The fastest way to scare gamers

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>draw a chestlet
>call her nonbinary

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Sup Yas Forums, my pronouns are 俺様 and オメェ, please respect them.

He/Him should be first.


Because that's how it's always been, the natural order.

>no xe/xir
fucking bigots

What's with this pronoun bullshit that everyone is forcing down people's throats

Where's the "your grace/his majesty" option??

Us royals cannot take this opression any longer

Yeah it worked alright

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wouldn't be surprised if black is the default skin color

i will now pirate your game

>Hi my name is Johnathan please call me John
>Wow what the fuck what's with this nickname bullshit everyone is forcing down people's throats?!

Omae wa mou, shinderu.

>The fastest way to scare sane people
fixed that for you op, you're welcome


>Hi I know I'm really a woman named Sarah but I wanna slice my tits off and staple a dick-shaped flesh sack that was cut off of my arm skin in order to simulate a penis. Could you call me John now?
fixed it for you

>If I describe a medical procedure to make it sound disgusting then that means it's bad!

The fastest way to attract fags not actually interested in games.

Had this "girl" who used to hang out in my friend group. I have a very high tollerance for people so was never bothered by them demanding we use their right pronouns.
But it was funny watching them attempt to talk to my wife about "girl stuff" best part was she had two distinct ways of talking, she would talk brash and more like a guy with us but when addressing my wife would soften her voice lower her volume.
Really funny.
Oh she was also a member of the democratic party and actively helped them campaign in the area.
The best night was when our other lib tard friend got in trouble for saying the word gay. He's fun since he talks crass but is such a simping onions boy that he doesn't realize how he talks and what his beliefs are in direct opposition.

>today's episode of "Shit that didn't happen"

>Game where you play as children.
>Intended audience is children.
>Promoting tranny shit.
Every time.


Alphabetical order, dingus.


Got it

>Some jewish whore: We have to teach children the importance of consent.

Nah 100% it did, Knew her back in high school when she was a him. Was a spastic attention seeking autist they really do feel like two entirely different people.
They were a pretty decent role player, they'd use that calmer voice when speaking in character as well.

Thats gross, why add stuff like this in a game?

Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

Why is there always someone like you?

That user was describing the facts

My pronouns are His Goddamn Excellency/His Royal Fucking Highness

Anyone who calls me otherwise and goes to the gulag!

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half of the game is the pronouns list.

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41% statistic is based on a survey and doesn't even cover actual suicides lol

Why would you willingly associate yourself with a tranny? I've met some decent FtMs but every MtF I've met has been one accidental misgendering away from brutally raping someone or killing themselves.

lol fuck trannies

>fuck trannies

Yeah we know you want to

>24 hour peak is at 1,788

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Pronouners are and should be made fun of. Seriously. Any stranger that preemptively tells you their nickname /alias is a dick.

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It's half completed mmo in early access and hasn't been released on consoles yet. I'm surprised it isn't even less

I have a high tollerance for people and it was a D&D group.
They got brought along by players I actually liked and I didn't want to go through the hassel of kicking them out.
As long as peace could be held I was fine with keeping them around, plus it gave me some awfully good chuckles.

They eventually left after I took a break from running D&D. I actually told them I'd still be having the crew over but we would just be playing other games or watching movies, they never came back or even asked if I had started the game back up again.

Nowadays it's just me and my original crew who all used to go to church together.

Though with the Chorona stuff we haven't been able to host a session.

>how to lose sales.png

Nonbinaries are the Agnostic of the religious world.
They just want to be special but don't want to deal with the consequences of choosing.