Is this the website where the leak originated? If so, then I want you guys to know that you are heartless assholes. Some of us were looking forward to this game and it isn't fair that you went a spoiled it. How would you guys like it if I spoiled something you liked? Huh, yeah didn't think so. Fucking assholes. Try being more thoughtful next time!
Is this the website where the leak originated? If so, then I want you guys to know that you are heartless assholes...
>Is this the website where the leak originated?
No, it started from Twitter I think.
Why would you want to play this shit, knowing it for what it really is? We saved you the trouble of buyer’s remorse, OP.
nice larp
Now lets talk about the jew question
>If so, then I want you guys to know that you are heartless assholes
The person who leaked this is 100% a ND employee. Already confirmed by insiders.
Your website is posting all about it.
Because the game looks fun and I like the first game.
You're looking for, a website run by a disgruntled NaughtyDog employee named Joshua Moon
>Your website is posting all about it.
I mean, yeah. They do it all the time. Doesn't mean it started from here.
Haha joke is on you, Yas Forums doesn’t like anything. We cannot be spoiled.