The future of DOOM and Quake

Preliminary talks with Bethesda on another title are underway while the team works from home on the upcoming DLC.

Grain of salt: This is all a pre-pre-production conceptual planning phase while the bulk of the team works on the DLC, no green light from Bethesda yet, but confidence is high. As such it's all subject to change.

>DOOM and Quake will merge fully into a single contained universe
>Upcoming DOOM title will hold the moniker of DOOM but will be as much about the multi-dimensional established canon of Quake
>Looking into a form of co-operative play involving the Doomslayer and Ranger working side by side, but campaign is being treated as single-player first, co-op second, possibly co-op mode is unlocked after completion
>Looking into leaving Earth behind and taking the fight to the Elder Gods that the team explored in Quake Champions
>Vega and Hayden will form a significant portion of the plot
>Expect Quake Champions to be shuttered by the end of this year, Bethesda is keen to cut their losses
>Flagship title for idTech 8, should give some indication to how far ahead this will launch, will likely follow ray-tracing industry trends
>No consensus on Deathmatch multi-player but possible given the Quake pedigree
>Will be a next-gen console title in addition to PC

Very early days, but general consensus agrees that it makes sense to merge the two IP's, if response is good then perhaps Quake may return as a stand-alone, this will very much be a litmus test for its future.

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Sounds interesting but probably bullshit, put me in the screen-cap anyway

>source my ass
Sure thing
I have acess to dnf 2001 biild, btw.

>id software cinematic universe
>may not be as cool as something out of metadoom or samsara

Yeah nah

Sounds too good to be true, but Eternal in some ways reminded me more of Quake than Doom desu (and that's a good thing)

>Bethesda is keen to cut their losses
I see what you did there

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>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

That said Yas Forums has come through on leaks before, don't toy with me OP

Eternal already mentioned the word "slipgates." While your whole post is bullshit, that Hugo guy knows he can make Quake work if it's going to play like Eternal; D:E already felt like a Quake game more than a Doom game, anyway.

Even if this were a legitimate leak, it's blatantly obvious that it's all ideas on a whiteboard stage and it won't receive enough follow through to actually be made

I wouldn't get too excited, even if this turns out to be true I'm sure they'd find a way to fuck it up. As far as a co-op mode could go the only way I could see it happening is if Ranger plays the role of sardonic wise-crack to Doomslayers silent menace, it might ruin the tone. Also does that mean Doomslayer can rocket jump now?

Bingo. They've got something wonderful going with Doom Eternal and they know it. They're not gonna fuck it up by throwing in a series with a muddled identity that most normalfags don't know about with Quake.

Fuck story in doom. Doom 2016 was almost perfect, there was almost no unnecesary exposition, just reasons to go from level to level. It would be better thought if you could shoot/destroy all intercoms, just like Doom Slayer does in intro.
Doom Eternal was oversaturated with story, and that was its biggest failture as a game for me.It was detracting from gameplay.
They should go back, and just let shooters shoot.

Another DOOM is guaranteed, whether it'd take this form is anyone's guess.

I know a good slipgate to shove you in

I was really hoping there'd be Quake references in Eternal or the dlc so I'm 100% behind this

>They've got something wonderful going with Doom Eternal and they know it. They're not gonna fuck it up by throwing in a series with a muddled identity that most normalfags don't know about with Quake.
If that's the case, we would see like at least 2 new actual The Elder Scrolls games by now


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>Looking into a form of co-operative play involving the Doomslayer and Ranger working side by side
Oh no, they will fuck with Ranger as well for some shitty fanfic-level plot


I don't care as long as the platforming, reliance on combat gimmicks and that cool purple goo stuff return!


Normies didn't know DOOM in 2016, hard as that may be to believe. Consider the age of Zoomers nowadays, 1993 was a long fucking time ago, and gaming wasn't popular like it is now back in 05 when DOOM 3 came knocking. Good marketing sold DOOM to normies, I reckon they could do the same with Quake


They'll fuck it up no matter what. The fans knew what the Quake "storyline" was, and the shape it took was wonderful. Ranger is tired, beaten, and just wants to go home. But Quake's forces keep trying to destroy the Earth, and Ranger will never be able to rest, wonderfully contrasting Doomguy's rage.

That depends which canon you hold higher, like it or not the lore scrolls in QC are canon, and from them we can deduce that Ranger has been lost between dimensions for a very long time. We don't know if the Strogg are canon or if the original Lovecraftian insanity babble is, it's difficult to say which direction they'd take a new Quake story DOOM influenced or not.

Quake II was Bitterman not Ranger, the Strogg are somehow still considered canon because of QC though

Fuckin lore fags... no one cares about Quake or Doom story these games were made without these dumb things in mind

Makes sense given any mainline Quake title would be torn apart for being a copy of DOOM, they got away with it in 96 because it was a technical marvel, it wouldn't cut it today

Nigga any red-blooded Quake fan adored the thicc atmosphere of the first game and wanted to see that shit developed. You can have good game-play and story at the same time, they aren't mutually exclusive sit down

Quake plot: Monsters come from another dimension. Anonimous soldier (the player) go kill them.
OG Doom plot: Monsters come from hell. Anonimous soldier (the player) go kill them.

That's it. Canon my ass.

The fans made and care for the story, dummy.

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Although yes, it's not a story as much as it is a setting and lens to view the Ranger.

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Man what happened to artwork like this, fuck the 90's were such a good time for experimentation

You mean destroyed with a bunch of useless shit. The beauty of these games was the mystery and the freedom to interpret whatever you want. A simple but elegant plot enough to convey the gameplay. Go stick with The Last of Us, there you can discuss the "story" as much as you can.

Imagine comparing The Last of Us to the lore of Quake. Okay brainlet

"The fans" you mean a bunch of autists redditors. Real id fans cares about gameplay and the artistic aspect. Not the fucking story.

>reddit was a thing in 96

Go away FUCKING lore autists

Imagine caring about another website so much you retroactively add it to your memories of 1997

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Based as fuck.

Im salivating for a dark, gory M-Rated Arena Shooter-esque format game that isnt buggy shit like Quake Champions was.

You just showed a expansion pack. Are you retard?

Sounds interesting if true. I always thought of Quake 1 as a Doom 2.5.

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Lorefags are a fuckin joke.

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I know that feel man. Berserk, Spawn, Postal 1, Legacy of Kain, etc. Old school 90's dark gothic themes were the best.

I'm not that guy but ok

These gentlemen were born after 2000