Um... do we actually like video games here?

Um... do we actually like video games here?

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Most just like shitposting and posting off topic on Yas Forums.

No. This board is just a containment zone for redditors to shitpost and troll without tanking their karma.

>wojak poster

We don't like Jewish leftists subversive movie games. No. If you think that's a video game, no wonder the western game industry is shit.

This is a Nintendo board. Unless it's Nintendo it's shit.

I used to, the whole industry has really started going downhill the last few years though

the only thing we like around here is BBC

Please fuck off back to shiddit, because unlike Yas Forums, you won't get banned for that post, when you should.

>Yas Forums - Video Games
fucking retard, what do you think?

Stop trying to fit in so hard, you fucking embarrassment.

hello newfag. it's important to remember to ignore shitposters that go into threads simply to shit them up. if someone seems retarded, just don't reply to them.
of course we all like video games here, it's Yas Forums. it just so happens that most anons here are not actually good at video games.
imagine seething over one of the most important and influential memes that Yas Forums created being posted
are you really on that much assblast over the retards posting numales?

look at this faggot liking video games

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Yes, but not the ones you like.

Nintendo at least tries to put the fun first in games.

I'm just here for the memes. I can't even play old games.

How can you ignore them? They are the majority of posters in this place.

Fuck off WE are full

>Alt right weeb
As cringe as fucking trannies


He is right, if you posted that you browse Yas Forums just to shitpost in Yas Forums, you would be banned extremely fast.

you have to scrape the good out of the barrel, unfortunately. just look for threads on games you actually know about and enjoy, but most threads about AAA/popular games are just full of shitposters e.g. BOTW threads, god of war threads, dark souls threads. if you get a post about an older PS2 game it'll generally be okay.
this applies to the internet as a whole, not just Yas Forums.

>actually liking video games
I couldn't imagine it, really. Video games were cool in like 2000 when Limp Bizkit were popular. At this point games are more for laughing at than actually playing.


just like being weeded out like a pack of 1990s niggers with no culture

So I can't talk about current big gaming news on Yas Forums without the majority of replies shitting on the topic? Wow, why does anyone browse here?

I go to /vg/ to like video games. I'm only on Yas Forums because I hate gamers.

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Yes, just not the bad ones.

I get the feeling you'd never use that word IRL and only use it on Yas Forums because you're anonymous. Fucking coward.

Only niche japanese smut games.

Have sex

I call people indios to their face
Only one of them fought me

i honestly have no idea. occasionally there's a good thread that shows up around here about a more obscure game or gems in the rough. but if your game gets multiple threads on Yas Forums and is generally well-liked, expect at least one contrarian faggot to show up in the thread trying to farm (You)s.
if you can ignore him, the thread's quality can still turn out to be just fine. i think the only time where the shitposters were impossible to ignore was BOTW because of the immense assblast surrounding that game was of historical proportions. even then there were still some anons having a good time and posting about it.
if you prefer franchises, you might get more luck with /vg/. it depends, some generals are garbage just full of waifufaggotry and bait as well. remember, the best you can do is ignore and not reply. that is the most powerful tool you have as a poster.


>Get found out by the right? Don't panic, just shitpost !have sex" and show off that "women" have no value at all but in that hole that is between their legs!

FUCK videogames and FUCK Yas Forums

Nah, fuck this site. I'm out.

see ya tomorrow, newfriend.

No dipshit, you dont come here to talk about games only get mad at them. Go literally anywhere else for that shit.


Blocking this site.