who was the best character and why was it sten
(also should i play this again)
who was the best character and why was it sten
(also should i play this again)
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human best race
dog is best character
best party is dog, sten and the manlet
even if the manlet whines a bit about his wife because atleast you have a manlet in your party
every other character is shit and should be killed/ignored when possible
You sound like a nintendo fan
>and why was it sten
He was the only pre-retcon qunari.
IMO, Nintendo fan would name Merril from DA2
Who is this manlet whining about his wife?
>(also should i play this again)
Yes if you didn;t replayed it recently
Play it with a different origin than you did before with different morals
best origins are either: Male human noble or Male dwarf noble.
best companions are morrigan, sten and dog (alternative shale)
Best character is Morrigan because I cannot stop myself from fucking her every single playthrough
templar fuc boi and swamp princess are drama whores, bard is a slut who thinks they are clever, fag assassin should always be killed on sight because he just tried to kill you
anyone who likes these characters have low standards on who they wanna fug
granny and rock golem are tolerable but there is no reason to use them when you can have a war autist, a manlet and a dog to adventure with
Yeah you should stick to Mario.
i really want Sten from DAO to come back in DA4 and confront Iron Bull and decapitate him.
>can't fug granny
>who was the best character
sten was i think a new Arishok in one of bioware's shitty comics. i think they had alistair kick his ass.
he was alright but kind of boring
Shale was great, Morrigan for lewdz, Wynne and Oghren were gud (alistair too I suppose)
Only one that I genuinely disliked was the cringy religious bard girl (and the fag assassin, I guess)
For a tactical/strategic genius Loghain was pants-on-head retarded
Kinda based desu
shale morrigan malbari glasscannon backstab rougue NOT BARD
only run worth doing. u can run mage stacks but u would want to be on some serious long psych drug trip (else weed suffeicnet)
+1 fallout3
all dlc both
How is she cringy?
she was core in mage stack else 1000% useless
Sten and Justice are the best.
I dunno, I played origins like a decade ago. I remember finding her to be the most offputting character out of all companions with like zero things I liked about her.
Come to think of it I should probably replay it, especially with corona-chan giving me vacations.
u wot m8
mage stack was pc + morrigan + wynne + tank
Idk. Alistair/Morri/Lel is a good go-to for banter. What i find quite rage inducing is that you cannot have a full party of 8 chars. Now that would be good for that RP and banter.
Oh well.
>How is she cringy?
only problem is that unless you play a rogue yourself. you are kinda forced to use either leliana or zevran if you want to pick locks.
I think he even admitted that some of the 'great victories' attributed to him were just dumb luck.
Was lockpicking really that useful or was it merely OCD shit though?
Fairly certain I eventually discovered how OP rolling 3 mages was so I must've gone without
big gay. the song for crit bonus based on cunning is great
He was a complete retard with PTSD and a hella grudge.
i ran vamp threat tank with bard aura wynne morri
Im using unlock spell mod. There is also one for lock bashing.
Picking locks is useful. And having two mages and two tanks is REALLY good.
nah i ran the numbers into the fucking dirt cost me a semester of uni but u lose on max hit backstab...
Imagine playing female hawke what are you retarded? Always baffles me how Yas Forums is aganist trannies but you guys fulfill your fantasy of being a woman through rpgs, and to make it worse, you hate feminism and agendas yet intentionally make the savior of kirkwall, defeater of the arishock, yadda yadda a woman.
I pray to god every day for him to give cancer to everyone who plays female protagonists.
>Was lockpicking really that useful or was it merely OCD shit though?
>eats your sweets
Imagine caring about Hawke and DA2.
that song boosts the dps output of the entire party, you shmuck
That's a terrible mod
nah i ran max backstab solo nightmare...
>Imagine playing female hawke
Aggressive female Hawke rivalmancing Sebastian is the only satisfying DA2 playthrough.
sorry I like to adventure with my companions not being bitches anytime I do something they disapprove of
Sten does it once but atleast you can kick his ass and get him back in line, oghren does it too but only if you side with his dumbass wife and dog never bitches about anything
dog best character
Thats called them being people with views. And also maybe don't be an edge lord and you won't have that problem.
Sarcastic Male Hawke romancing Isabela. Top that, bro tip, you can't.
DA2 is not deep, DA2 combat is the best of the series to me because of how fast it is compared to DAO shitty World of Warcarft casting and fighting and DA:I is just outright wonky but that's not saying much, DA2 story and side quests are shit
Why would you make it more shit with a female protagonist, with a boring and shitty romance like Sebastian and without any drama? Go back to keep crosdressing and romancing men, tranny, i'm sorry god didn't make you a woman, tough luck now.
And people wandering why RPGs are dead
I dont care about the views of characters who act like childeren when they get their way
why are you shilling dai and your character?
plus dai turned both male and female hawk look like shit (same for Cassandra by giving her a manjaw)
then again they also cut this possible ending for a quanari inquestor. the Qun takes over!
It's a perfect mod. DAO Sten looks like a nigger, Qunari got retconned in DA2 to look more monster like, before that they were supposed to be just tall black men.
If you don't like it don't use it, don't get mad if in DA4 Sten looks like that.
>DA2 combat is the best of the series
>hates fun
Colour me surprised
And here you are bitching about people who didn't want it your way
you're a shitter
>that leliana
Thats not really cringe bud thats just limitations of a budget and a bad engine.
Qunari inquisitor is literally hated by the qun, you're tal vashot, jesus christ you don't even give a shit about lore yet you go into a game like Dragon Age.
i thought dao combat was very smooth maybe ur setup sucked. 2 was beauty though.