How's everyone holding up with that new exploit, has it appeared often on the servers you visit? Also tf2 thread

How's everyone holding up with that new exploit, has it appeared often on the servers you visit? Also tf2 thread

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The heavy exploit? If so, then I just walk up and backstab them.

Heavy exploit? What's going on this time?
As if this game hasn't gone through enough just this month alone.

on a serious note, exploit takes too long to set up and goes away anyway. You can just headshot or backstab them and they'll be stuck in spawn for another 2+ minutes. Perfectly balanced exploit

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You can give the Heavy infinite health

the what now

I think this wasn't the first time this kind of exploit appeared.

Spies & snipers just got a lot more valuable

Heard there was this new exploit found where item drops happened every 1 second instead of 1 hour. Idk if it was a shill or not but let’s find out.

Snipers did not get more valuable you retard.


Attached: 9vJmzQI.png (160x195, 66.49K) servers are actually very good

>the gap in time between today and TF2's release is larger than the gap between TF2 and Super Mario 64

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Sniper Headshots, taunt kill & backstabs can still kill exploited heavy. Really, this is just incredibly fast health regeneration, so anything that can deal more damage than his overheal max can do heavy in.

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It's basically Saxton Hale mode

the exploit is practically a weapon sidegrade. He just becomes a glass canon.

since most bots seem to have moved from EU to US now and the fact that most heavies use this exploit on ctf/plr, the game is still solid and enjoyable

redpill me on Do I need to mod my game to be able to play on their servers and experience all their shit they have to offer, like their contracts and cosmetics?

>tranny mods
>r/tf2 frequenters
>poor quality maps
>poorly balanced custom weapons
>meme tier hats that are somehow worse than the community ones Valve adds
>have to pay for custom crate keys
>Valve Fake-News Network
I don't know how you can make a genuinely bad community server on accident, the "half-life" maps aren't even based off half life, just sciencey looking maps

>the "half-life" maps aren't even based off half life, just sciencey looking maps
this is the only problem I have with The Halflife event was a complete fuck up and missed opportunity. We could have gotten some kino ass Halflife themed maps in the TF2 artstyle, but nope. Just generic ass KOTH maps. They couldn't even be bothered to add the FUCKING BLACK MESA MAP THAT ALREADY EXISTS AND IS BASICALLY STEEL BUT IN BLACK MESA HOLY SHIT HOW DID YOU FUCK THIS UP THAT MAP WAS SO GOOD AND I HAVE NO WAY OF PLAYING IT NOW AAAAAAAA

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tried it a few times, not really worth it imo

>Just generic ass KOTH maps.
Do people make any other maps these days? I know they're the easiest because you just have to design one half of the map, but I swear all I see people working on now are KOTH.

some faggot joined my team and sat in spawn for like 5 minutes to do the exploit then I vote kicked him when he left spawn

kinda seems like they put more emphasis on making money out of the custom crates and the patreon rather than having a genuinely good server first

increasingly based

your name is weird looking

>Dota Underworld, a game that is seven times smaller than TF2 is getting frequent updates

What the fuck is up with valve

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>want to work on a modern game instead of a 10+ year old one
I love TF2, but I don't blame them for wanting to work on something new and not held together with duct tape.

Valve loves Dota, especially Gay-Ben. Counter-Strike has and is being mistreated too, but they get updates since the game is massive.

doing god's work

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What became of the source code leak?
Is the game still filled with hackers? Is it safe to play even with this thing floating around?
Has anyone started any projects? I'm one of the few that fucking loved TF2C dm and want the new deathmatch classic to not be dead but I'm thinking it is...

What is it with tf2 and attracting degenerates? For example the brony retard and his caball of nepotism mods who also want to suck horse dick.
as well as the multiple tumblr-tier hugbox furry servers, or just servers in general.
>rule 1:
>be wholesome to eachother
>in a game about murdering others
I cant even enjoy joining these servers are fucking with the "peaceful" players because you just get banned instantly
I miss the old tf2 days guys ;__;