proves it

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>it hurts workers

Like... it hurts their feelings? Because it doesn't otherwise affect them, unless they were promised bonuses based on sales, which isn't likely.

Sending him the leaks first, of course

>BR giving a shit about this

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Lol movie games suck ass

how the fuck does leaking ruin anyone's work lmao pokemon leaked like a sieve, looked like complete garbage and sold better than it ever has


the hint that what you are doing is effective is that other people are crying and angry about it. definitely made the right choice but the dude will be fucked by lawsuits

imagine if they still owned crash, nina would have bashed crash's head in with a crystal and beat coco into a bloody pulp by now

stop noticing things friend

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>Crunch culture
Holy fuck twitter isn't real

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If a leaker had gone to Jason and offered him exclusive rights to all the leaks, you fucking bet he would've jewed it up, he's just salty he didn't get the clickbait bux from this

WAH don't bully my friends. This guy sucks.

I do understand what he trying to say, but isn't the most basic idea over here is that if the company have paid this person base on his work, then none of this would be happen?

>i empathize with people
>thats why they should have dealt with not being paid by getting themselves fired for trying to unionize
smart guy

>this action doesn’t just hurt management - it hurts workers
Wrong, the workers who made the game were already paid, this does only hurt management. Based leaker

Imagine the awards they would have won for that

Industry-connected media shill begs dev who lost real money to not do the only thing he can do to get revenge.

No surprise there.

Remember, Yas Forums is always right whether you agree or not.

So when is Twitter going to get glassed anyway

It's even worse than that. At least with real jerkoff oscarbait you get solid paychecks and your name will be in the credits, no matter how many farts the director sniffs. The games industry has absolutely 0 standards.

This guy is jewish so I don't believe a word he says.

>So many better ways to channel that rage
>"P-Please.. give me scoops"
Suddenly workplace enviroment doesn't care anymore huh

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Commies are so pathetic. Things NEVER work out the way they want, and they always cry “noooo why didn’t u start a workers revolution like u were supposed to :(“

Nah, this is the best F-U to any boss you can do in the video game industry. Kudos to the fucker who did it.

How the fuck would it hurt workers, the ones who are pissed off because they are being like shit

The regular devs get paid (in theory when you aren’t working under an Israeli jew, hence the anger) regardless of sales

It was a huemonkey that leaked the game.

Whose side is Yas Forums on here? Management or dev?

what do they think of blacked?

weekly mass shooting

This. Schreier's been writing these exposes for a while now but they haven't done much to improve anything.

why does this retard get so many fucking screencap threads. hes just a fucking journo that never says anything profound or interesting.

>Der jude


I agree. There were better ways at getting back at Naughty Dog. Like going to journalists and telling your story. Not ruining the game for millions of people and possibly letting people lose their jobs.

This. Are people not worried that a game can be ruined by some story spoilers? It means you are buying the game for the story and the gameplay is a means to an end. You'd be better of reading a book as the story would be better developed and cheaper too

He's just pissed he didn't get to leak it.

How does it hurt the workers? They should have already been fucking paid.

They're in Portuguese, ignorant Amerimutt.

Try and unionize, I guess? Probably not what Schreier meant though. Plus there's zero reason the leaker can't do this and then use the publicity to try and get a union going/draw attention and support to existing ones.

Fuck this Jew. I'm glad the employee leaked it. He did exactly what I would've done. Anyone who pays top dollar for this Jew fucking game with its Jew fucking story and anti white bullshit.

This. He's mad that he, the middle man was totally passed over and something was actually achieved. Fucking dirty jew.

It's like if every asshole you met was named Chad. At first you're like
>What a funny coincidence haha
But after a hundred assholes named chad you're like
>Hmmmm could it be

Neither. devs knew that some of their peers were working without pay, but they were happy to stand back and be neutral instead of risking their own backs by standing up for their mates. damn torys, the lot of them.

Go fuck yourself. This game isn't worth $60. It should be free.

What if his crunch story was planned by ND to pacify the abused devs so they don't do something to hurt their bottom line?

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He made a post ONE TIME about him hating anime tits and now he's doomed to be religiously covered by autists until the end of time

>it hurts workers
no it doesn't.
workers already got paid (or were suppose to get paid).

Ur not supposed to leak it to public ur supposed to leak it to Jason first!

This but unironically. Take one for the team and kill Druckmann.

I meant
>Holy shit why am I so jewish?

Have sex.

>I've gotta step up and protect the fellow chosen person!

