Only 7 or so months left until it dies, post you favorite flash games.
Only 7 or so months left until it dies, post you favorite flash games
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Everything on neopets.
Maybe, for kids using shitty browsers.
It's confirmed that Flash will be unusable for all browsers.
For the longest time it was Mardek 3 but now its Epic Battle Fantasy 5. I also like Book of Mages, Ge.Ne.Sis, and World's End. For non-rpgs I like Sushi Cat and Elephant's Quest I guess
Redpill a retarded child please
I will never not cum buckets to imoutoto and Super Deep Throat.
Jungle/demon girl
Love saber
Treadmillasarus rex
Winter Bells
ruffle, a flash emulator is in development
>a flash emulator is in development
Why don't just use IE 11?
>flash emulator
Don't executables exist already? Even if browsers stop working it's not like they will.
shockwave isn't supported by most browsers for 5 years, yet there are still sites that keep shockwave games up
flashpoint is a project that collects every piece of flash content in existence
newgrounds made its own flash player so all games there can still be played
Hahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Flash Dying Like Nigga Just Don't Update Your Browser Like Nigga Just Don't Fall For The Botnet Haha
I loved this game and its sequel and wish it could be made multiplayer somehow.
Neopets has been swapping their shit to HTML5, so they should be okay.
I don't know what everyone is so damn worried about, just get a standalone flash player and back up your favorite .swf's. Besides, most sites that give a damn will probably just use an alternative flash player, so there's little to fret about.
Frank's Adventure
How do you download flash games if there's no DL links underneath?
exquisite taste user. a shame about pseudolonewolf.
DownThemAll (or other similar extension) with filtering to .swf files
Town of Salem
Anyone know any good rape flash games?
Asking for a friend.
gaper mario
too bad we will never get a sequel
I heard he is planning to port/remaster them for Steam as 3-in-1 pack but considering his health and history with unfinished projects I have my doubts
In 20 years of experience with PCs, i haven't seen a single product from Adobe that didn't lag like the slowest retarded snail