Well that didn't take long

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*kisses user*

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suddenly they can come up ith a release date, I wonder why HA HA HA HA HA HA
The obsolute STATE of Naught Flop

>2 months to spoil the game for everyone

based sony

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>PC players are also in for a treat
What did the mean by this?

God... who gives a shit? This isnt The Last of Us we want. This is a Juden game. No thanks

Where can I see the leak?

>leave people a few months to spoil the game
Based. Fuck ND. Fuck that kike Neil. Fuck TLoU.

so theyre not going to change the ending based on feedback? is it cuz corona-chan or they dont give a shit anymore?

Are the leaks from somebody who owns the full game? Why don't they just release it if so

Means Sony IP's are being ported to PC. It's a part of modern console process. They are pretty much just locked down low PC's nowadays, so it's easy to port the games. That way you get to experience them the way they look in the promotional material.

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they'd have to redo most of the game to fix the problems

>mfw Cuckman cucked by BASED leaker

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It was never about making a good game. Druckman and people like him only make games to fulfill an agenda.

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>Implying it's even possible at this stage
The amount of money and time required to make those fixes is just not viable, least of all in the timeframe available.
This is a good example of glass-bottom death march development - you can see in almost real time the workings of a project already doomed to fail, but they have to finish it regardless. Pretty interesting and useful from an academic perspective.

you only made this post to fulfill an agenda

Just speaking facts. Not agenda based.


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so is druckman?? this is how the events of last of us 2 panned out and he's now telling the story as it occurred in reality. you're the one trying to rewrite history

>i'm just saying facts bro!
every time kek

Someone explain to me, why would someone want to leak the game after getting to work in Druckman's Crunchy Funhouse, and even getting paid for some of that time?

Anyway I'm glad they got a release date and will now undoubtedly crunch even harder, likely quelling any further mutiny in the studio

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>>Someone explain to me, why would someone want to leak the game after getting to work in Druckman's Crunchy Funhouse, and even getting paid for some of that time?
? Because he wasn't paid lol

Druckman is a talentless jew that injects his videogames with social justice tropes. There's nothing factually correct about his process. He's supposed to make a game that appeals to all and that is fun and atmospheric. But the leaks only show that all of that was never a consideration. You have to stop kissing his ass!

Relax basedboy.

Being able to work on games is its own reward. If anything he should have been paying the studio, not the other way around

>This isnt The Last of Us we want.

FYI it was a juden game since the very first game. Just because you ate the onions and bought into all the marketing, reviews and awards doesn't change this fact. This sequel will get the very same acclaim.

Ok? Mocking his post doesn't make it any less true

after seeing the videos, I don't see what are people are so outraged by. It's just as violent as the previous one, and there is just as much boring ass talking and CINEMATIC MOMENTS as the previous one.

>He's supposed to make a game that appeals to all and that is fun and atmospheric

where did you get this? you're just malding because he's catering to an audience that you aren't a part of. this game is for young women primarily, not you

bad bait

Where do you see that in that article?

its a reward when you are making your own game, this isnt the case here. even devs said this game is not fun

Most women hate men pretending to be women more than men do

Only if it's been established that it's true (it hasn't)
