IS THAT?! IS THAT.....A.....A REUSED....ENEMY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...


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why were there piles of dead demons in DS3?

Kill yourself kid

Because it's after 1, are you retarded ?

Capra Demon is easily in my top 3 bosses for DS1

>Kill yourself kid

what conveys a man over the age of 18 to make a thread like this?

no i am not retarded
i think you are though

They fought each other to death to choose their king after chaos bed died

Autism and being on Yas Forums for way too long.

Demons are made of lava(Chaos), it's the end of the world and the power of Chaos is fading so the lava is cooling down and turning into rocks.

>That part where there's like eight Taurus Demons just standing in a line

Because it's the end of times.
To make fun of people who think reused enemies are some utter detriment. I thought it was quite obvious that was the purpose of this thread.

if he was so strong why did he bitch out so hard?

Attached: bitchmade.jpg (748x1069, 78.94K)

Dark Souls is still the best Souls game you faggots.
>inb4 Bloodborne
Bloodborne is a soulless casualised reddit nu-game that tries to be an action game and fails, neglecting atmosphere, world design and level design as a result

>neglecting atmosphere, world design and level design as a result

Attached: Meester Hunta.jpg (927x380, 431.51K)

name one dark souls boss harder than defiled watchdog
dumb phonefag shitposter underage faggot

>name one dark souls boss harder than defiled watchdog

Attached: abyss-watchers-dks3[1].jpg (1920x1080, 323.4K)

O', I am a laffin'

>filtered by an early boss
just admit you are a seething brazilian pcfag, never played bloodborne and can't afford another system

>muh boss xD
Typical BBtard response. What’s even funnier is that Watchdog is a joke of a boss too. DS1 has harder and better bosses, plus it actually has other aspects to it such as atmosphere, lore, great level design and actual art direction instead of Bloodborne’s samey black gothic cities

that moveset is a joke holy shit. even Sif is harder than this

Attached: This (2).jpg (1280x1280, 464.47K)

Lothric knights raided the remains of Izalith which sunk into Ash Lake. Demons are dying out entirely.
Demon Prince slithered away after Lorian beat his ass to lick his wounds to possibly relight the Chaos Flame.

We come along and stomp on his bitch ass.

And this is the best thing Bloodborne has to offer? Hilarious

yet can't name one
>had to look a way to cheese it to prove his point
this board's soulsbornefags are mentaly ill, this is why every thread devolves into ds2 baiting, pcfag cope, port begging and sekiro seethe

>to cheese it
>baiting its laughable attack pattern you can casually walk around
the absolute state of you

What does "bitch out" even mean
If you mean selflessly sacrificing himself so that his heirs could keep their rule and the scary humanity would stay in their dregs, for his kind it was still a better alternative than "bitching out" and letting the abyss take over. There was no winning option for him either way, because there's no winning over entropy.
If you mean him being a weak boss, you're literally fighting a soulless hollow who's meant to show you that even the strongest god of myths can't stay strong forever in this world.
Nameless King is a fanservice boss who kind of shows you what Gwyn was like in his prime.

It's a common enemy. Who cares?

I think you’re the one who’s mentally ill. Also everything I said was bait and Bloodborne is way better than Shit Souls

Atmosphere and level design are two of things BB excels at. Should have chosen a better metric like the main story and non-linearity cause BB sucks at those.

What a fucking shitshow honestly, this one and Loran Darkbeast are among the worst bosses I've fought.

This was cool and showed that the Taurus Demon and Capra Demon were actually late game enemies that wandered into the Burg

Remember how the taurus demons are all lazily placed around the lava lake before it for no real reason and look like someone just dropped them there while programming?