Hey, remember how the players loved the protagonists in the last game?

>Hey, remember how the players loved the protagonists in the last game?

>Let's have a literal who ugly bastard beat the main protagonist to death then force you to play the rest of the game as her while you hunt down the other protagonist

>Oh you didn't ask for this? Too bad, you are already past half of the game, no refund for you!

What were they ACTUALLY thinking?

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Other urls found in this thread:


are those boobs or moobs?
can't tell

It's a MtF tranny

really subverts the expectations

>Hey, remember how the players loved the protagonists in the last game?
what? the cuck and the dyke? lmao you retards should blame yourselves for ever wanting naughty dog pozzed shit hahahaha

(((subverts the expectations)))

stay mad, your white male protag is DEAD

No it isn't, I see a white male protag right there

It's fucking great. They're literally trolling their retarded fanbase. Imagine actually purchasing and playing The Last of Us holy shit ahahahahaha
You can just tell they hate their fans too. Like they must all laugh while sipping their lattes how the "gamer crowd" is going to react. That'll be 79.99 plus tip! Lmao

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Imagine being this fucking naive.

>Remember how the players loved the protagonists
Joel was a piece of shit human being and Ellie was an annoying cunt. At least Joel was tolerable though because Troy Baker is charming.

thats clearly a dude in drag
ok i might have exaggerated

yeah man hahahaha

based. If you liked the first """game""" you deserve this


The first game was a goddamn fluke huh.

A girls can't beat a boy, it's clearly a man.

The twist is that for half the game you play as a MtF tranny ogre who murders Joel and almost kills Ellie and Goblina. All for some half baked revenge plot. It's hardly cerebral at all, 100% trying to hard. I could just go watch Deathwish instead or play one of many other games about how hollow revenge is.

Well it looks like I'm not even bothering to pirate.

>murders Joel and almost kills Ellie and Goblina
how fucking convenient she doesn't kill the fucking dykes hahahaha

I don't even like TLOU, I'm just baffled as someone who works in marketing about this decision.

Like at which point did they think that forcing you to play as a character you activily HATE will land well with the majority of the playerbase? It's like killing off Nathan Drake at the half of Uncharted 4 and then forcing you to play as a bandit.

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This really is full on Jewish contempt, yeah.

>Hey, remember how the players loved
The only people that liked that moviegame are casuals and shills. No one who plays videogames for gameplay liked TLOU. I'm glad these cinematics-loving trannies are getting what they deserve now.

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>It's like killing off Nathan Drake at the half of Uncharted 4 and then forcing you to play as a bandit.
did you fucking forget that bullshit bout drake getting fucking stomped by a woman? fucking faggots let that slide made excuses for it now we're here and they're asking how this could happen hahahaha how fucking retarded are they? fucking fags lol

I wonder if Neil will reconsider the story in light of the leaks and the delay.

You wouldn't be able to pirate anyways because of the PlayStation's advanced SSD.

he's a fucking faggot lol


This is so catastrophically bad I think it might all be a fake out. These might be fake spoilers. Something they made just to fuck with people. A marketing stunt.

That shit is bs for its own reasons. Mainly for making the nigress an unbeatable boss fight and forcing you to lose several times through the game. In some ways it was at least a novel idea that typically doesn't happen outside a JRPG or something.
What they didn't so is drag everyone's favorite plucky treasure hunter around back and put two in the head and two in the chest. This is just a new low, all for some shitty revenge clusterfuck.

There's not a whole lot you can do about it at this stage

how delusional

>In some ways it was at least a novel idea
>This is just a new low

You don't understand, because you're thinking about it like a normal human being, who wants to make things for others to enjoy, rather than masutrbatory spectacles to his own superiority.

Put yourself in Neil's shoes for a moment. You direct the first installation of a new IP. It's just a ripoff of The Walking Dead, but all the focus groups are responding positively. You're already feeling pretty self absorbed about it. Then, that game gets 10/10 GOTY accolades. All the journalists want to know you. Your photo is being taken for articles. You get a big raise. A sequel is immediately ordered and you're in charge. You alone made that game what it was, and it would've been even better had those other people not interfered with your vision. But you now have enough power to purge anyone who disagrees. So you make their lives uncomfortable, until they quit and move on. Naughty Dog is now your personal staff, and it's time to write your Magnum Opus. Something brave, untethered. Who gives a damn what anyone else thinks. You're the guy who won Game of the Year. The fans don't mean shit. You know better. Yes yes, with a golf club, write that down. This is pure gold. You're a genius. Who cares if you're misunderstood.

This is going to make the Time Jannie's from FF7R look alright in comparison. Jesus wept the shitstorm is coming.

>NTR, but for prude sjw

>Doesn't kill Ellie
That's fucking lame. I knew going through with something like that was too much for milquetoast devs like ND

discord trannies will hate the game too because they don't want to see trannies portrayed negatively in media and the villain of the game is literally a tranny, lesbians will hate it because the lesbians get killed and normies will hate it because it's full of sjw crap and subverts expectations the last jedi style, no one will fucking like the game

haha w*men bad!

She is literally bleeding from the eye, so I don't think she is okay.


so the bitch from this trailer turned out to be the bitch the kills Joel.
Funny to think when this was revealed, everyone thought she was Ellie's mom or something

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>brutally murders white man
>conveniently spares the dykes

What the fuck is even that thing? So fucking disgusting.


Did they really pull a MGS2 here except a woman that looks like a man instead of a man that looks like a woman?


