He plays with Japanese subs

>he plays with Japanese subs

Attached: cringing.png (467x359, 172.69K)

>he plays with subhuman piggu talk

Attached: 1570811396892.jpg (600x477, 348.73K)

Attached: 1587663267186.png (520x825, 916.09K)

What's wrong with having the characters speak in something you natively understand?

>le funny cropped porn face xD


Which one is Kami?

Post the one where her tits get bigger

It's a meme you dip


go away redmoa

How else am I supposed to understand what's being said? If the characters are speaking Japanese, I need some English subs to follow.


Attached: 1570783904387.webm (1920x1080, 2.92M)

>playing with dubs

Attached: 1584468630942.jpg (1819x2048, 198.25K)

With Japanese VO, I can't tell if they suck or not. But I know the English actors suck and/or are the same handful of people (Nolan North, John DiMaggio, Troy Baker, etc).

And this only applies to Jap made games. I will stick with the native language of any game.

>tifa fag likes dubs

big suprise.

what the fuck did I just watch

Japanese dub.
>"Ah, nandemoya san!"
English dub.
>"Heya, spike-haired merc!"

Only Americans think this is ok.

Attached: ff7girl.png (505x300, 338.01K)

By having them speak English instead, as is probably the default. These are video games, not anime.

>listening to ching chong ding dong ant people language you cannot understand

I had to change to the Jap voices cause Tifa and Aerith acting like Japanese girls while their voice was completely disconnected from their gestures was jarring as fuck.

>play with Japanese audio
>subtitle reads "Hey asshole"

>play with English Audio
"Hey asshole"
>subtitle reads "Hey asshole"

The English dub in FF7R is far superior over the Japanese. Only an insufferable weeb could possibly think otherwise

Cope shit dub nig

Seriously, the translation is completely off.
I switched to ENG to check some battle banter I couldn't understand in JPN and I regretted it immediately after I heard cursing Cloud.
>Bring it on bitch
>It's nothing personal, bitch
Good thing I'm not EOP.

someone abusing the dark wood grain ring's iframes during flips

>Cloud says "bitch"
That automatically makes the dub 10x better

Will Redmoa make a an animatiobn with scarlett?

Agree. Playing in japanese and the Tifas subtle body movements fit perfectly with her gentle voice.

The one part it just doesn't work is the honeybee girls. I think they fucked up badly the "maido san" squeeky voice with western faces.

Thats how she be looking at my dick too buy same thing gonna happen

Why yes, I do play with Japanese subtitles on. Sometimes it's fucking impossible to tell what people say, especially in works with complex military, scientific, political, ancient swordsmanship, etc, terminology.

Attached: jessie's final words.jpg (943x520, 37.98K)

I'd rather hear "bitch" then hear "BAKA NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" you cum-drinking slut.