How would you respond to the leaks if you were Naughty Dog? I don't even know what I'd begin to do

How would you respond to the leaks if you were Naughty Dog? I don't even know what I'd begin to do

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Probably sue the living fuck out of the guy who leaked it for breaking NDA, otherwise pay some "games journalist" to explain why it's OK that the game's story has been leaked.

There can be no forgiveness. They ruined the best gaming series of all time.

i don't care

Providing they find them, they would've signed a NDA that can fuck them over for leaking. Unlikely to work in the industry again, sued for all they're worth.

Rewrite the entire thing

Who leaked it?

>How would you respond to the leaks if you were Naughty Dog?
If i was the one who made this uninspired garbage, i'd go into hiding. Or probably not cus whomever made this is so out of touch that they probably don't realize how much they fucked up.

why do people break NDA's like this? Are they suicidal or something?

ND has been screwing their code monkeys in the ass for a while. The indefinite delay was probably the breaking point.

Some guy they didn't pay apparently

They will, the pool of people with the game can't be that big and there's probably some id number in the text at the bottom of some videos

apparently a pissed off employee that wasn't being paid enough

The game was set to sell more than 5m before this, if projected sales so much as drop by 1% due to the leak, they're absolutely not making their money back from suing him.

QA tester that wasn't paid properly. Wouldn't be a problem usually but due to corona-chan they have access to the game at home.

nda's are only good if you can afford to take legal action. i guess the rumor is right now someone hasnt been paid in awhile and leaked all the tlou2 cut scenes.

LMAO naughty dog is truly fucked on the inside.
>make billions on games
>don't pay your employees
they deserve everything they get

>get sued
>declare personal bankruptcy
>get chap 7
>keep everything because you're a poorfag programmer
Eat shit, kike.

reshoot the whole ending in a week

>How would you respond to the leaks if you were Naughty Dog?
I'd post a shitton of cacos without any explanation as to why. Any leaks would go unacknowledged.

Attached: cacos-how-to.png (1798x1346, 837.9K)

Who else thought that the thumbnail made it look like the person had big ass lips?

Attached: 4e772359e2626.gif (200x200, 52.03K)

So what was leaked? And why would it harm them?

I would make jak 4, thus starting a snowball effect and bringing sony back to the good old days of ps2.
Maybe keep uncharted cuz indiana jones stuff is cool.

Attached: 1579884993983.jpg (600x500, 36.36K)

Multiple big plot points were leaked with cutscene footage included.

The story and some important cutscenes. It may stop many people from buying the game so ND will lose money.

>So what was leaked?
basically the entire plot
>And why would it harm them?
because people that are invested in this shitty movie will absolutely, 110% hate the "lel subverted expectations :^)))" story

Basically the entire story was leaked first in text
Then most of the story was leaked second with cutscenes

>otherwise pay some "games journalist" to explain why it's OK that the game's story has been leaked.
Change that to:
>Pay some "games journalist" to explain why the story of the game is good, and thinking otherwise means you "just don't get it"
And I'll agree with you fully. Makes sure to toss in a bit about how, "we won't know what ~really~ happens until we get the game" for good measure too.

What I would do,

>take the hugely negative reaction to the main story leaks to heart and use the indefinite delay as a smokescreen for a Bioshock infinite style restructure of the script in the next 8 months

What they're most likely gonna do

>still delay the game 8 months more but not change anything call all the journalists to do ME3 tier damage control of the game

Immediately patch the game to have a completely different ending. Don't tell any of our QA either, in fact fire all QA people and also send them a video of the game director dabbing repeatedly over a flaming paper bag labeled "your paychecks".

Also fire all writing staff because video game writing isn't a real job. Have everyone in the office submit their name if they want a chance at writing the new ending. Then make sure every single person who submits their name is excluded from the drawing: this weeds out the pretentious types. Next, pick a name at random. If it's a woman pick again. The man selected is the new writer, who has three days to write the entire plot. A script can be slapped together ad hoc because no one really cares about dialogue and it can be any worse than it already is.

Finally, fix the bug where the villain uses a male model and give her a womanly body with big tits. This will be naturally unsettling to the target audience of TLOU and enhance her aura of villainy.

>le subverted expectations
This shit again? Didn't we had 3 shitty star wars movies already?
Why are shitty writers getting any work?

>company owned by jews
>not paying their employees properly
imagine my shock

Force Awakens wasn't as much subverting expectations, was it? The next two definitely were though.

release the game on digital ASAP

>and give her a womanly body with big tits
How big are we talking? If they're not at least the size of her head we may need to fire the character designers too.

Large, but not so large as to be cumbersome.
The big nose girl however, she will be weighted down with heavy khazar milkers. These will affect her character's balance in combat.

Not much they can do according to reports morale is super low. They're gonna see massive resignations when this game is finished. Hopefully sony internally reviews these guys, people seem to forget that even if this game sells well it might not be profitable, this shit started development after the 1st one, that's a long as development cycle not even counting the delays and the marketing budget.

>if tlou fails(lmao)
Fall back, reveal jak sequel.
>if it sells good but people say it is bad
Journos and contrarians would do my job
>if if sells good and somehow everyone loves it
Release dlc sequel with more virtual signaling and double down on stupidity.
This game is too big to fail.
No matter what the end product is it still gonna sell good just as star wars did

Can I get a /quick rundown/?

Delay for ps5 and change story to have multiple endings (ala David cage choose you won adventure keeping everyone happy. Those who want to save Ellie or those who think she deserves it)

>naturally unsettling to the target audience
Well played, my fucking sides

tranny rampage



New leak

bunch of cut scenes got leaked that reveal various character deaths and plot developments. but mostly people are making a fun of one character design that's hard to pinpoint whether is a manly woman, a dyke or a tranny.

I'd fire myself the moment I'd see the script

You have to be retarded to get caught. It's risk-free, fun and based. Why wouldn't you leak shit if you could?

Which character?

>multiple endings without a true ending
>make a sequel with new characters and in a location far away from the other games
>only reference about the old characters are rumors or people talking about it
there, fixed the movie
dyke nukem, the one who beats everyone to death

why didnt they pay him properly?

Joel dead

Looked on twitter to see what's happening, people actually talking shit about the leaker even though its come to light that ND hasnt been paying their employees. I hope more shit leaks desu

because capitalism go brrrr

You will buy it anyway

Because there are no unions to regulate it in the vidya industry