Seized steam account

Hey, recently I went to a random "free skins" website, and it got me logged in by accident. That website compromised my steam password, username, steam guard and mobile authenticator. I also used my credit card, but I didn't save it, is it possible for someone to find my credit card, and what should I do.

I already contacted steam and I'm waiting for a answer.

Please help.
Thanks in advance.

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get fucking owned zoomer scum

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>giving out your password in exchange for "free" stuff

>Please help

>it got me logged in by accident
So, you typed in your username and password on a shady site?


shit bait.

sent ;)

If you're using the same password for any other account, change it real quick.

It even happened to many boomers are back in the day.

>entering all your steam and credit card info on some random website

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I have your account
No, I'm not giving it back
t. hacker known as four chan

Another CSGO baby bites the dust

>logged in by accident
Uh huh

hey its me ur brother

Support will not help you. Get fucked, retard.

It's okay man, Last time I fucked your mother by accident you were born. Shit happens son.

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Now I don't know who's the biggest retard on this thread.

Send me your credit card info I’ll get it fixed:

[email protected]

freeze your card, and change your PW on any acc that also has it, ESPECIALLY your email
i'd call you retarded too but these underage zoomers who have no concept of beating a dead horse beat me to the punch.

protonmail is a NSA honeypot lmao
ask /g/ about it

A smash thread died for this


uh oh stinky

you mean a last of us thread died for this

and that's a good thing

Thanks ;)

>It even happened to many boomers are back in the day.
No it didn't you ESL third world shitter.


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get fucked


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oh no no no no

>That website compromised my steam password, username, steam guard and mobile authenticator
There are so many mistakes you made to get into that situation that you deserve everything
OP is a fag

what's wrong with it?

How does one 'log in by accident' if you had steam guard and mobile authenticator. Just admit your retardation OP.

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remember these are the people who spam steam bad threads two months later

Ok faggot. Answer my question. How THE FUCK do you beat Birth By Sleep without menuing.
Both died for this. That's actually a good thing.

Compromised, might as well be using hotmail or yahoo. It's a known honeypot

>compromised steam guard and mobile authenticator

>mobile authenticator
Idk how authenticator works in steam, but if they just send you a code on a mobile phone, then i dont see how its a big deal. Unless they somehow dupe your number and use it (its possible actually), they cant get the code, so they also cant get in your account.
>used my credit card
if you already used it to purchase something, then they know your credit card info. if you didnt, then i am not sure about it. i would probably block it anyway desu.

So "acceidentaly" logged into steam on a dodgy skin website and used your credit card?

Oh my God, did you know if you type your username and password for Steam on Yas Forums that it automatically gets filtered??? See: