Games that grant you lots of freedom in customizing your own experience

Attached: I hate this fucking site.png (385x659, 33.58K)

>Do all of that
>Shitposters STILL find ways to bypass every single filter
At this point I'd just rather spend my time hiding threads instead of making more filters.

>those filters
All that's left is smash rosterfag threads

This is now a TLOU Joel/Ellie spoiler Naughty Dog Nigger Tranny Neil Druckmann Faggot Snoy Jew Gay/Lesbian Tifa/Aerith Soulless BASED thread

Attached: 1587578850949.jpg (737x850, 65.59K)

You forgot "Kino", good list otherwise

>no smash bros

thanks for the filter list.

"soulless" has two L's, btw.

was the nice hotline miami thread from last night deleted because of TLoU shit?

imagine browsing Yas Forums for actual discussion lmao

Attached: 1565456685275.png (577x536, 428.29K)

Yas Forums is decent when it comes to recommendations. Learned about some hidden gems here.

Yeah I never used to bother with filters at all but every year this place becomes worse and worse so it's a fucking necessity at this point to avoid most the inane shitposting. People who use buzzwords don't have anything worth hearing anyway.

This. Bought more than a few games because of some user's detailing their experiences with them.

Kill yourself nigggeeeeeeerrrrrr

>Coloring your hides

Ironic, op hated TLOU threads but ended up making another one himself.

When I took this picture, over half of the threads in my catalog where still smash threads.

Attached: Autism_.jpg (134x35, 1.81K)



Attached: 1579586138127.png (453x553, 13.11K)

get on my level

Attached: Immagine.png (333x497, 22.87K)


Are any threads even left?

off topic threads

54 filters at the moment, on average it's 40-45

Attached: 1587330676314.png (355x503, 10.06K)

kys you subh-human Redditerian

And there go comfy Legacy of Kain threads we have once in a while.

4channel is worse than reddit now. Prove me wrong

Hardcore $onygger detected

lmao imaging censoring yourself aahhhh the worlds so scary! kek

Thanks for the filters, now I can bypass them with just a couple of letter changes.

>implying i posted my list
>implying you can challenge my regex-fu

I'm an autistic code monkey and there is nothing you can do about it, and since i got them refined my /vee/ experience is the best since 2011

can you share?

Here's the MD5s of some of the most common wojak shit for anyone interested
