What JRPG are you playing? What are you looking forward to?
JRPG Lockdown
What are some JRPGs that let me pick the protagonist? I don't mean character creation but giving me multiple characters to choose from. Games like this that I've played:
Trials of Mana
Octopath Travelers
SaGa series
FF7 Remake is really fun
I don't buy into the whole Yas Forums narrative that it's a trainwreck
It's timed exclusive, filters 90% of Yas Forums
ff7 remake and 龍が如く7
Yas Forums is contrarian
Digital Devil Saga, both games. I'm about to finish 2 and I want to fucking die. I'm looking forward to ending it all.
Finally gave Pandora's Tower another chance and I have been enjoying it so far. Once I'm done with that I'll dive into The Last Story.
Only thing I really look forward to is the FFCC remaster, which I hope gets a PC port announcement.
>I'm about to finish 2 and I want to fucking die. I'm looking forward to ending it all.
i know how you feel, everything after cielo's death sucked to me
Time to go punch THE SUN
FF7 Remake was awesome besides some goofy Nomura stuff. I have some nitpicks about changes here and there, but for the most part it's really well done and fun.
No it's just full of retards who think the only way they can have fun is to ruin someone elses
I had to take a break from Vanguard Bandits. Now I don't know what to play.
I agree with you. I haven't completed it yet but I've had a great time so far. The music has been fantastic.
Tales of Xillia
Trials of Mana, because they fucked up and you can easily hack the demo into the full version.
Playing: Nier Automata
Looking forward to:Tales of Arise
Suikoden 3
Wild arms 3 at the start
So, the sun was killing ppl so we went to the sun, at night and uh... and then uh...
pretty sure ys origins does this though I haven't played it
>that final dungeon of 2
>takes hours to get through
>with optional super bosses at the end
I fucking loved it.
I’ve been on a SMT binge. I finished 1 (Neutral), 2 (Law) SJR (Standard Neutral) and started 4A. I also picked up Raidou 2 again but I didn’t get that far.
Looking forward to Xenoblade Definitive
Maybe, but it's some episodic bullshit. They won't get my money.
I think it is VERY good, and I am looking forward to the next one. It's not perfect but it's a lot better than the fags on here trying to make it another TORtanic, and fucking barryposting everywhere.
Playan: Cold Steel II, P5R (Passed 100 hours and still not done)
Waitan: Fucking YS IX YOU NIPPONS
Just finished Ys I Chronicles. A great game, going to start on a sequel soon.
However it kinda requires a guide to play effectively and not miss anything important and to remove these "ok where do I go now" moments.
Even still it held up suprisingly well for a game that came out in the caveman times. The OST is a banger as well.
Definitely play 4 before 4A. It's ultimately better and A is a follow-up to it anyway.
I just finished Persona 5 Royal, right now I'm debating if I should play FF7 Remake or Fire Emblem 3 Houses next. In the meantime I've been writing some more lewdfics, though at the moment I'm kind of having writer's block
The first 3 Wild Arms games and Alter Code: F
Suikoden 3
Is Final Fantasy X-2 as dumb as I remember it?
I remember that back when I played it I cringed pretty hard during most cutscenes but maybe that was just me being an edgy, no-fun-allowed type of person.
Gameplay was pretty fun though, I remember that much.
Two things can be true.
>What JRPG are you playing?
Just finished chapter 9 and it's pretty damn bad.
Started playing Xenogears it's the only xeno game I have yet to beat.
It's pretty good so far, the environments are pretty fun to navigate. Elly is hella cute, I can't wait to get her back in my party. I love the little wink she does when you win a battle.
Waiting for Nier Remastered and Sakura Wars.
You got a pastebin or something?