why have you stopped playing overwatch, user?
Why have you stopped playing overwatch, user?
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see you on page 10
Her butt and thighs are disgustingly big
I haven't stopped watching the porn
Does anyone else find it comforting that Tracer's beautiful perfect pusy and brapper will only ever be enjoyed by cute girls?
She's pure forever
not fun
He has a really nice ass.
Tracer is a GIRL with a cute GIRL'S DICK
just start dumping porn already, i'm not gonna bump this shit for you
As long as emily is futa i couldnt care less. Pussies are made to be fucked with a dick. lesbian porn is perpetual blue balling.
You are disgustingly gay.
t. nigger whose never heard of depth
Is this some kind of Jewish psyop? I'm getting sick of seeing these threads. Nobody wants to play your shitty game anymore, Blizzard.
emily is trash and tracer belongs to widowmaker's fat purple 14 inch cock
Stationary forearms.
>was top 500 ps4 player
>eventually stop playing because I became too aware of how awful aiming is. And it's not just normal controller aim being bad. Blizz just did a shit job designing the aim assist. Compare it to a game like CoD or Destiny that feel good and natural on a controller.
>Play Splatoon2 which has the best aiming system of any console game by far but I can't deny that I don't like it as much as Overwatch
>Overwatch Switch gets announced
>gyro aiming confirmed
>Hype as fuck. I can finally play Overwatch with a good aiming system and on a Nintendo console where a lot of my favorite games are
>The gyro is trash. Blizz had no idea what they were doing. Feels NOTHING like Splatoon
>40$ wasted
That's why I stopped playing, OP.
your greentext is boring, wheres the part where you dress up like mercy and get dicked down
puffy vulva
wait, is that...
Damn, tracer looks like THAT now?
Because Blizzard made Tracer a filthy lesbian when she should be straight.
imagine how soft that would feel on your face
I never started. But I do want based heroes
I never played it
the game always looked like a casualized TF2 clone made for LoLfags to me
plus I've never really liked blizzard games, diablo being the exception
Why the fuck are Blizz shills still allowed on this board?
They post the same shit every god damn day since they day OW came out.
I'm not sure why you make these threads implying I need to suffer through Overwatch to get access to the porn when the porn is available online for free
Built for BTF2C
Clearly, she hasn't met with Scout's Sandman.
It's not fun. I still fap to Mei though.
Yurifags really are mentally ill
The porn slowed down
>Recognize Necrosmos, but not due too the squishy smooth pastel design but because they can't draw anyone with their FUCKING MOUTH SHUT!
I stopped playing games because they're not fun anymore.
I never started