Let's say Blizzard strikes a deal with Valve and adds a "Overwatch 2 vs Team Fortress 2" crossover mode to Overwatch 2, how would it fare?
Let's say Blizzard strikes a deal with Valve and adds a "Overwatch 2 vs Team Fortress 2" crossover mode to Overwatch 2...
>knowing anything about non-Blizzshit games
Then how the fuck they tried to copy TF2 then?
Blizztards are the drones, not the company.
>Overcringe vs Soi Fortress 2
Sounds pretty epic
Mercs win cause they can have more than 6 on a team
They'd need someone to pick up the mail at valve to begin with.
Well TF2 is getting a bad rap since people are able to run executable files through the game on other people's machines, since the source code was leaked
>stunwatch still thinks it's relevant
except valve came out and said they they wouldnt be able to
Thank you Mr.ISpoutIncorrectInfoOnEverythingICan.
>Supporting Hi-rez
Not well, the OW roster is like five times the size with completely differently balanced abilities.
>"Bring back Overwatch?"
>What's the point?
I like to think that Overwatch's in-game story is a meta commentary on itself and the people who have played it.
every ow character expect for junkrat and roadhog would break down crying the second one of the mercs open their mouths
This. Never forget. Never forgive.
>tfw the Heavy runs faster than every Overwatch character
Seriously who said
>maps should be big as fuck with so much useless space
>characters should also move at a glacial pace
>TF2 mode in OW
>all classes now have the same movement speed
>infinite ammo for all weapons
>classes have abilities rather than unique weapons or traits
>everyone has an ultimate now
>no cosmetics, only skins
>no blood or funny gibs
>no domination lines since they're too offensive
sounds awful
>supporting blizzard
>you must support one or the other
Why didn't you play Battleborn Yas Forums?
It was the superior game the whole time
never said, different user than furry skin poster
Ah yes, the paladins autist.
Are you also the retard behind the chad/virgin edit of the "turbo stacey" with that shitty raccon?
Kill yourself, paladins is not included in the high quality class based shooters club, maybe start boasting about your game when your game gets a playerbase and decent fucking gameplay.
Omegalul. I'd love to see them try to talk trash to Reaper or Doomfist
>supporting blizzard
TF2 characters are too mobile and do too much damage to pair them with OW characters.
good joke randy
artstyle butched the models that had good designs
>That Animation of Scout fucking Tracer
>Busting a huge nut to it
good times
How would the opposite play
It has all that you schizo
Instead of being a seething incel, why do you try it out yourself?
It's free lmao
>OW mode in TF2
>all heroes now have unique movement speeds that fit their design/playstyle
>limited ammo for all weapons
>heroes still have abilities but now get alternate weapons that change their firing speed/damage/resistances etc
>still have ultimates, but they reset back to 0% on death
>pieces of skins are broken up for cosmetics
>characters actually die in awful ways now
>still no domination lines
Imagine an alternate reality where Overwatch's gameplay design and balance was dictated by people who like fun?
>Though unintentional, players made the most out of Genji with animation canceling combos, launching into the air with corner dashing, and refreshing double jumps after wallclimbing, we've decided to keep this shit in because it's BADASS!
>We originally wanted Doomfist to be a bland south African, but due to popular demand we've hired Terry Crews!
>Copious shields and stuns are gay as shit, we're culling that crap from the game.
OW characters are far too OP to be pitted against TF2 characters. They have abilities constantly coming up on relatively short CDs that bump their damage and utility, and then have Ults to essentially clear the map every minute or so. The Mercs would constantly be running from that shit.
If they were to somehow make a game out of it, every TF2 character would be given special abilities at the cost of custom builds.
Badly. Since this is a hypothetical addition to Overwatch, that means it would be using Overwatch game play. That means either:
>Try to cram the TF2 classes into the abilities+cooldown based gameplay of Overwatch, destroying how they originally played.
>Make it a vs AI mode where player control Overwatch characters to kill waves of TF2 characters.
Either option is shit. Only potential good to come out of it would be the domination lines from the TF2 cast.
I'd say the only thing needed would be a health and damage boost to the tf2 character (and a speed buff to the ow ones) since the average numbers are different between games
Your game isn't relevant and never was, the only utility it server is for when tf2fags and overcucks need to find common ground, they just mock you instead.
Now fuck off and go fap to the blue abomination you posted beforehand if it makes you feel better, jizz on some tp and choke yourself to death with it.