Ellie is butt raped while Joel is beaten to a pulpy mess shot for shot like how Negan killed Glenn. This is in the first 5 minutes. Then later Ellie decides to take revenge and massacre a small town of people including children, and Abby decides to take revenge for that and Joel killing her dad, the surgeon. There’s your plot Yas Forums.
Ellie is butt raped while Joel is beaten to a pulpy mess shot for shot like how Negan killed Glenn...
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Thanks its only been posted for the 100th time this hour. I'm afraid that wasn't enough so I'm glad you came along and made this thread.
BAKA. How predictable. It's like fan fiction written by a 15 year old.
>Ellie is butt raped while Joel is beaten to a pulpy mess shot for shot
why you gotta make me fap user?
>rape used as a plot device
arent the same people that wrote this against exploitation?
They’re mentally ill, it’s their fetish.
Well all the pathetic kids want a piece of that attention
You are welcome.
fuck of rape is fucking hot even more so ass rape and even more so painful crying assrape
Display it in full graphic and i will now buy your game
Mentally ill freak
You cant even spell "fuck off" right, are you literally 12, kid ?
>Ellie is butt raped
Got leaks of that, haha?
Blue eyes are soulless
Based poo in loo
Fuck off nigger
>implying you dont think its hot to watch a devout lesbian cry and grunt in shame as a man rapes her in the ass
You still write like a 12 year old kid
I doubt he gives two fucks
>find legit spoilers
>hides them behind a spoiler tag
based user
>heartbroken for his HBO deal being canceled
kek fuck this guy
Here's a completely irrelevant dream I had last night, it was a weird isekai kinda thing but the group of people arrived on a battle field and just get absolutely murdered horribly and callously by either side in the chaos while they're crying and calling out for their friends and family, I remember the cavalry for one of the armies just spiking spears or huge nail looking things through the top of the shoulder right down slightly diagonally of some chick and a bunch of those kinds of things, I also felt pretty bad about having that dream when I woke up, strange right?
>we know the last few days have been incredibly difficult for you
get that head out of your ass
>Oh no I didn't pay my employees and one of them spoiled my cinematic experience as retribution
>he still wont admit it
just say it you like it you love the idea of watching a shameful assrape
>devout lesbian
when did Yas Forums become so tame? I bet you're the sort of faggot who can't watch dog torture videos
I’ve heard the assrape is so violent you can choose to skip the scene and after she has to get antibiotics to prevent infection from a punctured bowel
And I thought Time Jannies were bad...
ok if you dont stop your are going to force me to buy a ps4
>not paying employees
Not saying you're wrong, but source?
legitimately want to read about that part of this shitstorm
They're edgy, but not that edgy. Sadly.
What the fuck, who would want this? What was drunkmann thinking?
>including children
Based Anakin
lmao some guy just uploaded the last scene
motherfucker i want it ill be fapping to it for weeks
>What was drunkmann thinking?
hes a sick person, but if you werent brainwashed you would have known that the minute he leaked his politics everywhere
I'm pretty hyped for this. Almost no other game has plot points this unique especially in gaming. It's a shame tho that the game isn't gonna be enough to make us see Abby killing our protags as justified. We barely know the fucker
He cares, some 'peon' has spoiled HIS artistic monument. There'll be hell to pay.
I ain't clickin that shit nigga
Just a rumor from twitter that the leaker was someone who has yet to be paid by ND and was tired of getting the run around. Nothing actually official (Unless there was verification within the last 10 hours or so).
The leaker is most likely going to be on the run from a massive lawsuit, so they won't be coming forward for QUITE a while, unless forced to by authorities.
this is incredibly lame and low effort. god why does this board suck so much ass
I can't believe this is a real game that millions of people will buy.
what a fuckin champ
imagine thinking you can get someone to work for you them fuckin not pay them. nd playing the victim here is absolutely retarded