Happy birthday, son!

Happy birthday, son!

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ah yes, the typical overwatch player

Cute dog

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>Irn Bru

That some cultural exchange right there.

>all that fondant
cake will taste like shit

I had a couple of these. Real glad I moved out.

do americans really

you made me look up this picture

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>Irn Bru
Based cake, true Scot Chad

I'd honestly leave home permanently and without telling them I was gonna beforehand, I wouldn't even leave a goodbye note.

Would you think this was a cute gesture, or a wakeup call?

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It's an insult.

nice ikea shag carpet

I prefer the new recipe over the old
My favourite however is the old, OLD recipe they brought back for £2 a glass bottle

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I remember this thread.

its clearly passive aggressive

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I see it as a cute gesture. If you can laugh at yourself with your family or someone you trust then you’re just going to be bitter about everything

>They laugh at me for cutting the cake weird
can relate. Why can't I be normal fuck.


based fucking thread, keep posting sad cakes


Why don’t you trust your family?

i should've killed myself years ago

Ironically all it needs is a little boss figure yelling at the guy in the chair and it goes from a gut playing videogames to a wageslave boomer.

>when your 3 family members pull you away from Yas Forums to sing happy birthday

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That's a nice cake.


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that's fucking cool

imagine being a fucking loser

Who here birthday was during the quarantine?

Is that a tranny?

Yes, YES

Tomorrow is my birthday. I turn 31.

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Considering it's Inuyasha it might be a real female.

Inuyasha is prime fujoshit material so maybe not.

everyone is a tranny in your mind

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Happy early birthday, user. We're in this shit together.

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Not him but, would you seriously trust a narcissistic mother and an emotional unstable father with literally anything? When you know full well you opened up to shit to them before, and instead of helping, they either made it worse for you in some way or making sure to remember the info you shared with them just so they can use it against you later on in an argument?

I would not trust mine with ANYTHING aside from any matters that might required expertise from their fields of work.

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Based Gabrielle.

Women don't watch anime