God DAMN is it a good day to be a God of War CHAD!

God DAMN is it a good day to be a God of War CHAD!

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>Reddit tier art

Muh wholesome daddyo to little adopted boyo!! So cute!!!

>my movie is better than their movie

I liked the rygar ps2 style gow games but just couldn't into the new one
and the norse setting was lame could have picked sumeria /persia

Haha seethe more fag. You have both Reddit and GoW CHADs living in your head rent-free.

Now post the lewd version

>didn’t play it

You should check it out user. Join us at the CHAD table.

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Yeah bruh

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Seething. God of War is pure father-son binding kino.
Women WILL NEVER get this game.

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I wish baldur snapped that little dykes neck

>muscle shota

I missed the PS4 this gen and I plan on playing it BC with the PS5.

Been hearing nothing but wonders on this game.

I really want to play it but cant be arsed to go through all the other games fucking hell

>raise a son
>become better, stronger people through your bond

>raise a daughter
>she becomes a cunty lesbian and you get murdered by a tranny as a shadow of a man

Games really can teach you things.

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Each game is max 10 hours. At least play the first one and read a summary of the others.

I miss when Kratos was a ball of rage trying to pull down the heavens to spite the gods. Now he's just a boring faggot. Where's the rage? Why does Kratos suddenly not care about his family. you know the family whose ashes are stuck to his skin forever? I guess he got over it. Now he's playing wet nurse for some whiny faggot.

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Kratos would never pose like that


>strong white man with his biological children on a journey
>no sjw themes

i don't get it

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He learned to forgive himself and start a new life.

gonna play them when i get my hands on a ssd for my fatlady

Have you played the game? He’s still barely in control of his anger. There are 6 games where he’s screaming at the Gods and has no control over his rage at all, why is it a bad thing for him to grow as a person?

bruh all the gods who did him wrong are dead and he literally said "my vengeance ends now" at the end of 3, he's stoic greek man now

Atreus is kawaii and will grow into a strong handsome man. Suck it Ellie.

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>destroys greece
>kills all of the greek gods
>even his father
>his own brother despises him now
I've only every played the first game, but I think it's obvious all that changed him.

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*hits pipe*

>liking objectively shit-tier gameplay
not how this works m8

Hey look, it's another emasculated jap character


God of War was also stupid storytelling. Game was alright and looked great, but can anyone honestly say they were just washed over with amazing characterization watching this dad and kid interact? It was okay but the ‘slow burn’ story about father and son just wasn’t exciting or much meaningful. Very redundant game

>and will grow into a strong handsome man.
That's a guarantee

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That rage he gets in when Baldur taunts him and threatens to go through his house where his son was hiding was peak unadulterated alpha male rage. Nothing more chad than fighting with no regards to injury or death in a blinding rage to protect your progeny at all costs.

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Maybe if you played the game instead of listening to Yas Forums you’d have a different opinion. Playing on Hard is some of the most fun I’ve had with a game’s combat, at least in single-player.

They're jealous because no one on Yas Forums will ever be a father.

Wait until the sequel when Loki starts shapeshifting into a girl.

Their meme-addled brains can only think of onions shit whenever they see a bald bearded man.

God of War is the only Sony first-party game still alive that I'm interested in, I was holding out for a new Jak but I don't think current ND is up to that challenge.

He spent 6 games exacting his revenge and coming to terms with what happened, he then spent a greater amount of time leaving it all behind him after GoW3's ending, where he kills his father and loses someone who was on track to become a surrogate daughter to him, and in that time he found new love and family in moments we don't see and are put back with him just past those moments.

Also the ashes starting to fade away from his skin is symbolic of him being able to move on after all the bullshit he went through. It's a shame they will likely go through with killing him though.

My friend named his firstborn Atreus, like a month ago.

>but can anyone honestly say they were just washed over with amazing characterization watching this dad and kid interact?

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>rape a franchise to the point of unrecognizability
>30 minute log chopping cutscene before the game even starts
>hurrr why do people not like this my identity politics aren't in it!

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Better than SIMP Joel and Lesbo Ellie!

Do men typically get pregnant?

I don’t play games expecting to be blown away by the story. I enjoyed the characters and their interactions, if I really want to feel impacted by a story I’ll read a book.

>>hurrr why do people not like this
It was a massive success commercially and critically

>rape a franchise to the point of unrecognizability
Nice buzzwords there, pal.

I call them buzzwords because you don't mean any of them, you're just using them in place of an argument you can't make.

Depends which doujin you read.

No, but gods aren't men.

And that's why we hate it!

>log chopping is identity politics now

Norse gods aren’t gods at all, just powerful men.