There still two games to look forward this year.
Stop being depressed
Sebastian Green
William Ross
>TORtanic posters still trying to force biggest blunders
Oh boy yes Final Fantasy is such a failure. The record sales, good critics were just a bad dream.
Jeremiah Bell
CP77 is shaping up to be a fucking letdown and I don't play FROM games
shitty position to be in all around
Jack Clark
Final Fantasy 7 Remake was amazing.
Jason Gomez
Really? Which ones?
Evan Barnes
>Elden Ring
literally retarded if you think it's coming out this year
Julian Long
elden ring is almost guaranteed to be unfinished like every games he's worked on
Zachary Cooper
>he only owns a playstation
Carter Bennett
FF7 is shit because i say it's shit
Brody Hall
>redditpunk 2077