Constantly shit on Iron Keep

>constantly shit on Iron Keep
>this is acceptable

Attached: canon.png (634x754, 28.16K)

It's not, I can't even comprehend what it's supposed to be.

I don't shit on Iron Keep at all, plebs can't appreciate surrealism

Oolacile is reached by beating lol4kings? I thought it was from some golem by the Hydra.

That's not Oolacile it's Kiln of the First Flame

Oh. Why is retard OP saying the Kiln is below 4kings?
Have you ever played the game?

>Why is retard OP saying the Kiln is below 4kings?
Because to get to the kiln, Kaathe takes you down a hole in firelink shrine. New Londo is under firelink, and the kings are under New Londo.

never played the game
>If New Londo is under firelink, that must mean Kiln is under New Londo!
awful spatial sense

>never played the game
Oh my bad I confused the two identical serpents that must mean I never played it. Ok retard
>awful spatial sense
Ok where is it then? Explain exactly where the kiln is

Kaathe vores you then the game fades to black screen, you don't know what path he takes to get you to the kiln. Also he is a magical lizard. For all you know he vores you then spits you out his asshole and his body is wrapped around in such a way that it leads to kiln.

>you don't know what path he takes to get you to the kiln.
We see him go down. So clearly he’s somewhere below firelink shrine

How do you know he isn't teleporting there via magic? Usually fade to black screen indicates that some amount of time passes. For all you know it takes him like 20 minutes to spit you back out.

>doesn't even know which direction is up or down
Kaathe is in the abyss, from where he goes UP toward the Kiln. Dumbass.

Either trolling or genuinely retarded if that's the only explanation you can come up with.

Attached: 1586800837831.gif (600x450, 86.98K)

Didn't know there was a magic stairwell leading to the Iron Keep.

>How do you know he isn't teleporting there via magic?
I don’t, but there’s no proof that’s what happens either. We se him swallow us and go down the hole, and we aim come down from the other side and we’re droppped to the kiln.
Also you could apply that same logic to the elevator in earthen peak. How do you know that the elevator isn’t magical and teleports you to the Iron keep?

I’m talking about frampt, taking you *down* from firelink.
>no argument
About what I expected

>How do you know that the elevator isn’t magical and teleports you to the Iron keep?
Because I literally witness the entire elevator ride and see no indication that any magic or teleportation was used.

This is constant in all from soft games including sekiro and bloodborne.

Both old ashina and old yharnam are underground.

It's a theme

>we’re droppped to the kiln
Firelink Altar.

Holy shit STOP
Think about your logic for a second.
There are two serpents.
Frampt, who is in Firelink, goes down toward the Kiln.
Kaathe, who is in the Abyss, goes up towards the Kiln.
Do you understand now?

Well when frampt takes me to the kiln I see no indication that any magic was used.

Impossible space is a fun trope

I thought it was agreed on that the actual kiln is somewhere far away from Lordran.

Just a fun tidbit but the Kiln was built around the stump of an Archtree.

>ITT: retards who can't into critical thinking
Am I being baited by everyone else right now? Is this a troll thread and I just didn't get the memo?

>there’s no proof that’s what happens either.
Holy fucking shit dude, you can literally fall from Firelink into the Kiln.

Which is directly connected to the kiln by a short distance.
>There are two serpents.
>Frampt, who is in Firelink, goes down toward the Kiln.
Yes and I’ve said three times now that he’s the one I’m talking about.

By whom, based on what?

That only happens cause you can anger Frampt and Kaathe with Oswald dead and no means of repenting, it would softlock you.

>by a short distance
No? It's connected by a fucking magical device that allowed to teleport all over the world that when fully powered opens a magical stairwell to the Kiln.

>you can literally fall from Firelink into the Kiln.
So what? You can fall from Eleum Loyce to the old Chaos as well, that doesn’t automatically mean that magic was used

No, it’s connected by a short staircase past the magical devise. Have you even played dark souls?

Why not just prevent players from angering Frampt and Kaathe?

Have you fucking looked at the stairwell? Have you seen how the door is opened? By your logic all bonfires are in the same place because you never move when using the Lordvessel.

Because you have to be able to attack anyone you want even by accident, see: Andre

By intellectuals.

>doesn't automatically mean that magic was used
Not sure what you are saying here but I never implied any sort of magic. By physically falling from Firelink to the Kiln, the game shows that the Kiln is deep below Firelink.
>Eleum Loyce
I don't play Dark Souls DLC, and this isn't about Dark Souls 2 anyway.

>Have you seen how the door is opened?
How is that relevant? Is there any indication, text, or item descriptions, that say the staircase is being magically projected and that’s how you’re getting to the kiln?

>you have to be able to
according to who? additionally, who says being "able to attack anyone you want even by accident" means you are able to anger everyone?