Anyone else felt genuinely uncomfortable watching her get brutally beat up?

Anyone else felt genuinely uncomfortable watching her get brutally beat up?
What is it with SJW games and extreme violence against women?

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Transgender people rank higher on the oppression hierarchy than gay women

and that's a good thing!

I bet the SJWs wont care. But next time someone SeXuAlIzEs a poor women, they'll be all over it.

"We made you scrape your way through 30+ hours of painstakingly hand-animated unavoidable torture porn to reveal that you, the player, were the monster all along"


Only LGTBQ violence is acceptable

no. Itagaki had that great statement from NG2 about conflict between warriors not being violence because that is their profession. This is too LGBT warriors sitting their shit out, so I don't even consider it violence.

Imagine working months of nonstop crunch for this shit

It's kinda funny, actually

>Feminine woman in skimpy dress, staying safe & protected while the men fight:

>A mtf tranny brutally savaging a skinny girl and her lesbian partner, beating both to death
>"So progressive"

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Its to show the woman is "tough"

Are they really having a crazy girl kill Joel?

Ugly women getting beat up is progressive and empowering. Attractive women acting feminine is regressive and sexist.

Someone post the webm

It was actually kinda hot.

there are two factions of feminists, the anti trans, anti porn feminists who would complain about violence against women in media. But they have been labeled terfs and lost power. New feminists are pro trans, pro sex, and ok with it.

.That's why I don't think that character is trans, sjw devs wouldn't make a trans character like that or they'd get evicerated. Male to female transgenders don't want to look like muscular violent men in media, they want to be anime girls.

How come Naughty Dog hasn't realized the bad optics of having a tranny brutally beat the shit out of a lesbian couple?

you really think so?

Niel Druckmann has his head so far up his ass he thinks anything he does will be praised anyway

the entire game has an atmosphere of severe misanthropy and anti normalcy (basically fuck white people, fuck heteros, fuck everything)

>no backwards compatibility
>weak hardware
>terrible controller design with useless LEDs and touchpads to appeal to 10 year olds
>playstation drones only use their consoles to play Fortnite, NBA 2k and call of duty
>weaker hardware than the xbox two gens in a row
>exclusives this gen are going to be the same as last gen, cinematic tech demos with no gameplay
>xbox series x is able to run gears 5 in 4k 60fps with every setting set to ultra (I should specify that it runs in REAL 4k, I know you PlayStation tards are used to getting fake checkerboarding)
>not able to raytrace in realtime unlike the xbox series x which can run Minecraft raytracing in 4k 30fps
>no upgradeable storage
>censorship, something even a childrens game console like Nintendo Switch doesnt do
>Last of Us leaks show Sony doesnt give a shit about quality control
>first party sony games have trannies in them
sonybros I dont feel so good..... I think I'm switching to xbox next gen

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imagine being a dev making this wack shit,
feels good to not be a TLOUfag.

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You can, if you want, turn Trans-AM Neegan-Lite into the main villain. You can get me emotionally invested by having her kill off a character I liked, sure. That, when it's handled well, can be good. just don't ask me to play as her, because that's a different thing entirely. you're not going to make me empathise with her, and you're just going to Raiden the fuck out of my sequel.

That Ellie fight somehow managed to surpass Manhunt 1 levels of disturbingness, that's just fucking disgusting. Is Neil into Ryona and torture/depression porn, because that just seems surreal that we're playing as some blond muscle lady that just murders a cast we played as in cold blood, and not in a cool Hotline Miami 2 way either.

Was TloU1 this edgy? I don't remember anything so over the top and outrageous like this.

