Why haven't you played VII REMAKE?

It's literally GOTY

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shill thread.

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i played the full game in 1997

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Already watched someone play it.

I don't need to pay money for a game with 0 replayability.

I played the original instead for the first time just so I could be mad about the remake.

I have the game but I can't stop playing BDO.

70 bucks for only part 1, no thanks

I have. I liked the concept of expanding Midgar and was done for that. But that was with the idea of expanding Midgar areas for you to explore and do shit in. Not just add some fetch quests to the existing hubs from the original and then really drag out missions like the mako 5 reactor were youre just traversing a jungle of catwalks for 3 hours.

The debate of having hallways and great graphics for the given hardware or sacrificing graphics for a more expanded game is not a new one, but I am finding myself more and more disappointed with how devs are going for the former. Used to be the west did that more, but now Japs are doing it too.

At times during FF7 with the climbing and shimmying between cracks I thought I was playing uncharted.

The cost of voice acting comes into play as well, but many RPGs like Yakuza have shown people don't mind having voice acting just for the main story bits and having text for side stuff.


I am not paying full price for a fraction of a game. Also, they got paid off by Sony to hold it back from PC for a year. Now the shit gets pirated next year. May think about paying 10 dollars on a deep sale when the full game is complete in a full release.

thank you, i forgot to add "VII" to my filters

I already have
Hall way through hard mode currently

Because I don't have a PS4 and the dumbasses in charge made the bundle Japan-only.

I’m way behind on games. I’m finally gonna grab DMCV.

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Not on Steam

A backlog + the shit quality of XV now has me waiting due to AAA SE games get QoL patches months after release

At least the combat isn't Hold O to win casual bullshit, like in XV. Thanks demo for removing that fear

You should play it ASAP

he literally said he wants to wait until it's patched, stop pushing

I'm waiting for a sale and possible QoL patches

VIIR looks like a good game but a bad remake

There's just something about Tifa's face that turns me off, idk what it is. It's worse than the normal "final fantasy face" the other characters have. Just can't fap to her

But I got plat already. Waiting for the ost now..

Based. Don’t be a simp like all these weebs, user

I have a 10 page final exam paper due this week.

>this one gag who’s posted ITT multiple times about hating a game that others like

What’s his story?

no PC no buy

T-theyre gonna make Red, Cait and the rest of the humans playable, right? I dont want to be stuck as a black man

I cancelled my preorder ofter watching the ending. I've seen more since then and I made the right call. There's definitely some good stuff in the game and the combats pretty fun from the demo. But destiny ghosts and advent children shoehorning really poisons it. And there's no way they will be able to course correct. By the time this thing is done in 2035, it will be such a fucking retarded mess. Maybe get it then on sale for a laugh

Seething nostalgiatard

>boo hoo, it's not exactly the same as in my childhood!!!!

Yeah, that's the point: it's better. Just deal with it.

This is me. Why the FUCK would you pay for like 10% of the story from the original?

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Most overrated game of all time gets a demake.... Skip

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I played few chapters and kinda forgot to finish it

>we got really meta and had the characters change their own story

Exactly for that reason. Fuck shills on Yas Forums. I wanted to buy FF7R on release but because of all the shilling it must mean its shit. Otherwise they wouldn't shill so damn hard for it.

Haven't played the game but you just made it sound good desu

Awww the poor shill started crying. Shhh there will always be another trash game you can shill.

did that section really take you 3 hours?

When playing as Tifa, is there any difference between holding square and pushing triangle?