Video games are a fun hobby for sure but are ultimately just that...

Video games are a fun hobby for sure but are ultimately just that, a hobby to pass time when your more important obligations are met.

I know some people, many on this board I suspect, use video games for something they were never intended to be, a replacement for real life interactions. I don't mean social interactions, although that is one aspect of it, but using a game, a toy, to substitute real life accomplishments, learning, and experiences. Getting emotionally attached to game companies, games, and even characters in those games instead of people in their communities or the physical world in general. It's not healthy.

Here's a simple test to see if you're too invested in video games. Say a friend comes over to your place and brings another friend you've never met who happens to be a woman (yeah I know social distancing but just ignore that for a sec). If you can't come up with at least two other things to do at your house other than play video games and can't think of at least three conversation topics everyone can participate in, you should probably broaden your horizons some.

Please know that I'm not trying to be mean to any of you guys or nothing, I just thought someone should try to help ya out if you need it.

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i've had my fill of friends, thank you. my house serves as my place of rest these days.

Did I hit a nerve? Look at yourself, not me if my post upset you.

tldr shit blog nigger

I understand the feel bro, we all need space sometimes. In that case I'd say another quick test would be to imagine what you would do if you couldn't play video games or use the internet for a month, what else do you have lined up to use your time with? How many of those things would help you develop tangible skills?

off the top of my head, guitar, photography, and writing. nothing too practical, but they're my interests.

in terms of money-making, i got a little farm upstate. actually can't wait to fuck off and become an ultra-hermit once i finally get my degree.

Not to be rude or anything but how old are you, OP?

More like videogames are a reward and lots of people abuse their reward system and pretend that they are a functioning person until they can't do it anymore.

Sounds great, I don't think you need any advice I can give.

Just turned 21 a few months back, so on the younger side but I know there are people far younger posting here.

>other things to do at your house
There's nothing to do at ANY house. What, drink, board games, and TV? Yeah let me just pull out my bowling alley.
Fuck off.

>Yeah let me just pull out my bowling alley.
no joke, my rich friend actually has a bowling alley in his basement, pretty dope.

>I don't think you need any advice I can give
desu don't see why you feel the need to dole out advice at all. might be hard for you to believe, but there genuinely are people here more predisposed to being alone

>getting told how to live by a child

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Your parents should have taught you some art/craft. It's a upbringing mistake of the lower class

Video games are my passion.
This extends to not just simply playing them, but making them. So I write, do art and design, make music, and program. Only other hobby I have is reading regularly aside from some tabletop gaming I used to do.
Creativity and expression is what I value most and find is the only meaningful endeavor with what short time we have on this planet, so I enjoy both making and playing games more than anything.
Sure it means at the end of the day I sacrifice social benefits but I'm content with that, I much prefer the quieter life creativity results in. If you think that's unhealthy I think you have an immature and inexperienced view of the world.
But I'm specifically on Yas Forums and Yas Forums in general is because I like to shitpost.

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Peepee poo

OP is a baby. I'm in my late twenties and I think video games and its culture are one of the fun parts of life. It's like sports, soccer, these things

No one's ever going to want to be my friend anyway so why not fill the void with vidya and anime

OP is right.
If you continue to live like this your life WILL come crashing down once you're in your late 20s and the depression sets in.
You will enjoy video games less and less because you won't be able to immerse yourself anymore, and once you hit the point where they just feel like a chore and you realize this has been your life you're in for a very shitty time

This. I'm not a fun person to be around and I'm not interested in becoming one.

I have been so utterly fucking bored because of this quarantine.
>video games aren't fun anymore
>anime isn't fun anymore
>car parts ordered but are in shipping limbo because they aren't essential

Nothing to do but eat all day refreshing Yas Forums to see the same threads for 10 hours and gain pounds.

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That's a good way of putting it, but some people get so absorbed they forget that basic idea altogether.

>but there genuinely are people here more predisposed to being alone
Oh I believe it, my best friend is like that. I'm not trying to tell anyone to be more extroverted, just not to live their life through a screen since that isn't really living at all. Just looking at the catalog for this board, even if half of them are just people trolling, it shows that this place has a lot of people who need a bit of a wake up slap to see they care way too much about something that's supposed to be a fun little side activity.

hop on your soapbox after the quarantine, dipshit

Thank Goodness God intervened and I got an Eternal Companion out of the blue at 28. Two children at 30 now and I have just 4 hours/day to play games/ other things (8-midnight if I burn sleep). I really need to focus on what is actually important and get to it.
pic related: Tried Animal Crossing yesterday/today and now I know the whole series is not for me.

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Videogames are the same as sports in that aspect.

Don't have any friends and don't want any

I think you felt a bit attacked by my post and didn't understand it clearly. I'm specifically talking about playing, or consuming games and game culture, if you really put in the hard work to make the yourself, then I can't say that would include you.

...Although I do have to wonder, I feel like you would naturally have understood that I wouldn't think something productive like that was unhealthy... so tell me, do you "make games" or do you make games?

