FP1’s like and dislike ratio


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How mad do you have to be to make this?

I didn’t it was him twitter.com/paradeveto/status/1254618879889899520?s=21

If this is from Youtube I want the total view counts and number of likes and dislikes as well. The only way Banjo could have the best ratio is because he's such a worthless literal who that I doubt many people outside of his rabid fans even bothered to hit the like or dislike button or even watch the video.

Why do people get so upset about a children's game?

Is he right?

Attached: Capture.jpg (475x892, 65.79K)

He is, and very based I must say

boooooooooooooooooooox GAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG

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>Proving scientifically that no one likes Byleth:
>majority likes
Does this guy know what "proving", "scientifically," or "no one" mean?

>people hated Terry because they didn't know who he was
They deserved Byleth
I never cared about Fatal Fury or KoF before but Terry made me a believer.
And Sakurai's pure fanaticism for the franchises.

2/5 season pass was for suckers

You forgot to account for Nintensoi inflation. Knock off about 20% of the liked percent and you'll get your actual number.

>soi meme
>knock off the amount that conveniently lets me win the argument!
LMBO what's next? A wojak? 3h sold 2 million before Byleth was even announced. If no one likes FE, how did that happen?

Mario sells more than 10 million

It's been three months already and hoes still be mad.

Attached: hoesmad.png (928x724, 841.08K)

>Mario in 2020
Dead franchise, unlike FE.

Attached: global-player-spending-nintendo-mobile-games.jpg (1450x969, 165.75K)

Imagine being enough of a disgusting smelly fat tranny to make this image.

im suprised joker was so liked. Maybe because he was the first and some people liked the surprise
Like if Terry and Joker were switched I bet things would be a little different.

It’s You’re

You just outted yourself as cancer. LMBO

the amount of people who had no idea who terry was really told me who the smash audience is

Managing to hate one of the most based characters in vidya is a crime punishable by Byleth

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who fucking cares

Terry is way more of a literal who than Banjo. I’m a pretty huge video game nerd and I didn’t know who Terry was until it was leaked that an SNK character was coming to Smash.

That's rich user. Smashfags aren't people.

twitter only makes garbage reaction images, but rosterfaggotry is indeed peak reddit


t. tranny may dilate fanboy

Attached: Chad Byleth vs virgin male bayonetta.png (695x429, 200.89K)

Attached: pokemon_go_lifetime_revenue_3_billion_chart_final.jpg (1450x950, 105.91K)

so most people liked the FP
makes sense

While I understand why some people might not like Byleth, mechanically speaking he is fun af.

I have never played DMC

Of course you would mention your gacha phone game instead of console game sales.