I wanna go back to 2018 when all we had to argue about was lesbo scenes and whether the cool gameplay was real or not :(

I wanna go back to 2018 when all we had to argue about was lesbo scenes and whether the cool gameplay was real or not :(


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Other urls found in this thread:



Here's your lesbo vs tranny death match boyz:youtube.com/watch?v=_FcMcp-_-WI&feature=youtu.be

she looks polish

>The last of us was super overrated and not very good
>"Wow, I agree user! The game-play was super generic and the story was a shallow retread of Children of Men that was done better in a literal RPGmaker game a year later. What didn't you like about it?"
>Gay Trannies.

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>wanna go back to 2018 when all we had to argue about was lesbo scenes and whether the cool gameplay was real or not :(
Oh fuck off you werent even here if you think those were the things discussed here
The only thing people talked when the trailer came up on E3 was about SJW, jews, OY VEY GOYIM and politic agendas etc etc no one fucking talked about the gameplay
Nothing changed
Except there are more retarded soijack posters who cant post an opinion without those stupid drawings

>cool gameplay
Play more than 5 videogames in your lifetime. No one ever discussed TLOU's gameplay because there's nothing remotely interesting, unique or fun about it. It was a movie game through and through. Dumb CONSOOMER.

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>>Gay Trannies.
This will always be a just reason to not like something.

Watch the gameplay trailer in the OP you dumb fucking contrarians.

I did, it still looks like shit. Overanimated pieces of crap that snap to targets without any required inputs other than mashing the attack button to "contextually" become whatever their slave animators did.

I don't think it's just a game with political characters. I think the game is specifically about LGBT.

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it's literally a trans woman beating two women

its a shit message then cuz literally everyone sides with Ellie

didn't ellie fucking murder a fully adult cannibal when she was barely a preteen

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This theory works because I'm sure Neil Druckman thought we'd see it and think "Woah...."
But ironically all he did is prove that TERFs are the shining beacon of the LGBT community who are victimized 100% of the time and need all the support we can give them

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the guy was trying to sniff her groin who wouldn't

this tranny is pure jealousy and anger

>Have a game whose story is almost entirely carried by the father/daughter relationship between two characters
>New character comes in and kills off one of these loved characters
>Then makes you play as that new character to hunt down the other loved old character

Who in their right fucking mind thought this was a good idea. In what world would any player empathize remotely with Abby. It'd be like having Spartan Locke kill Master Chief in that fight halfway through Halo 5 or something. Why would anyone ever like or want to play as a new character that kills a beloved older character.

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Well that's just awful

>Just reason to not like something

Please go on about the justice of bideogame opinions lmao

I wanna go to yesterday when this board wasn't full of this garbage.

nobody fucking cares about your obscure retarded bs you faggot retard

You play as the person who killed joel, and your goal is to kill Ellie?

Wanna try using proper nouns ffs

Well, if I had to guess I'd say Ellie probably survives this. She got the everloving shit kicked out of her but movie/game protagonists survive that kind of shit all the time. It'd also just be a really awkward place to leave off, she begs for the other girl to live, they leave them alive, then they both just bleed out? What'd be the point. Probably missing some scene where Ellie crawls over to Dinah and Dinah dies in her arms or is already dead or something.

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Thank game of thrones for popularizing replacement of character development by killing off characters and changing focus to their killers

>cool gameplay

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>LOL everyone supports the BORFS!! R=right Guys!???

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It's funny kys. Yas Forums is dead and the last of us 2 being complete dog shit and it leaking everything is better than any other thread right now

LITERALLY GoT tier shocks for soccer moms. Lmaoing hard at this garbage.

the tranny didn't kill the kike because the kike is pregnant

don't worry they are alive

people are so stupid for falling for this garbage. there is no payoff. there will never be a payoff with this faggot philosophy of "story telling" which is just a child making up a story on the spot
>x happens
>and then
>y happens
>and then
>and then

>be a gay man
>want the odd gay romance in a game
>was perfectly happy when it was just implied that two characters liked each other
>trannies infest the game industry and scene
>gdq and studios chock full of SJWs and pussy power retards
>now all I get are awkward David Cage tier lesbians and transbians
>hideous sex scenes of characters awkwardly bumping into each other
>trying to emulate that one movie sex scene camera angle of straddling
This world is a bad place.

People always meme about burgerland but honestly all I want now is real southern fried chicken and this fake meat picture isn't helping either

>LOL just enjoy the dumpster fire us zoomers have turned this board into DAE HATE THE LIB TRANNIES??????

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Why does my boyfriend look more like a girl than this muscle bound freak

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Right, but she's laying there with an arrow through her back and her face just got smashed in. I'm saying I could see a scene where Ellie comes to and finds her dead or she dies shortly after. Unless it's been confirmed Dinah makes it to the end.

Fucking redeemed, based Neil "cuckman" Druckman

it takes some months for the baby to birth you know

>gameplay was real
you never learn do you

I'm not talking about the baby I'm talking about the woman who just got her face smashed and shot with an arrow, two ingredients that could very well lead to death since it doesn't look like either is being treated any time soon

Do be fair I hated this when it came out and I still do
>have the best tech talent In the industry
>waste a decade making pozzed tlou1 dlc uc4 and now this shit
>could have had a comfy zombie Yuri adventure with qts big tits flopping around in sex scenes
>could have amped up the gore Guro doom eternal and l4d2 style
>could have actually made a fun game out of this lezbo mess
Instead what we get is Elle + Joel dead and some bulldyke uggo half the fucking game with worse gameplay than tlou1/uc3/4
I hope this tanked nd and by extension Sony

Why the fuck can't we have nice things? I don't mind lezzo shit if it's cute and they are tomboy bisexuals but nope no fun or realism allowed in muh sjw tumblr dilator jogging simulator.
I've seriously seen and masturbated too more girly fembois with giant tits and asses than the horrible bulldyke lezzo that keeps getting posted.
Yes I'm mad I didn't hate tlou1 but it didn't need to be shit into the ground like this what the fuck.
This is what we could have had.
Instead the talent rightfully left naughty dog as quick as they could and we got shit like this
Nope fuck this I'm out

100% based

holy shit
pregnant women is alive
baby still survive for some reason

>/u/fag pretending his opinion matters
>that wall of text

Everything is nihilism and grimdark these days. Mario is the only real hero that exists

Why would the baby survive? She doesn't even look that far along in pregnancy to even have a fully formed fetus.


>your face on American culture.

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I feel you bro
I really liked the trailer ost desu

I wish we could go back to 2010 before the incels and SJWs overran the internet

because it's confirmed the baby will survive

>Yas Forums have been whining over this game for two years
Holy shit

so no evil christians?

>Tranny completely breaks her arm
>Ellie doesn't even scream
They can't even do gore right

Don't worry I'm a virgincel straight white male who faps at least 5 times a day
Imagine we could have had weird sex orgy kino and weird love triangles but nope it's gigadyke and Ellie adventures (she was the worst part of tlou1 so Uhh let's make an entire game about her then hell her at the end lmao dykes in zombie genre)
Why the fuck does every post apocalyptic game suck ass? The last one I enjoyed was mad max 5 fucking years ago now and that wasn't even that good
Is it that fucking hard to not make a fucking stupid bloated mess? God I'd go back to shitty 2000s graphics in a heartbeat if it got rid of these turds and their horrorible ideas for games and bad storytelling.
Jesus fuck what a bloody mess this industry is I hope it fucking trashes itself crashed and died

WHERE the FUCK is crash bandicoot
Where the fuck is any good new ip from this fuck naughty dog dev nope just the same shit since 2012