Why does this MMO game make Yas Forums so upset? Is it because they got filtered before being able to experience the Kino of Final Fantasy XIV's story?
Why does this MMO game make Yas Forums so upset...
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I wish I could level faster.
Got to Heavensward as Warrior but now I want to play Dark Knight and I got to level that class so I can continue the story as them. Bit annoying.
Go play classic instead
a wow bud of mine did that, he came back a month later. not going to fall for that meme.
>Why does this MMO game make Yas Forums so upset
>Most polished MMO ever created
>Stupid amount of content unless you're autistic
>Amazing experience if you play with RL friends
>god tier OST
>FFXIV art direction >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>poop>>>>>WoW's
>Best crossover content (Ivalice and Nier as prime examples)
>Excellent class variety
>Best crafting system ever put on an MMORPG
>low GCD
So they hate it because buzzwords. Gotcha.
don't you mean high GCD?
Why can't FF14 dungeons be this epic?
>make pact with static that we do Eden's Verse blind because there's no ultimate in 5.3 and it will be a fun change of pace from copying day 1 guides since most of them are casuals
>get to Shiva
>Light Rampant makes them furious
>eventually get it
>after two sessions of add prog, someone gets upset and posts a guide saying we all have to watch it because we're just beating our heads against the wall
>look at guide
>they are doing literally the exact same thing I laid out for dealing with adds
>literally nothing would change if we watched a guide from the start because the DPS don't know how to do their jobs and complain there has to be a better way
>whole fight is spoiled despite doing my best to not see any footage over the weeks I already knew about Hraesvalgr though, and now my autism has almost no interest in clearing it
Whats the point? These fights are just dance routines so you might as well just memorize a guide.
Because it's fun figuring things out yourself.
Not him but it's fun to figure out stuff with your teammates.
it's never been good, but for some reason it's heralded as the best
but it is just the lowest common denominator trash and popular because it was the first hyped one
>waaw dude i am so addicted to waaaaw
>cant wait for next expansion dood
>Straight hallway with boss monsters
>Even the Warcrafters say they don't like it as much as other dungeon
Okay retard
>it was the first hyped one
Hello to all! Especially the RP-enthusiasts and those who are knowledgeable, lore-wise.
I'm looking into adding a little something to my in-game character with which I tend to RP around a little. I run the story quests with my husband and we recently finished Stormblood and are doing the post-Stormblood quests as I am writing this.
I kinda know and understand the basis of Shadowbringers, and having played a White Mage up until now, I'm thinking about switching back to Scholar(raid-dungeons)/Summoner(overworld) main. I was thinking about turning my character blind a little like Y'shtola has been, thus turning my character away from the light (White Mage) and back to Aetherial Theory and what-not.
So here lies my question:
How would you guys go about this? Is there an upcoming moment in the story that could help with this change? I don't mind simple spoilers. If not story-wise, I'm an omni-crafter/gatherer so perhaps I could weave a story with that, but I'd like to see if the change can have weight before going the off-screen route.
Thank you!
kys tranny. dilate.
All FF14 dungeons are hallways
>finally seeing the end of Shiva
>now I just a team capable of not fucking up
>can't post mfw because rangebanned
>got all every crafter till 66 and did job quests
>finally unlocked manipulation and the cancer is over
>got every single triple triad card from gold saucer npcs
it was extremely productive 7h, boys. Feels good.
Final Fantasybros... we lost... Classic won...
Nevermind that addons are mandatory in WOW and a niche raidtranny optional tool in XIV
95% of the time every time any raid group clears a savage boss (or above) the log will get uploaded by one of the eight people in the party. Even unlisted logs not available to the public are included.
>addons are mandatory in WOW
is it?
Griffin did nothing wrong
Raid and dungeons encounters in WOW are designed with having DBM in mind.
Eden's Gate was the highest amount of people raiding in the game ever, and it was still only about 30% of the population.
But he's talking of classic no?
id love to stick around the thread but i just beat ARR and the story is ramping up. i already spoiled myself on a few things so i dont want to ruin things any further. game is fun though.
I finished all ultimates and then realized this game is shit anyway
0w0 whats this?
Why wouldn't Classic players use DBM? DBM even comes with a feature that calls out anyone who doesn't have it installed.
And yet Eden's Gate combined with all of Heavensward, Stormblood and now Eden's Verse still has less total rankings than one (1) raid in Classic
whats dbm?
Yeah that's what I'm saying though. The average XIV player doesn't raid.
Deadly Boss Mod, it basically tells you what to do in raids and dungeons.
So I hear this all the time and try the game and what I get is:
>You get to play alone and do a billion story quests which are consequently boring beyond belief. Even when the story gets good you still have to go through needless chores and steps
>really slow hotkey combat that thinks pressing more buttons = fun
>dungeons are literal hallways or just squares
>world feels like a series of hallways and full of invisible walls
When does this get fun? It feels just the same as wow only with somehow less socialization. Just people sitting in towns running roulettes.
I have two more quests to finish off Shadowbringers. So far it was a little over hyped, this could change in the last two quests. Pretty good the whole way through, even if the new battle music fucking blows. I feel like I am the only one who doesn't actually like the Crystal Exarch though or even care to rescue him. I care more to see what Emet is up to in this cool shadow city.
Are there any MMOs that actually have an interesting and threatening world to explore? I've heard a lot of people say that about the original EverQuest but I've also heard that game is really unfriendly to solo players.
I just hit the level cap of the free trial, should I wait till the new patch reduces ARR's filler or keep going?
...so why again people are saying that wow raids are more complicated/harder than ffxiv ones?
Exarch impressed me from the start since he was willing to do more than most other NPCs.
>goes with you to see Vauthry
>smugly stands up to Ranjiit
>All for rallying the city instead of second guessing hismelf on if it's right to engage Eulmore
If he was a SB NPC, you'd need to drag him everywhere while he complained about life being fine as is and not needing to improve.
This. I really hate how every mmo is basically a solo slogfest to fill bars.
>I feel like I am the only one who doesn't actually like the Crystal Exarch though or even care to rescue him
You should have done the crystal tower story or not skip it.
>Start playing
>The fucking floor is all shiny
>Same with grass
>Seems like the AA is fucking trash and cant even fix it using reshade, vsr
>Quit after 30min
imagine thinking that ffxiv players obsessed with 30 button rotation optimization are gonna be interested in a 1 button mmo
It gets fun around level 50. Not kidding. It kinda sucks and isn't for everyone. If the story doesn't grab you after ARR going into HW then feel free to drop it. It only gets better though.
The ARR filler nerf is not even going to be that big. If you like what you see, keep playing.