Only 7 or so months left until it dies, post you favorite flash games

Only 7 or so months left until it dies, post you favorite flash games.

Attached: Adobe_Flash_Player_v10_icon.png (1044x1043, 171.43K)

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Everything on neopets.


Maybe, for kids using shitty browsers.


It's confirmed that Flash will be unusable for all browsers.

For the longest time it was Mardek 3 but now its Epic Battle Fantasy 5. I also like Book of Mages, Ge.Ne.Sis, and World's End. For non-rpgs I like Sushi Cat and Elephant's Quest I guess
Redpill a retarded child please

I will never not cum buckets to imoutoto and Super Deep Throat.


Jungle/demon girl
Love saber
Treadmillasarus rex


Winter Bells

ruffle, a flash emulator is in development

>a flash emulator is in development
Why don't just use IE 11?

>flash emulator
Don't executables exist already? Even if browsers stop working it's not like they will.


shockwave isn't supported by most browsers for 5 years, yet there are still sites that keep shockwave games up
flashpoint is a project that collects every piece of flash content in existence
newgrounds made its own flash player so all games there can still be played

Attached: depression.png (334x281, 184.5K)

Hahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Flash Dying Like Nigga Just Don't Update Your Browser Like Nigga Just Don't Fall For The Botnet Haha

I loved this game and its sequel and wish it could be made multiplayer somehow.

Neopets has been swapping their shit to HTML5, so they should be okay.

I don't know what everyone is so damn worried about, just get a standalone flash player and back up your favorite .swf's. Besides, most sites that give a damn will probably just use an alternative flash player, so there's little to fret about.

Attached: standalone.png (75x214, 7.62K)

Frank's Adventure

How do you download flash games if there's no DL links underneath?

exquisite taste user. a shame about pseudolonewolf.

DownThemAll (or other similar extension) with filtering to .swf files

Town of Salem

Anyone know any good rape flash games?
Asking for a friend.

gaper mario
too bad we will never get a sequel

I heard he is planning to port/remaster them for Steam as 3-in-1 pack but considering his health and history with unfinished projects I have my doubts

In 20 years of experience with PCs, i haven't seen a single product from Adobe that didn't lag like the slowest retarded snail