Nomura is going to kill her, isn't he?
Nomura is going to kill her, isn't he?
he was the original tifa fag, so no.
He is going to kill Cloud and turn the girls into lesbians.
The fact that they've been so careful to make Tifa and Aerith as equal as possible makes me think he'll let us choose
Would be great
I'm scared Tifabros
That would be nice - you'll have to kill one of them or lose the game.
it should be the one you romance
I want to save Aerith but I don't want Tifa to die either
There's time travel now no one is going to stay dead
How long does Cloud have? Are we going to get Old Cloud?
Will we get Tifa Cowgirl in the part 2?
Unlikely. Cid is treated as an old man despite being only 32.
We actually got it for a short time in part 1
I say save Aerith by having Yuffie die since Yuffie is useless FBI-bait who stole my materia and then rearranged it wrong when she was coerced into returning it all.
His wife is safe.
Nah, Nomura wrote her as clouds “light” in kingdom hearts and said one of his favorite scenes was tifa saving clouds memories, so prob not. Most likely aerith dies but not in the forgotten city, just later to keep the shock value.
I hope so. My standards for Tifa weren't met, so I'm rather constantly infuriated when she's on screen.
Why would they kill her off, though? It wouldn't serve the plot in any way.
>Jessie dies
>Wedge dies
>Biggs will become suicidal and die too
Aerith will die, just not in the obvious way most people know about.
Why does everyone hate Crisis Core again?
Isn't Crisis Core the only part of the Compilation people don't hate? I haven't played it though.
Melodramatic ending, cheapens the realism of Zack's death in the first game.
The ol' switcheroo. Aerith dies in the original, so making Tifa die in this remake would be the new shocking thing to do.
Which design is the best?
i would prefer doggystyle, to be honest
The only good part is him saying Gongaga and the ending credits theme.
I don't think SE cares about shocking all that much. Considering how Aeris' resolve scene played out, I'm more inclined to believing that her death is still going to happen.
inb4 that one schizo raids this thread since the last tifa thread 404d
Tifa-chan will outlive us all you filthy animal
The last Tifa thread hit bump limit
you know what I mean
i liked the proto-design where he's just wearing a regular soldier uniform with a duster
If he does, she'll be back in the next game and we won't know why until he makes another game that takes place between them, which will raise questions that won't be answered until he makes a game that takes place before all of them, which won't raise any real questions but he'll make a mobile spinoff that takes place centuries before it anyway, no one will play it, but he'll still make callbacks to it in the finale, which won't be a complete game and we'll have to pay 30 dollars for DLC to finish it off properly.
Would make more sense desu if Sephiroth knows what happens
>Cloud kills Tifa
>Zack saves Aeris
>Cloud is the new enemy
Is there? Is that what the ghosts I have seen posted are about?
Tifa will die but Aerith will sacrifice herself later to fix the timeline.
Why is this so catchy?