ITT: Yas Forums's Persona 6

What would you want from P6? Plot? Characters? Mechanics? Go nuts.

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cute girls

cute girls

College age MC

Cute boys

I want to fuck a granny.

Multiplat so sonygros and journos can stop pretending this trash is any good.

Why? Just so the game can directly relate to where you are in life right now? Are you going to want MC completely working full time in Persona 7, too?

It will be set in a prison with a gay priest who runs really fast

>there are people who like Chie's old voice over Golden.

I wish i was still in college user, that shit was 5 years ago

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University sucks.

something about running away from reality again but this time being a hacker knows as Yas Forums.

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Variable party/dungeon order
One or two versions of the drama/music and basketball/soccer S link variants from 4
Make the mascot animal character both female (preferablly a rabbit and she'll turn into a seductive older woman) and also the obligatory traitor
Have an actual red herring traitor to distract from this
Purple as the main color, not green

It's not great but it's better than Golden's nasally, slurred, whiny yelling.

Makes a change from yet another transfer student in a Japanese high school plot

It's not. Neither are good, but the original was just a bad VA, the new one is too cliche but doesn't distract from the game because it's still anime at the end of the day

Christ you're defensive.

I don't want Persona. Persona is shit
SMT 5 is what anyone with taste wants

I'll humor your post though:
College instead of high school
less one-dimensional characters
Dateable boys, doesn't even have to be homo, could just be becoming BFFs, or female MC
more customization for party members besides 1 element + physical or 1 element + support
Less cringy "search for truth" or "face the truth" motiffs, less "adults are evil!" mottiffs, more humane approach to a macro perspective, like Final Fantasy tactics
Less dating sim chores, more gameplay. Royale did good adding more things to do/ways to upgrade to keep that on the next game instead of saving it for a definitive edition cashgrab
Don't censor tits or skirts or funny gay scenes
No mascot character bullshit. You can add a non-human character, just don't make him a blatant comic relief or le cute animal xD
no exclusivity, PC release
every character should be dateable, no Sae Nijima cases where hot chick isn't dateable
all the options for velvet room as 5. Nerf the ridic money costs of re-summoning a persona you like that is high level or with good skills.
Press Turn gameplay like SMT, no baby casual fixed turns.

My friend and I had this idea before the virus shit even started, but it's more relevant now
>Takes place in a medical school/research hospital setting with college age MC
>Party members are other students learning to be doctors and adults from the hospital
>In the real world, a virus spreads because of stuff happening in the supernatural world
>There's an infection level in the city that you have to go into the supernatural world to fight bosses to keep it low (kind of like tartarus)
>If the infection gets too high, social links get locked off and other things aren't availible. Atmosphere gets depressing and cold
>Velvet room is an operating theater.
>First persona is like a plague doctor
Of course, we all know we're never leaving high school for the persona games because the Japanese love HS settings, but it would still be neat.

You didn't have to bring up dating boys, we all knew you were a faggot after the first two lines.

takes place around the suburb or rural side of Japan.Some plot about other people creating worlds of fiction in the real world from a story book and cast would have to find a way to fix it(similar to palaces in a way).
Velvet room will be a castle where you are the king, the velvet room attendants be your gaurds and Igor would be the kings would be a merlin themed wizard or something.
Final boss will have a theme going on what is a king to a god and a god to a non believer. ends up destroying the universe but MC get's the universe arcana to recreate it in the end.
i want the MC to have a more bitter remarks but grows a kinder over time, one of the cast members with a tomboy. the mascot would be based on a fictional creature like a fairy or elf.
They're dynamic will tone down the Atlus Japanese humor.
I dunno some theme where you summon persona's with books this time.each time they enter a story palace they will be dress in attire that would fit the palace's theme.
This may sloppy and even cringe but that's how i picture it would be for a while

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>SMT 5 is what anyone with taste wants
Too bad nobody with taste is willing to buy a switch
But that game will probably get pushed back to the next nintendo console anyway at this rate

already seeing grammar errors on my own post. like i said this is kind of sloppy

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Medical related personas
>Dr. Victor Frankenstein
>Dr. Herbert West
>Dr. Henry Jekyll
>Dr. John Watson
>Dr. Dolittle

Bought a Switch just for SMTV. Still waiting.

Fuck copyright laws, I want a Sherlock Holmes persona

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they missed their chance not having him be akechi's and then turn into moriarty

bring back rise with a robot battle suit and you can romance her

Would’ve been cool

He’s public domain desu

Another loli attendant in the Velvet Room.

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Less retarded looking personas.

Tighter story with fewer dialog sections that drag on while taking you out of the action for 45 mins to an hour at a time.

I just want an older cast by this point. Relating to high schoolers is getting harder and harder, and I bet I'll be past 35 by the time P6 rolls around.