Hows your bannerlord playthrough going?

Hows your bannerlord playthrough going?

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Good, fighting for the southern empire babe
50/50 infantry and archery, I pummel the enemy with arrows whilst they're occupied with my infantry

tried playing sturgia, made me rage quit and uninstall after ragnavand ended up at war with EVERY OTHER FACTION and REFUSED to make peace, I was killing army after army by myself and ai lords just kept escaping and respawning while my faction's lords kept getting fucking murdered over and over again.

Sturgia, not even once

I'm not starting until the game is finished

i dunno, i sorta just stopped at some point.

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Party-wise doing good. Fief-wise doing bad.
I have a castle that has ever-decreasing loyalty and food which makes the security and prosperity drop. No matter what I do I can't break the cycle.
>tried selling the village an absolute shitload of food
>tried babysitting the villagers for several days
>tried enforcing policies that would benefit the food and loyalty but I can't get a majority of support among the clans

The production is a negative value so I can't get it up to start building something that benefits it.
What do?

can my 2700x + rtx 2080 run this without shitting itself?

i've watched all the massive battles on youtube, but those jewtubers have higher end gaming rigs

I've tried all the factions except Battania and the Empire, and so far I like the Khuzait the most by far.
Which is odd because I didn't like the Khergit at all in Warband.

Times change, I guess.

they aren't exclusively mounted units this time. a welcome change for when it comes to sieging anything.

It was interesting for a solid weekend but I'm done playing it for 6-8 months or however long it will be in early access.

Because fuck early access

khuzait are great fun w/ their party speed, i just wish the horse archer ai was a bit better when it comes to larger battles. If you have a bunch of horse archers and battles go over your limit for troops on the field at a time you end up with dumb shit happening like enemy reinforcments spawning in the middle of their little circle route they run and butchering them all.

I'm not going to touch single player for probably a year till they get enough sorted out to make it worthwhile but I was enjoying the multiplayer until the faggot devs gave me a month long ban for using the nigger word

Use this:
And this:

Attached: 1556651124619.jpg (1014x551, 87.04K)

I executed half of the aserai because they kept trying to get one of their castles back and now the remaining ones are coming at me with 700-1000 units, what do I do bros.

Is this worth $50 in its current state?

Kill them. Kill them all.

Attached: 1583430334782.png (1162x850, 91.36K)

Do not use. Confirmed for viruses.

I'm just struggling to at this point, sandniggers kept coming in giant waves so I'm down to a couple hundred units to garrison now and they just keep coming with more people in very short spans so I can't even recruit and train troops, last time they attacked I don't even know how I won defending with like 80 units against 400 or so because I had so many wounded.

Recent update cut the chances of lords escaping

Attached: 1559836872316.png (1680x1050, 1.85M)

Too bad. It crashes my pirated game.

Attached: 1283415461103.png (400x400, 5.45K)


i played 28 hours in one sitting at launch and havent touched it since, during that playthrough southern empire just blobbed everywhere and there was no challenge met whatsoever so it wasn't a very engaging experience

I'd recommend checking out the multiplayer. it can be a little buggy and just crash randomly but i've had a blast on siege mode.

I played about 200 hours so far and Sort of burnt out. I could play more but don’t have that same addictive urge to play.

I’ve explored most of the content, the only thing left to due is conquer and participate in large battles.

I got bored at some point. It baffles me that in like 3-4 weeks modders managed to improve game so much compared to what devs did.

Their priority is fixing game breaking bugs and crashes. Modders can solely focus on balancing, aesthetics, gameplay, etc.

Although they’re some mods that should of been features already in the game.

played captain mode with a friend for a few hours, it was pretty fun but i imagine it gets pretty repetitive after you've tried out every faction a couple times

I've spent 3 fucking hours trying to find out why my game suddenly stopped working only to find out that the fucking launcher doesn't save the mod load order once you restart the game.
Thank you Turks.

I'm playing the beta and sometimes I can barely assemble an army and take a single city before my liege peaces out again. AI is definitively more willing to make peace, could be worth checking out for you

Are you playing the beta patch? It fixed my one castle with negative production value, nothing I tried to fix it before helped

Like a khergit knife through butter.

how's the beta performance? I haven't tried the newest one because the last one chugged too much.

No I'm on 1.1.2

I have a ton of fucking bandit troops who are all ready to level up to beyond bandit troops but I went solo in my decision and I have no fucking clue how to raise leadership so I'm stick with 30 forest bandits and 30 sea raider chiefs.

>Can't marry Rhagaea
Damn, I wanted to catch that ass on the rebound after her previous husband died.