Post dream for the new zelda

Post dream for the new zelda

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made for ganon cock


ass too small

Coomers are the new frogposters.


And that's a good thing!



Ganon more like not canon

Don't you pig men to be getting fucked by, twink?

Caves instead of Shrines
Nerf to climbing and paraglider

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>Zelda will never ask you to massage lotion all over her body
>She will never gasp and moan while you do so
>You will never "accidentally" slip your cock into her

Hylian women belong to Chadnon

>i hope the new zelda is sexy haha!
People like you ruin everything you touch

fire aunouma and let Koizumi make zelda great again

>Fix one of the few things that would make sequel better
>Nerf the best things about BotW
Oh boy what a shitty opinion

Give us actual tools again.
The Hookshot alone returning would be a major improvement.

zelda x huge futanari cock urbosa
then zelda x huge futanari cock entire gerudo tribe

Real dungeons with real items. No more relying on the sheikah ipad. Either scrap the durability system or make weapons repairable.

kill yourselves

Zelda foot massage minigame.

haha, woops! Sorry zelda looks like i accidentally slipped my fist into your asshole again
uh oh! All the way to the elbow! Oh gee i'm so sorry zelda, try not to breath so hard, i can feel your lungs with this depth haha

>Nintendo turned Link into trap sissy but they don't allow to lewd Zelda

Made for Gerudo gangbangs.

ganon is dead but his desendent comes back and beats link to death with a golf club then beats the shit out of zelda at the end

>not huge cocked zelda fucking submissive gerudo

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i love cute feet far too much

I can’t tell if this is link or zelda anymore.

I hope the game removes the gays and gayness factor. Expecting it to be full beta onions boy cuck simulator.

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Link and Zelda kissing in front of Mipha's grave.

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dat comic where link has sex with all the girls to get them pregnant so the son and daughters can fight ganon many years later

They gave Zelda the biggest ass and some tight leggings to show it off.

having sex on mipha's grave!

This here is a man of class.

I don't care about Zelda I just want link to be a man again.

>submissive gerudo
they're 7 foot tall amazons that capture men for reproduction, i doubt they're submissive

Link was never a man, he's been a twink boy since the NES.

Hookshot with web swinging action


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The amount of Zelda x Ganon cucks in this thread is pretty sad.

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>finger sized penis attached to little boy
Why do straight men find this attractive?

Hylian's law

Midna for ganon cock? A daring synthesis.

Reddit's law

A sequel to this.
>I let out a burp, how un-ladylike

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honestly i don't see the appeal in a BOTW style game with an overworld we've already explored. i'd love a new BOTW style game with a new world to explore but that's not what we're getting. it's gotta have some fundamentally different setup like MM had to hook me in.

link is also made for ganon cock


>i know exactly what we're getting based on just one trailer
yep, makes sense

same, the charm of BotW is exploration, if you reuse the map you take that away, even if you heavily change some areas