>tfw Sony is the center of attention every fucking time
Tfw Sony is the center of attention every fucking time
we got too cocky xbros...
Jannies only allow pro sony discussion, don't you know this is a sony board goy
it's not as bad as it was back in the day at least
butthurt sonygroid jannys would delete "normal" xbox threads for no fucking reason at all and if you talked shit about the roachstation boom instabanned
this shithole actually used to be much more pathetic before
it's a travesty how you're almost not allowed to talk about anything else but the new le tortanic fom meme
it's just as bad as smash thread spamming
>xbox series x BTFOs a 1200 gpu
snoyniggers on suicide watch, nvidia drones on suicide watch
if only there were any exclusives in the works to leak
because you need to actually make games to grab attention
nobody cares about your oh so powerful machine if it has nogaems
>MY i9 9900K IS BETTER
>ps3 has no games
>xbox has no games
woah... does mario get a gun in the new game? Thinking about getting a switch if he does...
multiplats play best on xbox one
multiplats are boring
that's true, the entire console is just better to use also imo. apps and games right on the first page, you don't have to scroll over to media and then scroll all the way down to plex or whatever.
I just have a PC so multiplats get played there.
Barry give it up and take your meds
>VIDEO GAMES are bad if they're not exclusives and unrelated to my highschooler consolewar
Because they always win?
I'm worried about Barry, he hasn't been the same ever since the oneX dropped
How do we get him to take his meds?
>thread is about what grabs attention
>nooooo dont actually talk about what is exciting
>multiplats are boring
if this isn't bait you really need to kys, these Last of Us leaks have really gotten you snoys upset huh
>How do we get him to take his meds?
The same way Sony fans take anything. Up the ass.
>tfw I'm the guy who taught Barry how to stutterpost b-bu-buh et al
>tfw I'm the guy who put down Barry as an ESL for years
what have I done
>thinking I have a horse in the race
but sure go ahead and tell me how exciting it is that assassins creed or whatever has a handful of frames more per second than on ps4
Since when did multi-platform games plays best xbox
PC shits on consoles all day
diaI 8
I like to play games whose online population doesn't die within the month
no seriously, tell me about all the exciting perks of playing multiplats on xbone
you didn't agree with my take that multiplats are boring, so this should be easy
negative attention isn't something to brag about
you need to be convinced that the games with the biggest budgets are the best?
who's talking about that? OP's point was about sony getting attention as opposed to xbone, so tell me exciting things about playing mutliplats stuff of xbone