What am I in for?

What am I in for?

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some gay ass clicking at buttons and shitty ui

this game has really gone to shit since initial release.

A historical simulation that plays like a board game instead of a historical simulation. It's good for a first playthrough but afterwards just install a gameplay overhaul mod like MEIOU & Taxes or Veritas Et Fortitudo which fix the game somehow. Or just play Victoria II or Crusader Kings II which are more fun.

kinda this You need to have at least half of dlcs to enjoy it properly
The good thing is that when you play multi only the host needs to own dlcs and then the rest of the players can play them.
Either spend a lot of extra money or find a buddy who already owns most of the dlcs

This. You think it's about managing trade nodes, balancing truces and alliances, and expanding with some end goal in mind, but this is what every game of EUIV boils down to once you get over the hump of figuring out how the game actually works.

Also, Jewish DLC practices as typical of Paradox.

I don't mind vanilla or MEIOU, but it's very clear from the performance workarounds (from when I played it a few years back) that the MEIOU team would probably be better off making their own game than trying to put a band-aid over EUIV.

Playing as a ruler in CK II is fun but I find EU4 much more enjoyable in terms of conquering lands.

Horseshit dice roll gameplay.

Well, yeah. The EU IV mechanics favour map painting over everything else. CK II mechanics favour the opposite, the more you expand the more overwhelming the game gets because you need to deal with more vassals, most of which are different cultures.

fun game, but loads of dlc

It’s not a history sim, the game radically deviates from history the moment you press unpause. It’s a sandbox strategy game with historical backdrop. If you want history larp instead of an actual game you want vicky 2

>3rd Prussian war of Patagonian independence
>History SIM


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isn't that the liquor factory game

Attached: 1587823514925.jpg (500x369, 41.58K)

Over anything else likem..?
What more do you want?


Unplayable casual fest unless you install MEIOU & Taxes.

Every time I try paradox mp we just desync out the ass. Is that fixed yet?

works on my machine

>MEIOU & Taxes
Does MEIOU also work on AI-controlled faction too? Or does the AI run its stuff like in vanilla?

DLC rape and actual Swedish woke history rape.

Yes it does. There's also a submod that adds more historical immersion.

Spending a lot of money on DLC

Shit game. Play CK2 or Victoria 2 and don't forget to pirate all of the expansions.

see but buy the game and pirate the DLCs instea, or pirate everything i'm not your dad


>Swedish woke history rape.
LMAO where?
Provide 5 examples

Ck2 is shit
Victoria 2 is dogshit

What's the best version?

Sounds based

$200 of dlc
