Gears Tactics Reviews are out

80/100 Metacritic
85% Reccomended in Opencritic

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Why should I care about critic score?
Also isn't it just XCOM with GEARS skin?

That's weird I never even heard of this. Did it went under the radar or something? Haven't seen a single ad for this

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Got Xbox pass for a month to play this
Paid a buck
That's a good thing

Shill thread

shill thread

M$ has no faith in the game to market it


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Based, Borderlands is BADASS and fun with frie
Oops, I meant Valorant is hella fun. When did you guys get your key from Twitch.t
I mean Gears of War is EPIC and worth subscribing to Xbox Shovelware Pass for.

Gaming journos are not worthy of anyone’s attention. The best judge of a game’s quality is watching a bit of someone’s gameplay.

Xcom but with wrinkles such as 3 actions per turn and executions restoring an action to all units. Also squadmates get downed when taking lethal damage but explosions still instagib. Should make for very combo or chainlike momentum gameplay. Stretching out a turn and covering insane ground without the enemy moving. Could be really great desu. No base management sucks though.

LMAO Cuckalition can't even get a safe, derivative RTS right

Xbros are fucked next gen


>Barry still in full cope mode as Naughty Dog implodes and not taking his meds

Yeah, combat is pretty good. But the amount of filler is dragging the game down.

>mfw a spin off that no one cared and had zero faith went better than the spin off of a established RTS franchise.

It's kino

>Got Xbox pass for a month to play this
kill yoursel shill

>Deflection and delusion

Fuck off back to Mr Keema's Twitter feed, maybe he can shit out something to make you feel better

Make another autistic rant Barry ;)

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I'd rather games get no market than be overhyped for months/years and turn out mediocre

That's where you fucked up

uhmm i expected a somewhat higher score, i might wait a bit for this one, look great but not 39990 pesos great

still keeping my eye on it and ill buy it the second it gets a discount


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Trailers were anywhere 10-15 days ago in YouTube

Man Dyke Nukem killing Joel really fried your brains didn't it.

I don't even know this game was comming out. I still have my 1 euro month for PC to waste.

Customization seems much better than xcom flagship titles actually

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Careful. He might make a 2000 word autistic rant on youtube again

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Literally a mad TLOU fag that can't cope

Imagine taking the time to sperg so much
True autism

Huh 8/10 better than I expected. Might pirate.

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torrent when

is it denuvo

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looks very good, im being tempted

>Deflecting this hard over the basics
lmao so sorry I didn't know your isometric rehash spinoff doesn't have turns.

nigga it does have turns

its Turn-Based Strategy

not Real Time Strategy


based pirates

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>every review is saying the same thing
>"its not great but i had alot of fun, its like xcom for gears fans"

what the fuck is the point even?

playing more XCOM?