Why the FUCK are these percentages so high?

Why the FUCK are these percentages so high?

Attached: 95224485_269352234465824_168098203852341248_n.png (1142x230, 161.56K)


maybe it's some easy short game?

This is what I want to know as well. This is for a shitty roguelite game called One Step From Eden. I honestly didn't expect this to be so high. In all my runs I've only done it ONCE and only because I was trying to cheese the shopkeeper.

Attached: e.jpg (399x162, 16.39K)


Attached: 1455114143533.webm (640x640, 1.67M)

It's another episode of:
>My personal experience is the gold standard for everyone, and anything that deviates from that confuses me.

I bet two of those are from morons not even knowing about or otherwise not thinking to use the thing theyre meant to use.

Japanese players who already know the RE formula

Steam is bugged for a month now retards, it doesnt show stats in real time anymore.Go to game page>achievements>global stats and see the real stats

Publisher artificially "buying" copies of the game and running Steam Achievement Unlocker to boost impression of playerbase.

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First of all, Nightmare is piss easy with shop items so theres that. The item box one can be done in Assisted and it gives you an AR to start off with so you don't even need the GL or Shotgun.

Yes. The universe revolves around me and you're all NPCs in the simulation that is my life.

>Achievement unlocked!: Launch the game
>99.7% players have unlocked this

Its better not to understand.

Attached: Ohno.gif (358x254, 378.79K)

It's another episode of:
>I have a personal vendetta against "Yas Forums" as if it were one person so all of my posts contain pure antisocial behavior regardless of what the topic is
take your meds


now delete this shit thread i hate achievement faggots

Attached: ????.jpg (2900x3100, 682.07K)

thanks for the you

Are you on an autistic meme spree or something?

Sometimes games come bundled up in sales and people never launch said games despite owning them. What's so hard to understand?

Steam Achievement Manager

Attached: unnamed.png (512x351, 85.02K)

Very few people use this.

whats hard to understand about that, I have at least 50 games on steam I bought and never bothered to try

It's a short, finely tuned game, designed in a way to encourage mastery.
Not being hard to reach said mastery helps too.

I don't really get how people are so confused about achievement/completion stats, I checked a few random percentages and most of them make perfect sense to me?

Steam achievements only start counting people who've launched the game at least once. People who bought the game in a sale and never played it don't drag the average down.

Because you can use shop items for them. And no item box is easy on assisted.

adaptive difficulty
the game rewards you for failing so you can easily brute force your way through like most modern RE games

Even then, there's probably plenty of scenarios of people getting it a sale or a bundle, launching it once to see how it works, or to get a feel for it, and either saving it for later only to never return, or not liking it, but having spent so little on it, they don't bother to return it.

Are y’all fuckin retarded?

>launch game
>somehow, your shit pc can't handle it or it ctd
>turn it off and refund
not hard


it counts all owners