>>first party sony games have trannies in them
>sonybros I dont feel so good..... I think I'm switching to xbox next gen

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honestly, the SeXbone backwards compatibility committment and game pass had kinda got me leaning that way anyway

The edgiest thing I remember was the black family dying, even then it wasnt as bad as this

>I don't remember anything so over the top and outrageous like this.
Not even the literal torture scene or the butchering of innocent doctors?
But that was against men, so guess nobody cares

it turned me on

I had the same thought. Never even played TLOU1 but seeing Ellie and her dyke friend get brutalized is just uncomfortable, and that's coming from a person with no stakes at all in these characters or story. I just don't like seeing women get brutally beaten. I guess the progressive agenda has just circled around so hard that it somehow landed on "violence against women is actually progressive". Weird how the horseshoe theory always proves itself right if you give it enough time.

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The fight against the cannibal and Ellie hacking his face was pretty fucking disturbing, user.

nice b8 fag

not only is this not a launch title, but noone gives a fuck about it

Because, bizzare as it sounds, SJW hate women. They hate femininity. They hate female beauty. They push body positivity and whatever, while giving woman with some solid milkers next to non exposition. Because mind you, woman with big milkers dont exist, thats just a male fantasy. And remember when sexual liberation was a thing? Well guess what, grid-girls lost their job in some countys, because it was sexist. Imagine beeing a woman who likes to feel sexy and show off, now beeing slut-shamed by those people who insist to speak for your cause. Kinda wild, isnt it? Just like all cosplayers want to cosplay as hot characters, even sluttyfiing the original design. But arent those sexy characters just a male fantasy?

Kinda makes sense, thourgh. Imagine you are a beta landwhale woman or some man-ogre-tranny. Damn, i would hate actual woman too, for they always remind me that im, in the face of real female beauty, always some malformed monstrosity.

TLOU1 has Joel breaking someone's kneecaps during torture and Ellie slashing a guy in the face for wanting her to be a sex slave for his cannibal group.

Joel killed people brutally but never cruelly.

The video of Joel dying feels like some fancreation to commentate on how bad TLoU2 is. All it's missing is some floating text of "Fans" over Ellie, "TLoU2" over Joel, and "Naughty Dog" over the gigantinator. Regular people who played the first game and actually like Joel and Ellie must be pissed being belief.

>Breaks Ellie's arm and then bashes her girlfriend's face into the ground
Abby is pretty based.

Raiden was kino

Does anyone have that picture with all the maps in the game?
It had shit like "Ellie - Part 1", "Ellie - Part 2"

cope xtranny

What a big pile of shit, I hope no one buys it

I really don't know why they had the need to do that, it's pretty cheap

I'd love that kind of beating in some kind of rape Source Filmaker stuff, would make me cum diamonds.


>game comes out
>twitter norms are having a meltdown, streamer starting to cry and scream on stream
>Yas Forums calls this games based and redpilled
>critics actually start praising it as THE most mature video game ever made, so brave, so bold, it redefines the medium of video games
>twitter norms will start agreeing, because those people have blue checkmarks next to their names
>game will be praised non-stop, sales more than any game that year
>Yas Forums calls the game cringe and trannyshit

You might've missed this but the way TLoU handled violence was always one of its core pillars. Guns in TLoU had a very distinctive sound and punch. Them showcasing the consequences of violence isn't just to be edgy, it was always a design goal from the very start of the first game.

cope with my dick in your mouth snoy

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he didn't kill ellie, he just beat her up retard, he only killed the kike

How much fan outrage will there be?



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He didn't kill her either. Both Ellie and the heeb live.

KEK can’t wait for normies to get rampage

>Switch to the daughter and kill Ellie at the end
She/he doesn't kill her at the end of that clip tho

>Anyone else felt genuinely uncomfortable watching her get brutally beat up?
Doomgirl ain't fucking around, what were you expecting?

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It's pretty fucked up. First game makes you attached to her to the point you see her as a daughter figure. Then the sequel has her get the shit beat out of her, and you actually play as the character beating her up. What the fuck?
It'd be like if Bioshock Infinite had a sequel where you just beat the ever loving shit out of Elizabeth


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shitty writers afraid to kill off lesbians

What the fuck were they thinking?