Is this the website where the leak originated? If so, then I want you guys to know that you are heartless assholes...

Is this the website where the leak originated? If so, then I want you guys to know that you are heartless assholes. Some of us were looking forward to this game and it isn't fair that you went a spoiled it. How would you guys like it if I spoiled something you liked? Huh, yeah didn't think so. Fucking assholes. Try being more thoughtful next time!

Attached: dims.jpg (640x360, 13.58K)

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>Is this the website where the leak originated?
No, it started from Twitter I think.

Why would you want to play this shit, knowing it for what it really is? We saved you the trouble of buyer’s remorse, OP.

nice larp
Now lets talk about the jew question

>If so, then I want you guys to know that you are heartless assholes
The person who leaked this is 100% a ND employee. Already confirmed by insiders.

Your website is posting all about it.
Because the game looks fun and I like the first game.

You're looking for, a website run by a disgruntled NaughtyDog employee named Joshua Moon


>Your website is posting all about it.
I mean, yeah. They do it all the time. Doesn't mean it started from here.

Haha joke is on you, Yas Forums doesn’t like anything. We cannot be spoiled.

Why you browsing topics about the game if you don't want to be spoiled? Sounds like you're a retard.

it started on resetera, dumbass

Reddit told me you guys did it and I've heard about you guys doing this before.

It was done for the greater good. We needed to know the kind of SJW garbage Naughty Dog was churning out. is where it originated, sir

It leaked on Youtube, and the leaker was without a doubt an employee as noone else could have access to that kind of material.

Get fucked

I bet OP is one of those fags who had a mental breakdown at the midnight Harry Potter book launch when a bunch of people were yelling "SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE!!!"

haha leak machine go brrppffftt

The game is garbo friend. By an Xbox instead.

It's a controller

What is wrong with social justice?
Fuck off

I don’t know how you can like the first game and want to play this piece of shit. It ruins all the best characters and forces you to play as a chimped-out tranny. Enjoy your subverted expectations, fag.

Wait, so you are confirming the leaks and spoilers are completely accurate? way to go genius.

>Some of us were looking forward to this gamE

>Is this the website where the leak originated?
Uh, no?!
Kindly fuck off to those who did, namely Resetera.

>Is this the website where the leak originated? If so, then I want you guys to know that you are heartless assholes. Some of us were looking forward to this game and it isn't fair that you went a spoiled it. How would you guys like it if I spoiled something you liked? Huh, yeah didn't think so. Fucking assholes. Try being more thoughtful next time!
Finally, someone said it. Thank you. The one fucking thing I had to look forward to during this time of uncertainty and it was taken away from me. I hope you are happy.

I am interested in the story and gameplay, dumbass
Naughty dog said they were true

If social justice we're just you wouldn't need to append social to the front

>Yas Forums is actually taking this obvious bait
every single one of you should be euthanized

>I hope you are happy.
Well that's two of your hopes dashed then lmao

holy fuck go take your estrogen and dilate, you emotionally unstable mouthbreather
>The leak allegedly comes from someone employed at Naughty Dog, possibly a QA tester, who has not been paid.
Not our fault Naughty Dog pushes for crunch and doesn't pay their employees. Get fucked idiot lmao

I’ve left this website multiple times to avoid getting spoiled for specific games, if you’re that worried about it have a little willpower

What a bunch of idiots then.

weak b8 m8

>Some of us were looking forward to this game and it isn't fair that you went a spoiled it

dude this time i have so say be thankful you dont wanna spent money for this shittfest that is called last of us 2

>Looking forward to hardcore sjw hamfisting

What are you talking about idiot?
I don't browse your dumb website
What would you have them do? lie?

I don't care Neil, fuck off and pay your employees fairly.

>Is this the website where the leak originated? If so, then I want you guys to know that you are heartless assholes. Some of us were looking forward to this game and it isn't fair that you went a spoiled it. How would you guys like it if I spoiled something you liked? Huh, yeah didn't think so. Fucking assholes. Try being more thoughtful next time!

>Finally, someone said it. Thank you. The one fucking thing I had to look forward to during this time of uncertainty and it was taken away from me. I hope you are happy.

Attached: F507B406-626B-4705-B3F6-41725BD33C66.jpg (250x230, 7.32K)

There's nothing wrong with social justice when it's actually needed. Killing off the main protagonists and shoehorning a transgender character in for the sake of diversity isn't proper social justice. It's hijacking a video game storyline to push a political agenda when people should be playing video games to forget about political agendas. Naughty Dog saying they aren'r aiming to make the game fun is the equivalent of EA DICE "If you don't like it don't buy the game.


>if the story is spoiled the game is spoiled
Hopefully the gameplay is good enough on it's own to balance this. Haha lmao no just kidding the gameplay is shit.

We dont like mediocre games, maybe one of our trannies did it

It's not actual justice, you're being reared like a bunch of sheep and you're none the wiser.

>What would you have them do? lie?
Or keep their mouths shut.

>overwork your devs
>pay them shit
>they leak your crap
surpriced pikachu.jpg

You don't get to decide what is or isn't proper social justice retard.

>woman posting

lol get fucked, got to see your shitty movie early

Attached: 1587983390140.jpg (709x500, 44.32K)

Why are you so obsessed with transsexual people?
They are a big business.
They had to respond.

good bait op

>They are a big business.
>They had to respond.
They don't need to, specially since they can just deflect the lack of communication to the pandemic.

Well they did so it doesn't matter
Its not a movie

Neither do you

lol fuck you OP. if you're serious, idgaf, go fuck yourself.

Tough guy when you're anonymous

>Is this the website where the leak originated?

No, you're looking for the notorious and mysterious hacker known as Yas Forums. This is clearly 4channel. You're in the wrong place, pal.

>Its not a movie
It is.

Attached: 91A345A5-AA41-40D9-BA31-146B9C85AB07.jpg (400x400, 27.33K)

Reddit linked me here and I already know that meme.

Good thing I don’t need shit spoiled because I play actual games for the gameplay and not watch games of mcu while mashing cross

I kek'd.

>soooooo my consoomer experience was ruined :(((

I don't know who this "Reddit" person is but I think they may be pulling your leg.

Last of us 1 had great gameplay