How do we revive the rhythm game genre?

How do we revive the rhythm game genre?

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make beat saber but with an all ddr soundtrack

tfw no brown gf


How do we bring back arcades? How do we bring back malls?

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How do we bring back joy ? How do we bring back love ? How do we bring back hope ??

I want a fat gf
convince me otherwise

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wtf is wrong with asian men?

I don't know man, PIU is actually pretty alive.

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Will you be buying it?

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Buy a Switch. Cytus, Deemo, Voez, Taiko, Project Diva, Aaero, Thumper.

Jubeat port to Mobile/PC

very nice

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>fuck her fat tits
>skeet on her face
>and i'm out

Vaccinate more children.

>That lack of trigger discipline.

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no lack. she's about to shoot.

Any decent consumer-grade PC pads you can buy these days?

We don't, because westerners do not understand rhythm games. You can't just throw any ole pop song onto a rhythm game and expect it to work, you need the decades of finely tuned Japanese rhythm games artistry for it to work.

True. And modern westerners will never understand rhythm games because they don't understand music.

Frederic, necrodancer, GalMetal.

they are called containment boards for a reason!

I miss when you'd see someone tardflail like that then watch them SSS the song.

Tfw no cute gf

half of those games have terrible chart design and not enough depth depth to keep the hardcore crowd sticking around. Thumper is different enough to be it's own sub-genre.

any soft pad taped down onto a wooden board is enough for casual play. if you know you need gucci shit, get in line for SMX pads or figure out how to wire up a pad with Force Sensitive Resistors yourself

Superbeat Xonic.

Open the fucking arcades back up so I can play Wacca
I swear to god, Round 1 you nigger, OPEN UP

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consider getting thin gf, and MAKING her fat gf

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>Almost $1500
Wow, I should have just bought a Cobalt Flux when I had the chance.

Guarantee you all those guys there think they have a chance with her.

Rhythm games aren't dead but arcades in the West are. DDR is also kind of dead, it needs some kind of revival.

I think it comes down to people being lazy. There's no reason for malls to still not exist. They're places you can get your clothes at, buy a gift, toy, game, electronic, grab a meal, catch a movie, hang out with friends. People have just become too lazy and don't want to put in effort to go hang out when they can just post on social media and get loads more attention and fake happiness from there instead.

Pump it Up is DDR's inbred cousin
wish we had all these fun arcade machines in proximity.
Going out in the West is boring

make a sekiro spinoff in VR/AR where you waggle a katana around to parry to the beat

make all the music remixes of edo-era themes

A lot of those suck honestly
Oh and don't forget they have Groove Coaster on there too

What's your problem with Cytus?