Why are so many game devs proud of working unpaid overtime?
Why are so many game devs proud of working unpaid overtime?
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I get paid double for overtime
Some people just enjoy being exploited. There is no reason to be proud of working overtime unless you get paid, or the work you're doing is actually important.
Ask these boys!
Virgin Naughty Dog wagecuck vs. Chad Treyarch proletariat
I feel like death warmed over if I work more then 40 hours a week
If someone told me I had to do 100 I'd laugh in their face and tell em to fuck right off
working is a privilege. you take what you can get, the world doesn't owe you anything. stop being an ungrateful fuck.
you get like double pay for overtime. people actually fight for weekend over times because then it's like 2.5x pay
The same reason white women are proud of starring in zoophile porn. Because the pay is good and they love dog cock and horse cock more than tiny black peepee.
special olympics race to the bottom. that H Bomb Treyarch faggot seems to be winning.
entitled is a synonym for deserving
why do people think calling people entitled invalidates their desires when it confirmed that their desires cannot be more legally valid?
It's a form of coping.
>why yes I enjoy being fucked in the ass without lube, how could you tell?
I didn't know copying and pasting was so time intensive.
It's an American cultural thing, the "oppression olympics" started in America with employees seeing who could get fucked over the most and enjoy it. Subsequently it's why cuckoldry is so popular over there
How much does HBomb make for those 100 hours?
same lmao
most days I work about 2 hours
Based call of duty devs
>noooo I want everything handed to me for free!
Lmao it's not like sitting on a computer is a demanding job. Programming sissies just keep complaining.
What's the point of double pay if you're working so much you can't take advantage of it?
>unpaid work pays good
if they have passion for their work then I can understand but who the fuck is that passionate about coding?
It's intriguing that the biggest voice against overtime work is also the fattest lazy faggot in existence who suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome despite being a Brit because Trump acts like he does and is a mirror onto himself.
They are salaried-exempt employees and most likely make far more per hour than you do at your actual labor-intensive job where you're on your feet stocking shelves at Target for old people hours. What they are bitching about is "crunch" which is usually a problem with slacking off for most of the project term and then freaking out when the deadline approaches. This is compounded by feature creep and shifting markets, true, but it is in large part poor time management.
Jim Sterling
actually important work means payment in something besides money, such as fame/notoriety/social currency/connections
anyone working for free is an actual idiot
It's called saving user.
You work to save money then when you have time off work you spend the money you earned and enjoy yourself.
I work as a DEV on financial software. I have crunch just as much as these faggots unpaid. When reviews come I always get raises and bonuses because I don't work in a shit industry that doesn't value hard work. If your company doesn't value your hard work fucking leave.
>But who the fuck is that passionate about coding?
Arguably most programmers who aren't Indians .
Literally "Our overrated game is better than yours." I mean, it is, but by how much?
Is he one of the people in OP's twitter post?
It's 1.5x your normal pay retard. Also you get taxed hard as fuck.
>They are salaried-exempt employees
Code monkeys in the video game industry make absolutely shit pay, man. They do not get paid for overtime at all. Programmers for literally any other type of software are properly compensated for overtime, though.
No, he's the one who whines about this topic the most with the most views on JewTube and always injects himself in the topic whether on Twatter or otherwise, it's his ad revenue piggybank.
>being proud of working 100 hours or more
>even 60
People like this
have been conditioned to believe that taking your boss's load down your throat and saying "thank you" afterwards makes you a big tough man, and demanding fair treatment and respect makes you a pussy.
Funny thing is, it's the entire reason why women don't succeed in business the same way men do. People who think they deserve better and ask for it succeed, while women, spineless white collar men and blue collar men who are "just grateful to be working because the world doesn't owe you anything" languish in shitty positions and get taken advantage of.
I remember there was a period where I was working 70 hours a week for 3 months and got paid a fortune as 40 hours is my standard
It's a coping mechanism.
>haha i work more hours than you do
damn ya got me
literally obsessed
Oh wagie wagie, be proud of your cagie or we'll cut your wagies.
Working tons of unpaid overtime every week is the Japanese work ethic, and they make great games.
because they are california retard game devs who make literal shit that comes out every year?
they usually get bonuses for completing shit by a certain date as well as metascritic scores but there is no way its fucking worth tossing endless weeks of your life away and not focusing on your home life.
corporate cocksuckers get the rope first
games are important
White women are obsessed with doberman cock yes, that's why they own so many when single.
Imagine actually working 100 hours and some retard calls you a pussy. Imagine how fucking bad he must look with 0 time to care for himself. Definitely very out of shape, probably has a bad complexion, and despite hundreds of hours he doesn't get paid more so he doesn't have anymore disposable income than a normal person, possibly even an uneducated person. Imagine this person calling you a pussy and try not to laugh at the actual pussy.
>Japanese developers
>Definitely very out of shape
if you're referring to the guy in the tweet he's in good shape
i'd say in better shape than 95% of Yas Forums, who barely have jobs to begin with
>5 days a week inside an air conditioned office, surrounded by like-minded people, sitting your ass on a comfy expensive office chair, typing away at the keyboard
>Hard work
Game devs don't deserve shit.
That's just an old myth. In reality American's work harder and longer than Japs. If I remember correctly they are just ever so slightly above the average.
when you enjoy what you do, it's not really work. you'll likely be thinking, doing something regarding it anyway.
i don't think he even works 150 hours at treyarch considering he posts 50000 times a day on twitter
I said they are salaried-exempt in my post, so I don't know why you are still griping about overtime. That means they are not paid per hours worked, but a flat rate. If you average out their yearly pay to hours worked, it will come out to more than what you make wrangling shopping carts at Walmart.
I wish people would take five minutes to learn about overtime pay law.
now this i can agree with
I work overtime because I place value on diligence and selflessness. When I look for virtuous qualities in people, one of the things I look for is their work ethic. It's ok if you want to be a lazy piece of shit but I certainly do not.