How do we know it was due to someone wanting to get back at management? I've seen the leaks, but I haven't seen anyone post the context behind why there are leaks.

0.03 Shekels have been paid into your account.

He meant "come to me and I'll tell your story (in a way that exonerates management of any wrongdoing)".

Rapping to keep the negros happy.

Dilate, retard.

>implying the leak of a setting is equivalent to the leak of a story-intensive game’s major plot points and ending
Yas Forums becomes stupider by the day

Placing blame on Jewish people as to why your life didn't turn out how you or your parents wanted it to is unhealthy and fruitless.

They always are.
>heres our working conditions
>its just crunch, it will get better, I promise
>dont worry its just two days before we go gold everything gets better after that
>oh we have to worry about the day 1 patch up to release but after that its okay

>its one week before release and we are downsizing until we have to hire for our new job
>overtime pay? you have no overtime on our records
>no, youre not allowed in our office, company policy, please email HR department

Now kiss.

I've never seen a picture of this guy before until now. He's LITERALLY a fucking Jew.

Well leaking the game isn't going to help, he's going to get sued into oblivion. Probably won't find any industrial or tech work ever again because of it.

>it hurts workers
If you leak movies people dont have a reason to watch them, so it hurts sales and by extension, workers. Makes sense. But how does that apply to The la-
Oh. Right.

>You'd be better of reading a book as the story would be better developed and cheaper too
Books are often boring and vapid 'introspections' of boring and vapid characters.

I legitimately cannot understand why anyone cares about the leak lol. It doesn't actually matter. I've read synopsis of maybe 70% of all the movies I've seen and it has not impacted my enjoyment of them at all. Really reading a brief text description of a plot point can never do justice to even a single scene in context, let alone an entire work.

Journalists are using this as an excuse to encourage harsher treatment of game devs. They side with management, provided management is "progressive" enough for their tastes.

Die Jew.

It's like one of the slaves building the pyramids somehow rigged it so that the thing fell down when they finished
Sure it's a big fuck you to the pharaoh, but fuck man, all that work and nothing to show for it

I'm Jewish so blaming all the retards that came before me for the majority of troubles in my life is warranted.

I guarantee you that he e-mailed Jason and he just brushed it off because he doesn't want to run a story against Naughty Dog.

If the guy was really against it then he wouldn't have leaked so many thing in the past.

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Question : Schreier has been leaking games throughout his whole career. Why does this particular leak hurt more to the people working on it than say : announcing a game before the company even shares info on their own terms. (something he has done through and through)
Wouldn't you think they get emotionally hurt that they can't surprise fans with their announcements on project they've been working on? Announcing release dates before fans thought a game could be available? So why defend this one in particular? Story driven game get a pass? What's an acceptable leak and who decides that?

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>bonuses? you werent on the team at time of release, we have 120 names from our devteam in the credits and you certainly arent one of them.

>we are hiring 300 new positions for our next project

Say I’m a Jew to my face.

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And Naughty Dog will slowly die, so it all works out in the end.

Are you illiterate?

People who liked TLOU probably don't want the main characters to be murdered.

Nobody cares what that parasite jew meant.

shariff dont like it...rocking the casbah, rocking the casbah...shariff dont like it...rocking the casbah, rocking the casbah

Quick rundown?

Sure. And when you put your hands on me I'll gouge your fucking eyes and and break your Jew nose.

>hurts workers
>workers who didn’t get paid for their work
Hmmm big think here

>It's like one of the slaves building the pyramids somehow rigged it so that the thing fell down when they finished
That's the equivalent of leaking devkits and proprietary console software
This faggot uploaded a couple of cutscenes. How exactly is that supposed to topple anything, you sensationalist retard?

>Are people not worried that a game can be ruined by some story spoilers?
Sure, but that's been a thing for so long now and it's not going away. There are way more people that like stories than actually like games, so there are inevitably going to be people in the industry that want to cater to those crowds. Nothing you or I can do to stop it.

Because for all intents and purposes, the entirety of the game is gone. Using Fallout 4 as an example, he never said at the ending you have to kill your son or nuke Boston. He just said it exists, it's in Boston and that's it.

Do you really think a rat like that does anything the industry doesn't want him to? All of his leaks are controlled.

