Banjo-Kazooie creator retweets furry fetish art


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is anyone surprised?

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>not liking a shapely fat ass regardless of whether or not its on a human
low test



The old Rarewre guys are boomers who genuinely don't uderstand all the weird porn sorrounding their characters. He probably thought it was meant to be funny because of Kazooie's fat ass not because it was a fetish pic.

>Furry character's creator turns out to be a furry
I am without words.

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Imagine being this naive

It's pretty based when creators do this.

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yeah sure thing buddy

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>you live in a timeline where the creator of B&K acknowledges and accepts anal vore
Well alright then.

aren't there some Zembilla pin-up sketches of Coco and Tawna floating out there?

No I'm pretty sure the old Rareware guys were furries too.

Hilarious, but clearly a case of dumb old man tweeting "haha sexy funny butt joke :)" not understanding the deeper innuendo behind it.

Not everyone is a bunch of perverts like you guys.

Fuck, where's that picture of the deviantard talking about coming out to his family about his anal vore fetish?


The staff that crammed Banjo Tooie with all the innuendo it could is too pure to know fetish art from harmless cartoons.

Checks out.

even kazooie had sexual innuendos

Did you forget the sunflower with fat tits
And the native witch with fat tits
And the squirrel with fat tits

Its just a funny picture guys. What is even wrong with this?

fucking based

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How come everything has to be considered a fetish now? I don't know the artist who posted that pic, but from looking at it I don't see it as fetish art. Is it because they're anthropomorphic and everyone always jumps on the "furry" bandwagon online? It's just an ass.

That artist has made multiple pics of Kazooie's fat ass. Not that I'm complaining.

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Based Winky Steve

This reminds me of the time Grant Kirkhope retweeted the webm of Steve voreing Banjo

i only really consider it to be furryshit if thats literally all they post. like even auxiliary posts are focused on furry bullshit.

>reposts diaper porn
im fucking dead

>i only really consider it to be furryshit if thats literally all they post
>That artist has made multiple pics of Kazooie's fat ass
Okay that makes sense then.

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>worried its gonna be something depraved like feet or farting
>its just a big bird ass
Nothing to see here fellas.

this looks familiar...

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