Look on the bright side: This shit will hopefully get Neil kicked out of ND and force them to go back to Jak and Daxter

>movie game meme
>when people om this board praise autism crossing being a literal tranny game
This board is something.


No, it's like MGS2 if Raiden killed Snake after the tutorial and he looks ugly as shit

The first game being a success led to one man getting too much creative control. Same with Star Wars and Metal Gear.

Wait is that actually what the leaks implied? Will players control that character? I haven't been watching the leaks because I don't really care but I still want to know. Just give me the spoilers so I'm up to speed.

They pulled an MGS2 in the sense that everyone expected to play as one beloved character but got forced into playing a literalwho. Beyond that, they have nothing in common thematically.

Nathan Drake looking rough

>Lend me your powers

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See you several awards and millions of sales later. Your campaign of autism wont do shit, retard. You are just making Nintendo fans look bad.

You will for the second half of the game.

what is it with women and wanting to be men? are they really deluded enough to think being a guy is better?

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i have been r/outta the loop for these threads. source on joel dying?

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It is a movie game. The people made it admitted it was, say politics is important and no one ever talks about its gameplay. Just for its generic Netflix-tier story that fails to be original or compelling to anyone who isn't an IGN subscriber.

>muh other tranny game
They're both shit. One turd doesn't make the other look good. Gargle more jew cock, CONSOOMER.

Woman only want what others expect them to want

Why would they do this? You don't even play as Ellie in the first game except for one small part. You are playing as a different protagonist anyway, but then you don't? The fuck is wrong with this retard.


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It's actually a pretty interesting idea, especially for a video game.

But this seems like the worst execution of it imaginable.

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Look at the other 50 threads


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Don't forget the broken arm

>Last name is Miller

most of the transmen i met just want to be left alone and bro out when they want to

Why is Yas Forums so keen to defend a child molestor?

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Reminds me of the time where a relatively buff (I think pro athlete or something?) woman challanged a pro fighter male to attempt to nail her to the wall. She got destroyed in like 2 seconds, and later said that she has never been more afraid in her entire life, because she felt completely helpless.

been only in animal crossing threads lately so i havent browsed. was hoping for someone to spoonfeed because im not going to look around. whatevs

I could tear that DYEL trannies arms off and beat her to death with them. How in the fuck did joel get killed by that?

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What did you expect? Neil Druckmann is at the helm of Naughty Dog.

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Her? What with that chest

Tons of people talked about tlou gameplay around release, as will this game. The combat is genuinely really fun and feels great and weighty.

Maybe you are a revisionist, but the first game had tons of fun discussion around release. They just need to fix the OP melee combat.

So yes, you are just a tranny obsessed retard thats obsessing over the story.

>your white male
Uhm no sweetie

who the fuck even knows anymore

How can the photo cope with this amount of cancer?

There are no refunds on psn if you’ve downloaded the game. I just found this out because I actually bought the steaming pile of doodoo that is predator: hunting grounds.

>remember how the players loved Joel in the last game?

>The combat is genuinely really fun and feels great and weighty
what is this consoomerspeak shit ? It was literally as barebones as can be faggot.

they dont have the time and money to redo the whole story

Trevor did the same to Johnny in GTAV, and he turned out to be the only character I actually liked in GTAV other than Lamar.

Im honestly amazed people are amazed/shocked at MCs dying in a game, as if this board is invested in the game already.

They refunded people who preordered this turd because of release date change.

Naughty Dog (or Cringy Cuck as I like to call them) was literally never good. First they shit out Trash Bandicunt, an edgy animal mascot character so soulless and banal that Bubsy and Poochy seem innovative in comparison. The gameplay is pathetic corridor shit, designed at the mercy of showcasing "gOoD GrApHiCs". Being the ripoff artists they are, they promptly rip off Banjo-Kazooie with Jak and Daxter, another soulless platformer copying what others innovated. If the stupid dated gimmicks like the motorcycle in Trash weren't enough, they shamelessly copy GTA 3 in Jak 2 with infamous results. Eventually they poop out ANOTHER ripoff of Mario Kart, but it's ironic and edgy so it's ok. Being the dishonest, soulless, bad faith conmen they are, they go balls deep in with the pretentious cinematic over the shoulder shitfest with Uncharted. If Trash Bandicunt was a soulless linear setpiece-infested Mario ripoff, then Uncharted is the same for Tomb Raider. They then try really hard to stay relevant and follow contemporary memes even harder with the prime example of the pretentious McDonald's arthouse shooter, Last of Us. Taking refuge in audacity, Cringy Cuck then shits out a sequel, pretentiously called "Part II", instead of just "2" because they try to pretend it's not just a banal sequel containing more of the same since the audience bought the previous one. Talentless sellouts. It should come as a surprise to absolutely no one that they overdose on the Kool-Aid and shove this steaming dump with the wokest of memes, black crippled transgender Jewish lesbians, or whatever the crap. Put frankly, one of the most soulless and pathetic companies ever to exist, so being in bed with Sony is only natural.


How so? I cant think of many TPS games even recently that felt as good. Replaying it on PS4 at 60 fps felt even better. I love using the bow and taking down groups slowly, felt fucking great.

Did you beat it on hard at least? Post PSN trophies and i can msg to make sure ots your profile?

I don't understand why people are shocked about Joel getting killing.

The teasers made it clear it was a revenge mission for someone close to her. Why wouldn't it be Joel?

This is an unreal cope.

Thos board really does have a lot of mentally ill retards like this poster Jesus.

Theres no proof either ellie or joel die we only see them alive in the leaked clips

I heard the game got leaked.
Someone give me the plot points