What did he mean by this? Thoughts? Apologize to him Yas Forums. Explain yourselves. Wtf happened? Well? Who was in the wrong here? Defend this. What's his name again? What the fuck was his problem? Refute this. Prove him wrong. Protip: you can't. Why does this trigger Yas Forums so much? Yas Forums BTFO. Would you? Is he "our" guy? He did nothing wrong! Will you buy his game? Buy his game. Convince me to NOT buy this game. Yas Forums suddenly hates X, what happened? Find a flaw. Apologize Yas Forums!. Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit? I'm glad we can all agree on this. How did we go from this...to THIS? JUST. Hold me Yas Forumsros. How do we fix this? Redpill me on this guy. What was his endgame? Whas it kino? What am I in for? What are some games that let me do this? Name 1 (ONE) game that does this. What went wrong? Why is this allowed? Will this save the gaming industry? Can we get one of these threads going? LOL. Keep it vidya. Really makes you think. Will you protect her smile Yas Forums? Just played this, what did I think of it? *blocks your path* Here's your controller bro! Oh no no no no no no *breathes in*. What the fuck were they thinking? Claim you're waifu! People fell for the X meme. *BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP* This is your ____for tonight. This is ____ say something nice about him/her. *Inhales*. X is in. X was never good. X killed millions!. X is a cute! A cute!. How do you respond without sounding mad? Games for that feel?. One copy of X, please. *tink tink tink* AHEM!. Cunny thread!. *random twitter pic* kek. *reaction gif* >objective: survive. Enemy can open doors. The absolute STATE of ____!. Yikes! Cringe. Cope. Seething. Dilate. Have sex. >CLEAN IT UP JANNIES. You have to go back. X...home. 20XX...I am...forgotten.... Best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread. Why yes, I only play X how could you tell?

Work on your reading comprehension, retard

Add the GTA 6 one

The outcry this has caused just proves that the game doesn't have worthwhile gameplay at all.
If all anyone cares about in your game is story, why not just making a fuckin netflix series like the rest of the pretentious bottom-of-the-barrel hacks?

read, dickhead

co-ethnic game director. 1.6%. Remember those numbers.

>leaking the reveal and introduction of a major game that had been in development for years isn't that big a deal

Yeah you're right Yas Forums is getting stupider by the day.

>Make shitty game with shitty story and shitty tranny who shouldn't exist in post apocalypse killing main characters of first game.
>Why are you criticizing us? It hurts my feefees please stop....

Wouldn't it be funny if they somehow reversed everything because of this? Joel and Ellie live, Abby dies and is not playable at all, etc etc.

TLOU is a microcosm of jewish influence
>TLOU, druckmann not at the helm, normal
>TLOU, only druckmann
Interracial underage lesbians
>TLOU2, druckmann from the very beginning, totally his vision from this point
Trannies, gratuitous violence inflicted
young queer women, now there is bisexuality and Ellie is a cuckold, Joel killed in a pathetic manner

Like you can clearly see it getting more and more perverted/vulgar as a Jew gets more and more control

Wasn't it over a "pay dispute"? If thats true then the only correct answer is fuck you, bitch wheres my money? the rest is on them.

>NOOOOOOO stop noticing all these people against you are jewish or are married into jewish families!

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if your "whole game" can be spoiled, its not a game
its a fucking movie and you should rethink your priorities you faggot kike

>a single angry hue monkey caused panic to a multi-billionaire company amidst a global pandemic
>so much that their "delayed" game had to be released next month


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You work on yours, he's right, faggot.

HAH! Got 'em!

It isn’t about helping, it!s about punishing those who wronged you.

Try it bitch.

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you're over thinking it. Jason is just mad that he didn't get the leak first. He's only taking this stance so he can remain on friendly terms with Naughty Dog and get access to future leaks of the company. He's not fooling anyone in the industry though as most that I know of in it are laughing at this new stance of his behind close doors.

This faggot leaks shit on the daily. Now that he missed out on the clicks for it he suddenly goes all moral arbiter and woe is the workers blabla revolution.

What a fucking joke.

be silent, plague-rat.

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If you dont want your expectations subverted then go play some NES games. Here in 2020 we appreciate complex storytelling where the protagonist gets beaten to death in the first act.

Upvoted fellow redditor!

It just goes to show that "God's chosen" is never too big to fail. Fuck Jews.

because it's generalizing and often used for condescension

In a murder suicide type of case?

Was Henry Ford not successful?


My friend has been crying about this, it's a realll shit feeling when something you been killing yourself over gets sent out and ruined for people early.

People are so selfish and fucked. But its the process of moving from a creative medium, to releasing it to the public. Always feels like giving your child away.

Too bad the internet can fucking suck. But its good a lot of people are avoiding and protecting from it.