Turns a 7/10 game and turns it into a 5/10 game by itself

>turns a 7/10 game and turns it into a 5/10 game by itself

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Doom Eternal was great, only problem it suffers heavily because it has no replay value and the multiplayer is atrocious. Final boss wasn't too bad, could've been better did feel a bit rushed.

>turns a 10/10 game to an 8.5/10 by itself

forgot pic

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>that dev commentary on a speedrun where they literally admitting that the point of this boss fight was to show off the dismemberment. that's it.

nu-id, everyone.


better than 2016's final boss

>Doom16's multiplayer kept me busy for some 200-odd hours, after I picked it up on a Christmas sale a couple years after release when it was basically already dead
>Doom Eternal's multiplayer bores me to tears in under a week

What the fuck were they thinking, the deathmatch formula isn't broken. Don't fuck with it.

How big is his penis and would it be armored too?

This actual fucking retard played Doom16's multiplayer for more than an hour. How the fuck are you so retarded?


What? The Icon of Sin was a great boss, it really forces you to master everything you've done in the game up until that point, and it also lets you feel good with unlimited crucible charges.
The only thing I can see being annoying is if you're doing an ultra nightmare run and you get bunch of enemies to spawn right behind you.

DOOM porn VN when

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No fucking way
The 2016 final boss was WAY better
>combat with olivia pierce promised from the get go
>classic spider mastermind
>ok mechcanics
>nice arena
>satisfying final blow

while the icon of sin
>rushed lore and boss, only knowing about it 40 minutes before the end
>shit U shaped arena at first
>doesnt let you enjoy and experience the arena because you have to constantly be looking at the boss
>shaky as camera
>weird fucking attacks that doesnt make sense
>tosses you around like a ragdoll enough to make you dizzy for the whole fight

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I cant even fucking remember the spider mastermind boss because of how uninspired and mediocre it was, at least with the Icon of Sin you get to spam the crucible and blood punch

I don't think Icon was that bad, I found it ez af and killed him first try. Once you know how the game works (and at that point, you should) this shit is really ez

My only complaint with the game is the utter lack of replay value. I played it once on Ultra Violence and I have no desire to come back to it. Will probably give it a second run on Nightmare when they update it with ray tracing in 6 months or so, but for 60 bucks I cannot say it was great value.
Fun but worth half the price, imo

>doesnt let you enjoy and experience the arena because you have to constantly be looking at the boss
What? I remember only looking at the boss when I was attacking him, else I was focusing on the arena.
I quite liked the fight itself, hectic as fuck and enjoyable just punching and chopping the shit out of everything, but I agree the whole build up and lore to the Icon was really rushed and unsatisfying. The whole story feels like it was cobbled together in the last minute to put the cool locations together, hence all the portal shit and the underwhelming fortress.

I played on Nightmare and it's not that fun or challenging just plain unfair since some demons can one shot you frame perfectly after leaving the glory kill animation even before picking up the health it drops

Not every one here played game on normal or easy, kek

They ruined the Icon like Disney ruined Palpatine in 9. The Icon was a one off villain, but no Redditerino has to be like DUDE THE ICON IS SO SCARY AND COOL AND HE SHOULD BE BROUGHT BACK I WANNA SHOWNMY WIFES SON WHAT I USED TO BE SCARED OF

I liked that boss fight unironically and it felt like a remix of Doom 2's Icon of Sin fight.
Wasn't as bad as Khan Makyr's boss fight.

You mean the one where you just dodge lasers and keep shooting whilst the floor turns to lava? That one was fucking garbage.

You obviously don't remember the spider from doom
that boss was so incredibly shitty, just jump bing bing wahoo to another platform and dodge lasers

>The Icon was a one off villain
It wasn't a "villain" it was a rushed final """boss fight'"" that anyone who played Doom 2 back in the day fucking hated, it was just as hated as OG Spider-Mastermind.
Only literal fucking redditors liked the Icon of Sin boss fight because "ha ha romero head xD" and because they never played it and just watched ebin youtube videos about it.
Doom Eternal actually fixed Icon of Sin boss fight by making it like the devs originally intended (Doom 2's manual pretty much described the Icon of Sin fight as Doomguy dodging Icon of Sin's arms whilst attacking his weakspot) and not putting any of those dumb memeshit Reddit easter eggs like the backwards speeech.

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>rushed lore and boss, only knowing about it 40 minutes before the end
Not anymore rushed than Olivia "omg I suddenly a Spider Mastermind now lmao" Pierce.
>shit U shaped arena at first
It's designed to give you cover from the Icon of Sin's projectiles and fire. What's the complaint? And don't tell me you honestly found the circular purple arena of 2016's final fight to be a masterclass of level design.
>doesnt let you enjoy and experience the arena because you have to constantly be looking at the boss
Did you "enjoy and experience" the arena of the Spider Mastermind fight? Unless you were playing on I'm Too Young To Die, you were probably just as focused on the boss there as you were in Eternal.
>shaky as camera
Things tend to shake when a titan is slamming it's arms into the ground that you stand on.
>weird fucking attacks that doesnt make sense
>tosses you around like a ragdoll enough to make you dizzy for the whole fight
Stop getting hit.

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Looks like someone's fucking fursona mechanized. Glad I didn't buy that piece of shit.

Shh, you'll trigger the schizo

Holy shit, is there anything in this game that DOESN'T filter zoomers?

>no replay value
Actually how, there’s no way you picked up all of the secrets/collectibles the first time around or even played the master levels

DOOM has never had good bosses, change my mind

first cyberdemon in 2016 was good

a fucking digimon

>no replay value
I've replayed the game at least three times so far. What exactly are you looking for that makes you claim that there's no replay value?

>Looks like someone's fucking fursona mechanized.
That's just his armor, you end up breaking it and he looks just like OG Icon of Sin from Doom 2 except with an actual body and no exposed brain (until you kill him that is)

Cyberdemon in OG Doom was fun.

The last two bosses kicked ass
>decently challenging
>maintings a focus on maneuvering and dealing with crowds, so it doesn't feel out of place

Only beef is their themes. You'd think Mick Gordon could really let loose with the boss themes but they're too subdued.

If you're not a retarded mongoloid like yourself it's easy to get 100% on the first playthrough, and the master levels aren't that hard