Will he ever be good again? Even aside from the nerfs it feels like every new character has been designed to hard counter him. And that VS2 is a fucking joke.
Will he ever be good again...
I started playing this game last year and i only play as Ryu. I don't think he is that bad
He's not the worst, but he feels really mediocre compared to what he could be. There's like no reason to bother with him when you can just pick Akuma or Kage.
>Only play as Ryu
I feel bad for you
Genuinely hope they give him in SFVI some jank like evil Ryu/Kage.
Also, roster prediction for SFVI?
He is terribly mid tier. If you are good in footsies and are in bronze then he is good but past Silver you are kind of handicapping yourself. Play as Sakura or Kage instead
I'm not a fan of Third Strike, but the way that game (and vanilla SF4) handled Ryu is probably the best way he can be handled in a modern game by making him more of a power type shoto, like Haohmaru in Samsho. Unless they're going to go back to the old style of shotos where the fireball/DP game is super strong, but I don't see that happening.
Yes in street fighter 6. Ryu always struggles at the back end of games when people have everything figured out.
As long as you're not trying to play professionally, he's alright. Once you start climbing up the ranks and playing really good people, his weaknesses are very exploitable
I just hope he gets something besides fundamentals. I still play shotos that are inspired by him cause he is a lot of fun, but at this point even Ken has sauce, just give it to him Capcom!
I think Capcom is too absorbed with the idea of Ryu being an "honest fundamental character" when if you play any other fighting game the main shoto is usually pretty degenerate. Like Akuma's kit would be on the protag of pretty much any other fighter.
There has never been a Street Fighter game where this wasn't true. Ryu is always inferior to Ken/Sakura/Akuma/E.Ryu in one way or another.
What do you want in SF6?
Super Turbo Ryu is pretty good and Alpha 3 Ryu is top tier.
I don't even want him to be top tier I just want him to be better than average.
All he needs in Jive is better normals and conversions from those normals in neutral. Akuma and Kage get to press buttons like s.HP / s.MP / s.MK from a distance and convert from them, those are good buttons and they allow them to play at and get damage from a little further out. Ryu's equivalents and equivalent follow ups are bad, but they won't redo animations and there's a limit to how much you can tweak hitboxes outside the model without it looking stupid. That leaves Ryu with Fireballs or dashing in, when what he needs is an explosive threat from a CC or whiff punish in neutral.
His fireball is God tier, he just needs something like Kage H P.
Hopefully they would give it to him in SFVI.
Every fighter just wears thongs
whats the best way to learn to play SFV? My first fighting game. Ive put a fair amount of hours learning cammy's bread and butters. im too anti social to go to locals plus corona-chan prevents that anyway. should I just grind online or are there good guides out there? I dont know anything aside basic blocking/cross ups/anti airs as concepts
Is this the Smash Bros thread?
Learn fireball game. Then what moves are safe on shield (+ )
is there a specific strategy to dealing with fireballs? when i first faced them id try blocking but theyd chip at me. and when I jump I get anti aired. I play cammy.
You need to play the game and build up familiarity with things before guides will mean anything to you. Offline play against the CPU is good for the initial period of seeing all the animations and movements in game and picking up that mental image of what is happening, which you need to do. Once you feel like you can mostly tell what's happening on the screen then move to online play and just grind it out for a while.
It's only after a good session of gameplay that you can then think about what you've been doing, look at the guides along with maybe watching some of your replays, pick one or two things you want to work on and try to apply those things next time you play. Learning concepts and strategies and combos and so on is all fine but no matter how much you read it's impossible to apply any of it until you've put in enough playing time to be able to follow what's happening on the screen and have the muscle memory to do stuff without consciously thinking about every single action.
The more you play the more you'll be able to do subconsciously which frees up more 'brain time' to think about broader strategies and what the other player is thinking. Trying to take on more ideas than you currently have the brain time for doesn't work.
thanks for the tips. is there certain characters I should especially practice against that are common to face online/locals? I play cammy if that matters.
Also how many hours of a character would you say is enough to be considered enough to be reasonably familiar with their mechanics?
Trying to learn Ibuki has a relatively new SF player (dabbled in SF IV). Can someone explain what in the actual fuck is the point of her rushing move? Is it purely for dodging purposes? Moving around the stage quicker?
Blocking isn't bad, it's encouraged. Try throwing your opponent off by sometimes blocking or sometimes jumping attack. If you are not readable or east to react to then you will be fine.
He's a solid tier and Ryu shouldn't ever be better than that
Proper zoning. If you cant deal with TIGER TIGER TIGER then perhaps you should Tekken or some shit.
no idea about roster. But imagine RE engine for better graphics. Could be fun after 4 years of abominations.
thanks user.
do you know good tournament gameplay that might showcase something like this? bonus if with cammy.
You can always neutral jump, but since you're Cammy you are obligated to come to them eventually.
Fireball game can be complicated as there's a lot of subtle timing and spacing things to worry about. You can go through them with EX Drill on reaction from the right spacing if you're fast. You can go through them with your V-Skill but only as a prediction, and if you're going to predict then you might be better off jumping.
Fireball recovery for most characters is timed so that if you jump the fireball after seeing it, on reaction, they will recover in time to anti-air you. That's the only way Fireballs can function in neutral, if you could jump them on reaction they'd be worthless. If you are confident the other person is going to throw a fireball you can jump early and then you'll be able to punish, with the possible exception of Guile.
Something to know is that characters can only have 1 fireball on screen at a time. This means if you block the fireball it vanishes and they can throw another, but if you neutral jump over the fireball it will still be on the screen and they can't immediately throw another one. Neutral jump meaning straight up and then down, this can be important as an option because you can neutral jump on reaction without getting anti-aired. After you jump a fireball like this you have some time to walk forward.