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I'm on your roof.

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HELLO tranny


Gordon, I'm thirsty.

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Try chlorine, tranny.


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Gordon, I'm no longer schizoid.

shut the fuck up liberal

it's honestly really funny how quickly you people 180 on things the second you learn a trans person was involved

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I'm confused, what do trannies have to do with G-man squad? Do I even want to know?

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Coomer is voiced by one, which is why people say he's voiced by a girl even though it's clearly a dude's voice

Not GMan squad related, but someone made a series of them going through HL1 with people improving to be NPCs throughout the entire series, and one of those people was revealed to be trans a week after the series finished and Yas Forums were praising it until they realized that trannies aren't as disgusting as they originally thought


Look at the credits and search the VA's twitter handle.

Can you not hear the voice

They’re still pretty damn disgusting.

Yeah sounded like a dude to me. But i did look it up, they are a tranny.

Shame. At least they’re funny.

You can still like it without likeing that one person. Idk why people throw the baby out with the bathwater so to speak.

Same reason people like paintings Hitler made before they find out Hitler made the paintings. Makes them feel gross.

> Yas Forums were praising it until they realized that trannies aren't as disgusting as they originally thought
Go back to resetera. The reason people started giving them flac was because tranny shite gets shoehorned into shit where it doesn't belong. There was no reason for them to broadcast that "OMG GUYS COOMER WAS A GIRL THIS WHOLE TIME" other than to give the freak validation from twitch chat.
If you want to dress up like a woman and indulge in your mental illness, fine you freak. But stop shoving it in public and demanding acceptance.

But if its a tranny isn't "she" supposed to sound like a girl? So in the end, it was a man doing the voice with his masculine voice?

>trans person does something actually funny and creative
>it's invalidated because they chose to cut their dick off
You idiots are as bad as Twitter cancel culture faggots. Keep your Yas Forums garbage off my video games board.

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Yeah like i said
I stll like the series, its funny, i just dont care for thst one particular person. Doesnt ruin the entire thing for me.

I was confused at first when they were calling the dude a girl, then it hit.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone in Black Mesa can edit, my good bitch!

Holly (Coomer) doesn't seem to be trans. He referred to himself as a gay man and has made zero effort to sound female.
He put "she" in his twitter bio though so who knows.

i dont get the reference.
pls help newfriend out

Who the fuck is shoving it in your face you insufferable faggot, it sounds to me like your jimmies got rustled over something that doesn't effect you at all you whiny little bitch.


I hope he’s playing a trick then because the comments rused me pretty bad