Video game streaming is dead

What the absolute fuck did you fucking simps let loose into this world.

Streaming use to be about video games, back in the day I use to be able to watch someone stream a high quality game like oblivion.

Now we have to deal with this cunts like this entitled freak.

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So don't watch them.

I want to reincarnate into one of her pillows


You realize that parroting this shit is just giving her a bunch of views (and subscribers)

Ugly flat bitch with man shoulders has this kind of attitude?

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>high quality game like oblivion

How much will you pay me to play a video game for your dumb ass?


proof that streaming has always been dogshit

I'd ravage her on the spot.

streaming was always shit you underage faggot

>crying about women on the interwebs because they don't want to have sex with your nice guy incel ass

The ultimate beta max behavior.

Holy shit, I missed that. Jesus christ, OP.

Depends if you make me feel special when I watch you play.

>high quality game like oblivion.
I would spit in your stupid underage face if I saw you on the street


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>"uh, if you're broke you should be WORKING and not watching twitch"
>coming from a woman who plays video games for a living

Does this woman think poor people work 24/7 and have no downtime?

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Just imagine, 100 years ago you were allowed to slap woman for talking to you that way and taking an attitude.

>Now we have to deal with
Here's a thing. We don't. Just fucking act like they aren't a thing.
No one is forcing you to watch them; people who are retarded enough to give them money deserve to be taken advantage of, there's nothing to be sad about.

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And you still wouldn't have done it, you waste of oxygen loser.

Video game streaming is still very much alive. Actually now is better because these whores moved onto other genres /sections of the sites instead of video games where they sit there and beg for money instead of using video games as a gimmick to whore for money.

Stop looking for big names and popular streams. If you want to support people who actually stream video games stop shitting on newbies trying to just have a good time and support them. Stop following the large channels and women.

she's not fat, but I wish I had those shoulders


Are you implying I would've used a closed fist?

Good. She's better than regular streamers because shes cute, play games yourself if you wanna engage with them.

Its a great video. Pure female logic.

I don't know man, some streamers bring some really good quality to the web

Attached: you just know.webm (640x360, 1.59M)

>tfw I still remember when twitch used to ban any non-video game content

This, I wish I had tits so I can take advantage of low IQ coomers simps

No you wouldn't, other men would have beaten the shit out of you.

>Have autistic simp friend
>One day at work nothing is happening
>Guy right in front of me pulls out his phone and browses instagram thot pics
>Doesn't even look at them, just hearts them and moves on I doubt he even spent longer than one second on each photo
>Ask him why he's doing that
>"I dunno. They're fucking hot, man."
I hate simps too but it doesn't affect you or me in the slightest. Just laugh at them and move on.

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So does she ever get naked or show feet?

Streaming was a mistake

kill yourself zoomer
fucking retard

What is wrong with this?
If it works for her, fuck the guys who donate to them. If it doesn't work for her, she'll have to do something else. Either way you morons don't even realize this is literally just her building up her audience for findom-type obsessions. It's a calculated move but you retards can't see past her tits to realize it.

i just tune in on mute and coooooooooooooom

>i want to be the pillow of a 7/10
Why aim so low?

>at 24 seconds when the dog gets right in there when she's upside down

if that dog has a dick she's probably had it in her, what a freak

Video game streaming has never been better though.

Attached: cute aussie.png (1280x720, 959.14K)

>high quality game like oblivion.
nice b8

nah user, I just watched a guy grind and then beat the DS world record the other day and it was still pretty good. You just want to watch attention whore streamers and get away with it, but you can't.

>This post kills the coomer

There are still people who just stream video games for the sake of it. However, they don't get many views, and I don't think you were there but it was the same in the past as well. Streaming was fully monetized and now you have these streamers who pull in thousands of viewers, but these viewers they're getting are not from the old audience, nor would bother watching any real video games streams.

Basically, Jews took the idea of streaming games and re-marketed it towards kids and casuals as a new form of entertainment (As a sort of online host/entertainer) that simply used video games as a platform.......and it was a huge hit. It's pretty much what happened to Yas Forums too, although without the profits.

Simps like you didn't exist back then, because you are the product of feminist brainwashing.

cause she has nice legs and sits on them in revealing outfits in regular intervals

there's a hot clip of her spreading her toes in tights saying it looks like her feet are webbed