Fallout 4

Fallout 4
>200$ million budget (120$ development +80$ marketing)
>mediocre open world
>mediocre writing
>mostly reused copyrighted songs from past games
>shit graphics
>shit assets (armor, guns, even the menu is garbage)
>shit gameplay

Witcher 3
>81$ million budget, marketing included
>best open world ever done in a videogame
>top notch writing for the main quests and the numerous side quests
>10/10 folk music OST
>best graphics in the generation
>high grade assets and models
>challenging and addictive gameplay

I'll never stop posting this. CDPR exposed Bethesda and Todd for the dirt little hacks they are.

Attached: fallout 4 witcher 3 game of the year.jpg (1366x768, 953.74K)

Fallout 4 is the better game.

Battle of two polished turds. Triple a trash is triple a trash they are the exact same. GO. BACK.


Sent from iPhone.

The witcher 3 is an amazing game and OP is based

>best open world ever done in a videogame

with quests that can't be navigated without map markers, retard-compass and Witcher vision

CDPR wishes they could tongue Todd's asshole it would mean they could just get 1 percentage of success and talent he's had and shown throughout the Years

Attached: Fuck polish niggers.jpg (896x896, 62.94K)

>my follow the waypoint simulator is better than yours!
They're both shit, you drooling retard.

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I unironically agree

>200$ million budget (120$ development +80$ marketing)
they made the whole game on 120 bucks? what happened to the remaining $199,999,800?

Attached: 1573117088615.jpg (832x468, 33K)

>200$ million budget (120$ development +80$ marketing)
>two hundred dollar sign million budget one hundred twenty dollar sign development plus eighty dollar sign marketing

I don't understand the absolutely massive hateboner Yas Forums has for witcher 3

What I can't understand is whilst they made it on the creation engine, New Vegas was made in 18 months and still do this day BTFOs Fallout 4 and Skyrim.

Neither of those games cost that much. 50 million tops.

>Fallout 4
>mediocre open world
nigga imma let you finish but fo4's map was the only thing that was really well done
>mediocre writing
come the fuck on, writing was outright abysmal

Fallout 4
>average gameplay
>shits on the entire series' plot
>weird animations and textures

Witcher 3
>astoundingly boring combat
>open world is a collectathon with side quest markers
>optimized by polish computer wizards

>fo4's map was the only thing that was really well done
The world is good looking by Bethesda standards but it makes no sense at all

i imagine a lot of time was saved by Fallout 3's creation since the tech and assets were already made.

>New Vegas was made in 18 months and still do this day BTFOs Fallout 4 and Skyrim
this is the funniest shit
despite forcing obshitian to launch fnv half-baked it's still by far the best of 3d fallouts
i'll bet anything this faggot todd is butthurt about his baby being trash when it should be the opposite lmao

Bethesda is in the first world so they have to pay their employees actual salaries

contrarianism, the hateboner for f4 is on point though

Witcher 3 is better but Fallout 4 isn't a bad shoot n' loot once you mod in better weapons.

Attached: ScreenShot60.png (1920x1080, 2.04M)

It’s mostly butthurt bloodbored and whothic spergs
Game has received widespread praise outside this contrarian hell


Witcher 3
No mods

Fallout wins. Also Witcher has historically bad gameplay and preset protagonist. Witcher sucks.

Best graphics ROFL.

>if i say it's shit it's shit
try harder OP

This desu, CDPR should do proper mod support.

>CDPR exposed Bethesda
this is so true it cannot be overstated enough, everyone thought bethesdas formula was peak RPG formula, but when Witcher 3 came, it made Skyrim look like kids game, the bethesda quality went from the best to the worst, completely exposed

While i agree with this i do think you guys overrate NV a bit

That's his point. The same is true of skyrim and 4.

>it made Skyrim look like kids game

I know, I felt like an adult watching all those cutscenes with a preset character instead of painstakingly crafting the world I want to experience through mods and open-ended gameplay!