So why do we have to kill the tree? Is there a way to side with it in the end?

So why do we have to kill the tree? Is there a way to side with it in the end?

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wtf don't shoot that tree dude


Zoomers better get out of this thread pronto

You have to be over 25 and own a computer to post this user

Serves you right for lying about being 25. If you were old enough to play you would've gotten the option to side with him.

Poor fucking deku tree

Just turn the game off bro.

I can't wait to play anons I'm only 2 years out

OP here, I'm 27 but maybe it's still too early for me. I think I'll come back and play the game again when I'm 30. I can already see why they say you need to be 25 years old AND own a computer to play this.

Don't talk to it Merry, don't encourage it

you can side with him if you didn't skip the teen romance level

You forgot to make him learnt he vein skill.

Jokes on you losers I'm 24 years old an- wait someone knocking on the door brb

You know I would never skip a teen romance level

Why is the tree always so sad bros? How can we make him happy?

Attached: tree.jpg (950x475, 632.7K)

By being at least 25 or older before playing.

just play vikings instead of the other one, silly

The tree is sad because he knows his possible fate or the fate of the men. He is old, he has seen many lives. He is sad, not for himself, but for you the player. He knows your fate, the fate that
You must be 25 or older to play the game


Hey, you there buddy?

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What the fuck is this meme?

When you're at least 25 years old and own a computer you'll understand, until then it doesn't concern you

Reported for being underage. Serves you right. .

If you played the game you would know why we have to kill the tree. You aren't supposed to playing this. Delete it now.

>is there a way to side with it in the end?

Only if you're over 30. Basically once you've leveled up to wizard class

unfunny version:
>le spooky tree will kill you if you're under 25 XDD
the actual funny shit
>retarded clickbait ads making outlandish claims, using stock images, and appearing side by side

Fuck him

Ahhh so another Emma Watson won’t apologize for her car meme

>Sorry user, i had do it to em'