Bad attitude mate, if you hold onto it you really won't make any friends.

I like you OP, you are onto something i believe, i however have a healthy relationship with my playing hobby, and i'm gonna follow an example one of my friends started last year, to unplug my PC during the summer months.
There is plenty of time for playing the rest of the year. :)

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>yo bro you wanna come over have a few drinks and make macaroni art

>Guys really live in apartments like this and dont see any issue

It's not a man's job to do the faggot decorating garbage. Everything in my house has to have a utility or function otherwise it's a waste of space. Posters and figurines are for women and children.

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>If you can't come up with at least two other things to do at your house other than play video games and can't think of at least three conversation topics everyone can participate in, you should probably broaden your horizons some.
so like what you're saying we should do karaooke or play a board game, or read books together or some shit?

also come up with three conversation topics? how fucking autistic are you? do you sit in a circle with friends and enter some sort of voted upon discourse to engage in like ancient philosophers? you know what conversation topics i have the ones where we just randomly talk about shit we've done and or things that have recently happened and then it grows form there. don't be such a fucking cuck.

i will agree that video games are nothing but a distraction which is why i really don't find myself investing time into them as much anymore. my learning curve for new games is very shallow. i pretty much only play games that i am very familiar with and are good at .

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I believe the event of their death would go almost completely unnoticed.
I mean how much is there to remember of a man who leads this life.
It's not even minimalistic, its just sad.

The only waste of space in your home must be you then.

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>mistake of the lower class
>implying it isn't the fault of inaccessibility to resources as a result of upper class oppression
pretentious bootlicker detected, please go outside before preaching to an imageboard

>Video games are a fun hobby for sure but are ultimately just that, a hobby
You can say that about anything in life really.
You like swimming? Cool! But that's just a hobby.
You like reading? Cool! But that's just a hobby.
Oh, you like drawing? Neat but again that is just a hobby.
Literally. If you don't have a hobby in life then all you will do all day is wake up, brush your teeth, go to work, come back from work, eat, drink, bathe, brush your teeth again and then go back to sleep. That's what your life would be like and that is a very boring existence. Having a hobby or simply socializing or even doing both helps lessen the mundane of day to day life in this modern age of civilization. That's why getting a hobby is important as it helps time flow faster but also grants you a life outside of work which if corporations had it there way, you will never have one. Life isn't all about work though and it never will be.

So I don't agree with you as a life without a hobby is a life not much better then a zombie and humans are not that. If someone wants to think about and/or talk about nothing but video games or hell even sports then let them, it's their bloody life. If you're not that invested in them then you can find your own group of peers to talk about the hobby your interested in which based on how empty that place is, I bet it's going out to clubs or something.


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>If you can't come up with at least two other things to do at your house other than play video games and can't think of at least three conversation topics everyone can participate in, you should probably broaden your horizons some.
>Watch anime
>Browse Yas Forums together
There done.

Keep collecting those funko pops retard your grandkids will surely appreciate what you left behind.

Many people are very passionate about sports but I don't think there is as high of a percentage who can ONLY focus on that one relatively small aspect of life. Most have family, friends, other hobbies, or perhaps past achievements in the sport or a child who is currently playing so it's not quite the same thing.

It was just an example, if you truly don't want friends that's fine (I say truly since many people who say that are actually saying something more along the lines of "I don't want to be hurt by other people by opening up to them" or some such) but you should still have more things going on in your life than playing video games, if you don't.

I just dislike people looking down on the hobby as something not worth enjoying so when people argue that it's unhealthy I can't help but scoff.
It's just like anything in life. It's what you make of it. I grew inspired through playing games my whole life, which lead me to purse creative endeavors. I wouldn't be where I am if I didn't talk, consume, and participate in "gaming culture" or however you'd like to put it.
You can make the same argument about "unhealthy over consumption" about anything, be it reading, movie watching, or music listening.
Video games are not a special case. Go post the same OP in /lit/ but with books instead of games and see how silly you sound.

You're not wrong

Thank you for wasting space with your idiotic writing. I shall call you Captain Fagocunt IV. Your faux intelligence must get you laid often huh? Please do provide us more with your whimsical drops of saccharine knowledge. Next you're going to tell us how to dress right?

Everyone who's gazed upon this is now even more retarded thanks to you. Please hastily drink bleach.

I'm 21 and I think you're full of shit. Fuck off, kiddo.

Wow so insightful
Did you know there is a board called /adv/ where you can give advice to people who are actually looking for it?
This is the board for video games. You can take your platitudes and fuck off. For one thing you are assuming a lot about the people here. Like you are the only one with a social life or other hobbies even though you are a fucking baby at 21. Yeah, there are plenty of people like you described. Many of them might be happier that way.

I do think someone broadening their horizons is good advice and all but there is a question of what you are getting out of a social interaction. Personally my priority is getting a 4th player for Mario Party, or even playing some generic card game rather than sitting around doing nothing. I am pretty social but I am looking for action not just hearing someone bitch about their day while we drink. I am married and have to deal with enough of that already.

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i don't let people into my home.